MSSQL Database Migration - bcgov/PIMS GitHub Wiki

Migrating MSSQL Database between Namespaces by restoring from backup container

Step 1: Set Up the Target Database

  1. Create the new database in the target namespace using the database deployment config.
  2. Setup an image stream for the official Microsoft SQL Server image.
  3. Create a deployment configuration for MSSQL within your target namespace. This configuration defines how the MSSQL container should run.
  4. Attach a persistent volume to the MSSQL pod, ensuring data persistence even if the pod restarts or moves to a different node.
  5. Specify the mount path as /var/opt/mssql in the deployment configuration, ensuring that the database files are stored persistently.
  6. Add Env variables to Deployment config:
    • SA_PASSWORD: Set a secure password for the SA (System Administrator) account.
    • DB_NAME: Specify the name of the database you want to create.
    • DB_PASSWORD: Define the password for the database user.
    • DB_USER: Set the username for accessing the database.

Step 2: Prepare the Source Database A. Navigate to the Source Database Pod in OpenShift

  • Open Pod Terminal:
    • Use the OpenShift Console or local terminal (by using openshift login) and navigate to the namespace containing the backup MSSQL database.
    • oc project sourceNamespace
    • oc exec -it source-database-pod -- /bin/bash
  • Check for Daily Backups:
    • Navigate to the directory where daily backups are stored and confirm their existence.
    • Example:
      cd backups/daily

B. Download the Backup Files

  • Use oc rsync to Download Backups:
    • Utilize the oc rsync command to download the backup files from the source pod to your local machine.
    • Example command: Replace "pims-backup-11-2h4qb" with your actual source pod name
      oc rsync pims-backup-11-2h4qb:/backups/daily/ ./daily

C. Upload the Backup to the Target Pod

  • Switch to Target Namespace:
    • Move to your local terminal and switch to the source database namespace.
    • oc project targetNamespace
  • Use oc rsync to Upload Backups to Target Pod:
    • Employ the oc rsync command to upload the downloaded backup files to the target pod.
    • Example command: Replace "pims-database-1-7f84t" with your actual target pod name
      oc rsync ./daily/2023-10-26 pims-database-1-7f84t:/var/opt/mssql

Step 3: Restore the Backup A. Navigate to the New Database Pod Terminal

  • Access Pod Terminal:
    • Use the OpenShift Console or CLI to navigate to the namespace containing the new MSSQL database pod.
    • Example: Assuming your pod is named "new-database-pod" in the "targetNamespace"
      oc exec -it new-database-pod -- /bin/bash
  • Check the Upload:
    • Navigate to the directory where the backup files were uploaded and confirm their presence.
    • cd /var/opt/mssql

B. Login to the Database Server Using SA Credentials

  • Use SQLCMD to Login:
    • Login to the MSSQL database server in the pod terminal using the SA credentials provided in the deployment config.
    • Example:
      /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P 'Pass123!'

C. Restore the Backup

    • Restore the database from the backup file. Modify the path to the backup file according to your directory structure and file names.
    • Example: assuming the backup file name to be "2023-10-26/backupFile"
      RESTORE DATABASE YourNewDatabaseName
      FROM DISK = '/var/opt/mssql/2023-10-26/backupFile'
      WITH REPLACE; #if the database already existed

Troubleshooting Access Issues

A. Login Issues with DB_USER Login

  • Attempt DB_USER Login:

    • Try logging in using the DB_USER login created during the deployment configuration.
  • Create DB_USER User if Login Fails

    • CREATE LOGIN DB_USER # replace db_user with the username
      WITH PASSWORD = 'abcd'; # use the password and username provided in the deployment config
      -- Connect to the database
      USE YourNewDatabaseName;
  • Check Access with Admin Login:

    • Attempt to access the database using the newly created admin login.
      -- Connect to the database
      USE YourNewDatabaseName;
  • Error on Access Rights:

    • If access rights errors occur, log in with the SA account and provide permissions to the “DB_USER“
      -- Connect to the database using SA
      USE YourNewDatabaseName;
      -- Grant necessary access rights to the DB_USER user
      EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'DB_USER';
      EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'DB_USER';