Workflow Assess Disposal - bcgov/PIMS GitHub Wiki

Access Surplus Property Process Project Request

A Surplus Property Process Project Request will be reviewed by SRES to determine whether it can be added to the Enhanced Referral Program or the Surplus Property List.


To assist SRES to follow policy when assessing a Surplus Property Process Project Request the following process is provided.

  1. Review Project Information and Properties
  2. Received and Reviewed Documentation
  3. Appraisal
    1. Appraisal Ordered
    2. Appraisal Received
    3. Review Completed
  4. First Nation Consultation
    1. Strength of Claim
    2. In Consultation
    3. Agreement Received
  5. Approval for Enhanced Referral Program (ERP)
  6. Approval for Surplus Property List (SPL)
  7. Denial

Project Status

# Name Code Description Valid Transition
1 Property Review AS-I Property information review AS-D, AP-ERP, AP-SPL, DE
2 Document Review AS-D Required documentation review AS-AP, AP-ERP, AP-SPL, DE
3 Appraisal Review AS-AP Appraisal process AS-FNC, AP-ERP, AP-SPL, DE
4 First Nation Consultation AS-FNC First Nation Consultation process AP-ERP, AP-SPL, DE
5 Approved to ERP AP-ERP Project has been approved for ERP
6 Approved to SPL AP-SPL Project has been approved for SPL
7 Denial DE Project has been denied


Tasks provide a way to add check-lists to each project status. Each task can be optional or required, making it a way to ensure all steps are performed before transitioning to another project status.

Status Code Name Required Description
AS-D Documents received, reviewed and approved yes Required Documentation
AS-AP Appraisal Ordered no
AS-AP Appraisal Received no
AS-AP Review Completed no
AS-FNC Strength of Claim no
AS-FNC In Consultation no
AS-FNC Agreement Received no
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