DAL - bcgov/PIMS GitHub Wiki

PIMS Data Access Layer (DAL)

The Data Access Layer (DAL) is a .Net Core 3.1 library that provides access to the datasource. It is the only way to acces the database.

It provides access through the design pattern of Services. Each service provides functions which can interact with objects within the datasource.

The DAL enforces authentication and authorization accross all functions to ensure users only have access and abilities that match their claims.

The following services are supported;

Name Description
User User activation, Manage Access Requests
Lookup Various lists and select options
Property Search for properties
Building Building CRUD
Parcel Parcel CRUD
Project Project CRUD
Workflow Fetch project workflows
Project Status Fetch project status
Task Fetch project tasks
Project Notification Fetch project notifications
Notification Template Fetch notification templates
Notification Queue Access notification queue

Additionally there are the following admin services;

Name Description
Agency Manage agencies
User Manage users
Role Manage roles
Claim Manage claims
Address Address CRUD
City Manage cities
Province Manage provinces
Property Classification Manage property classifications
Property Type Manage property types
Building Construction Type Manage building construction types
Building Predominate Use Manage building predominate uses
Project Risk Manage project risks
Project Status Manage project status
Tier Level Manage project tier levels
Workflow Manage Light Workflow Engine
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