TransitionPlan - bcgov/PIMS GitHub Wiki

Transition Plan

The PIMS solution will provide a geo-spatial inventory of properties to assist Strategic Real Estate Services branch of Real Property Division to manage and oversee the disposal of assets surplus to government, optimize the benefits to the government and citizens of BC related to the management of public real estate assets, and be a trusted source for accurate information for Government owned titled property.

Transition Roadmap

Each milestone represents a core subject area that is required to support PIMS. Each milestone will have one month to learn, understand, and begin participating in the development lifecycle. Each milestone is composed of numerous related subjects (each of which require more than a month of training, exposure, experience).

Milestone Details
Onboarding Introductions, Scrum, Access, Participation
1 Local Environments Setup Docker, Docker-Compose, Git, Tooling, Testing, Configuration, Pull Requests
2 PIMS Solution SPP, Inventory, Mapping, Light Workflow Engine, Notifications, Stakeholders
3 Frontend development JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Formik, CSS, Unit Tests, Leaflet, GIS
4 Backend development API, C#, .NET Core, MVC, DI, DB Migrations, Entity Framework, LINQ, Unit Test, GIS, Oauth, Open ID Connect
5 Infrastructure OpenShift, Environments, GitHub, CHES, Geocoder, SonarQube, SQL Server, Backup, Monitoring, Kibana, Grafana, BrowserStack, Keycloak
6 DevOps GitHub Actions, Jenkins, CI/CD, Pipelines, Versioning, Linting, Kubernetes,

Additional Information