3.0 Institution Account - bcgov/SIMS GitHub Wiki
3.1 Manage Institution Account
3.1.1 Institution Login
Institution logs in for the first time and sets up an account through the use of a Business or Basic BCeID.
Process Description:
Institution users are required to have a Business or Basic BCeID to log in and authenticate their identity. The BCeID attributes are read-only. If the Institution does not have a Business BCeID, they will be directed to the Business BCeID site.
In those cases where an Institution is unable to obtain a Business BCeID under current verification criteria, the Institution can request that SABC create an account with Basic BCeID credentials.
3.1.2 Provide Account Information
Institution adds required, contact information to their account after an initial log in.
Process Description:
Institution provides operating name, address, contact details, legal signing authority contact information and regulating body information. Information received from Business BCeID (FirstName, LastName and Institution Information readonly) can be viewed on the Institution account but it is greyed out and cannot be updated.
3.1.3 Update Account Information
Once logged in the Institution user will complete/update their profile by proving their account information.
Process Description:
Institution users are required to provide institution, primary contact and mailing address details at initial login to complete their profile. Information received from Business BCeID (First Name, Last Name and Institution Information read-only) can be viewed on the Institution account but it is greyed out and cannot be updated from within SIMS.
Institution users can update their profile information at any point, as needed.
3.1.4 Institution Home Page
This is the Institution user landing page.
Process Description:
Once the Institution user has successfully logged in to SIMS they will be taken to the landing page. From this page, an Institution user can manage locations, contact the help center or reference SABC support materials such as the policy manual.
3.2 Create / Update Institution Locations
3.2.1 Create Institution Locations
Institution can create and update institution location(s).
Process Description:
An Institution user can create one or more locations by entering location details and primary contact information for each location. Primary contact information can be updated anytime, as needed.
3.2.2 Edit Institution Locations
Institution can edit an institution location.
Process Description:
When an Institution selects the edit button on the locations summary page, they are directed to the edit location details page. They can edit all fields. [This does not need to be submitted to formio. Information will be saved to SIMSDB and will not trigger a re-approval.]
3.3 Institution Manage Users
3.3.1 Institution Adds Users and Roles
An Institution Admin user can add other institution users and roles to the institution account and locations. An Institution Admin user can also remove user access to locations and/or disable users. Only Admin and Legal Signing Authorities have permissions to edit institution details.
Process Description:
On account setup, the first Institution Admin User is established. The Institution Admin user can add users as long as their UserID (GUID) exists within a Business Account at BCeID. In the case of a Basic BCeID account created by the Ministry, user details will be retrieved based on the username and once added, the Institution will be able to manage it.
Admin users assign location(s) to non-Admin users. The Legal Signing Authority is a high level role that can manage designations. Only one Admin user can hold the role of Legal Signing Authority for an institution at a time. The Location Manager is a location-specific authority who can edit details for assigned locations only.
3.4 Institution Designation
3.4.1 Institution Requests Designation
An institution can request designation for its locations. The Ministry can manage designation requests.
Process Description:
Designation is the process of an Institution signing an agreement with SABC in order to to be eligible for students to apply for funding. A designation request is offered to Canadian and international institutions. On click of "manage designation", Institution views designation summary page. Under the institution profile, in the designation tab, the institution designation summary page is displayed. While viewing a pending designation request on the Ministry side, a Ministry user can approve or decline. They can also re-approve a designation agreement with different dates/locations. If a designation request is declined, it can never be approved. A new designation request must be submitted. Once approved, students will be able to select the institution and programs in their application.
Note: A user must be a Legal Signing Authority to request a designation.
3.5 Manage Education Program and Offering
3.5.1 Institution Manages Programs and Offerings
Institution users can create and edit programs and offerings. Programs are created on the institution account and once created they are available by default for all locations. Offerings are always tagged to a specific location.
Process Description:
Institution users can create programs and study period offerings by entering tombstone information.
3.5.2 Ministry User Approves/Denies Pending Offering
Ministry user can approve or deny pending offerings.
Process Description:
A Ministry user can approve or deny offering change requests from an Institution. If approved, all students are re-linked to the new offering and reassessment is triggered for all affected students. If declined, the offering is marked as declined and there is no further processing.