ObjectStorage Config - bcgov/SIMS GitHub Wiki

Object Storage

Useful links

Government VPN Required


The AWS S3 CLI is useful for testing and works on all platforms, please followthe Official Install Instructions to configure it lcoally.

Mac Install

brew install awscli

Windows Windows

  1. You need Admin rights

  2. Download and run the AWS CLI MSI installer for Windows

    Alternatively, you can run the msiexec commands to run the MSI installer.

    C:\> msiexec.exe /i https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2.msi


Using the CLI tooling you do not need to have VPN running.

Verify AWS CLI installed:

> aws --version
aws-cli/2.16.10 Python/3.11.9 Darwin/23.5.0 source/arm64

Verify connectivity to SIMS local dev bucket:

You will need to get the config and credentials files from Jason/Stephen. These files need to be added or appended in the .aws dictory or equivalent to verify using the CLI tooling.

> aws s3 ls s3://sims-local --profile sims-local
2024-07-30 13:47:39          0 Dummy file to be uploaded.txt

At this point, you may want to try out aws s3 cp and aws s3 rm

Note: S3 Policy has been applied to prevent accessing the other buckets from outside of OpenShift.

Application Integration

You will need a Javascript/Typescript library to interact with S3. Libraries have not been evaluated yet but some to investigate include:

  1. AWS JS Client
  2. NestJS S3

Configuring Object Storage

With your Government VPN running, navigate to the Object Storage Management console.

Typically for every bucket created a bucket policy and a user must be created.

Create Buckets

Navigate to Manage/Buckets and click on Create Bucket

As per the image below, add a relevant name and set the bucket owner to urn:ecs:iam::psfs-sims:root Bucket 1 image

Click NEXT, and click on the Server-side Encryption toggle Bucket 2 image

Click NEXT and then click Save Bucket 3 image

Do this for all buckets that need to be created.

Create Bucket Policies

Navigate to Manage/Identity and Access (S3) and click on Policies

Select psfs_sims from the dropdown, then click the New Policy button

On the first screen fill in the fields as shown: Policy 1 image

Click on the JSON Editor and paste the contents below modified to match the buckets you're granting access

A sample policy for Open Development use:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0"

A production policy to restrict usage to OpenShift Silver

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Condition": {
        "ForAnyValue:IpAddress": {
          "aws:SourceIp": [
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0"

Which should look something like Policy 2 image

Click Next

and then save on the final screen Policy 3 image

Create User

Navigate to Manage/Identity and Access (S3) and click on Users

Select psfs_sims from the dropdown, then click the New User button

Enter a Name and click Next User 1 image

Click on Attach Policies and select the policy that you created then click Next. User 2 image

Click Next Again (Add tag UI), then click Create User User 3 image

Click on the Download CSV button to save the credentials and supply them to Jason for long term storage.

Click Complete