Map Expectations - bcgov/PIMS GitHub Wiki

What happens when the map is displayed initially? Are there any highlights on the map? Are there any special actions available when there is nothing selected?


Initial display

Map should show all of BC

Show PINS for properties that belong to the current user’s Agency

No filter applied

Q: What happens when a user clicks a parcel marker? Does the map zoom/move?

What is displayed on the map?

does anything change in the URL?

Mikaela: not sure what would be implications of it changing or staying the same

User could bookmark and come back to it or copy it and give it to a colleague

do we need to highlight parcels?

What links are displayed on the slideout?

Does any of the above change when inventory is open? If so, are there any differences for view/edit? Do we need some way of indicating what the active parcel is so the user knows what is displayed in the slideout?


User clicks a parcel marker

Map should move to centre to that marker and zoom into it - define this

Selected marker should be highlighted (so that the user can see which marker corresponds to current info shown in the slide-out)

The parcel outline should appear on the map

Mikaela Answer: yes the parcels associated with the current select PIN should be highlighted PA-2795: associated parcels highlighted please TO DO

The Property Info slide-out panel should appear on the screen

links to buildings or associated parcels that open in a new tab - story is in the backlog

User opens the inventory (left side panel)

Map should remain zoomed into the parcel so all the pins in the selected property are exploded

Possible UX issue:

Click a pin

Open inventory FORM using "view details" or "update"

Click a different pin in the property set

Result - Property info panel changes, but the inventory panel doesn't - implication is that a user could click a pin and be changing info in the inventory about the wrong pin

I've added a backlog item to show the property name at the top of the inventory which I think will help UX on this behaviour PA-2744: UX improvement - Add building/land name to the top of the view/edit screenDONE

User searches for a Location (example "Sooke")

The map should zoom to show the markers associated with that region

If there are misplaced markers, like in Prince George, they should be visible too so the zoom wouldn't be as close-up as if the markers are all placed in Sooke.

Q: What happens when a user clicks a building marker? Does the map zoom/move? What is displayed on the map? does anything change in the URL? do we need to highlight parcels? What links are displayed on the slideout? Does any of the above change when inventory is open? If so, are there any differences for view/edit? Do we need some way of indicating what the active parcel is so the user knows what is displayed in the slideout?


When a user clicks a building marker

Selected marker should be highlighted (so that the user can see which marker corresponds to current info shown in the slide-out)

The Building Info slide-out panel should appear on the screen

The map should not need to zoom or move

Q: When inventory FORM is open, are there any differences in the map display? Should any markers be filtered/displayed differently? What should be displayed on the current marker being viewed/edited? What happens when you click another marker when editing/viewing inventory? What happens when you click on the map when viewing inventory Should the map jump to the active property? Should draft markers be displayed? When/How? What happens if you click a draft marker?


When inventory is open

No action (zoom/move) required for the map

When adding a property, the draft marker should be indicated (flashing?)

When editing a property, the pin should be indicated - can be same as the draft pin (flashing)

When another marker is clicked with the inventory open, the info for the clicked pin should show in the info slide-out (right hand side) but not in the inventory FORM panel. I've added a backlog item PA-2744 to show the property name at the top of the inventory which I think will help UX on this behaviour

Updating a property:

Clicking update in the property info panel opens the inventory panel and should zoom/centre the map on the pin that is being updated. (Currently this makes the map zoom out )

PA-2792: Property should not zoom out when clicking Update from the slide out.DONE

Clicking SAVE

inventory form stays open

ability to click modify or add land button at the bottom of form

After updating a parcel

Clicking SAVE

inventory form stays open

ability to click modify or add land button at the bottom of form

PA-2794: Modify or Add a building button at the bottom of the parcel form ON HOLD

Created from PA-2621 Story in Jira

Q: After submitting a property, what should be displayed? Does the map need to highlight anything? Does the map need to move? What should be displayed for a single property? What should be displayed for a property with multiple associations?


Adding a property

No map action - user can zoom in or move the map themselves.

After submitting a property

Draft pin changes to a "real" pin (building/land/subdivision)

Inventory form panel closes