BMA231 VII: Expression analysis - bcfgothenburg/HT24 GitHub Wiki

Course: HT24 Next Generation Sequencing data analysis with clinical applications (BMA231)

The aim of this practical is to introduce you to a general workflow to analyze bulk RNAseq data. To be able to work within the allocated time, you will be processing just a portion of the real dataset to illustrate the overall workflow. For the interpretation of the results, you will be provided with the results of the entire dataset. This will be indicated accordingly.

The Data

You will be working with data from an article, where Pierce et. al. compared bulk RNA sequencing from pedriatic and adult patients with COVID-19. They provided direct evidence of a more vigorous early mucosal immune response in children compared with adults, suggesting that this contributes to favorable clinical outcomes.

Their entire data is available at GEO under GSM5251610, we will be working only with a subset to exemplify how to generate the counts matrix, and we will be using the entire dataset for the differential expression (DE) analysis.

Data File
Raw data (complete dataset) all_raw_data.html
Aligned data (complete dataset) all_aligned_data.html
Alignments (partial dataset) SRR14267546_chr18_star.bam, SRR14267547_chr18_star.bam, SRR14267548_chr18_star.bam, SRR14267549_chr18_star.bam
Counts matrix (complete dataset) covid_counts.tsv
Metadata (complete dataset) covid_metadata.tsv

You find this files in CANVAS under the Expression analysis module:

  • covid_counts.tsv
  • covid_metadata.tsv
  • GRCh38_90.bed

Sequencing data pre-processing

Quality check with FastQC and MultiQC

As we have learnt, the first thing to do when you receive data is to check its quality. Then trim the data based on quality, and after inspection, map the reads to a reference genome.

It is also important to get familiar with any extra information related to our data, what we call metadata. Have a look at the sample information file covid_metadata.tsv. There are 15 samples from adults and 6 from children, where 12 are males and 9 are females. This metadata will be important to assess any biases in the DE analysis.

Click here for output

These samples were analyzed with FastQC in Galaxy (all_raw_data.html). Then they were filtered with TrimGalore! using default parameters. Since we are dealing with RNA, the mapping was done with STAR, an aligner that can handle the non-contiguous transcript structure of RNAseq experiments (also with default parameters). Some statistics were generated with samtools, and all the resulting files were compiled in a MultiQC html report (all_aligned_data.html).

Inspect the all_raw_data.html report.

Q1. What can you conclude about the initial quality of the reads?
Focus on Basic Statistics, Per base sequence quality, Per sequence quality scores, Per base sequence content, Sequence Length Distribution, Sequende Duplication Levels and Adapter Content

Click here for output
30.9 M is the least amount of reads, it is enough to proceed.
We directly see we have duplications, typical for an RNAseq experiment
All sample quality is ok, maybe a little too good, so maybe there was already some trimming
All samples fail the per base sequence content.
There is a bias a the beginning of the reads, which in this case is
expected and shows enzymatic shearing

For the sequence duplication levels, all fail
there is a high rate of duplication, but this is expected since it
is RNA sequencing data, which shows how much a gene is being expressed,
thus the more duplications the more expression
RNAseq tends to have different sizes of cDNA fragments.
This can be seen in the sequencing of the adapter since the cycles
(length of the read) are always fixed.
For instance if a cDNA fragment is 50 bp, and we are sequencing 100 cycles,
50 bp will be from the adapter.
Adapter trimming is needed to remove this artifact

Now look at the all_aligned_data.html report:

Q2. What is the highest number of sequences that were removed during the filtering process?

Are there any low mapping samples? If there are, what would be your approach to investigate the source of the low amount of reads mapped?

Looking at the XY counts, can you determine how many are females and how many are males? Do they match the annotation we have from the covid_metadata.tsv?

Looking at the Mapped reads per contig, do all the samples have the same coverage over the chromosomes? If not, mention some examples

Looking at the STAR summary, what do you think about the aligment of all samples?

Click here for output
The higher number of sequences removed accounts for a 3.7% (SRR1426764)
so not many reads were removed in general
there are 3 samples with low mapping number of sequences:
  53 (baby) 41.8%
  62 (pool sample) 36.8%
  63 (pool sample) 16.0%

We could map the reads to other organisms,
or use some reads and blast them to identify what are the
non-mapping reads and try to figure out if
there was any contamination
Listed are females according to the metadata.
All have low Y content (homologous sequences between X and Y)
except for those indicated with a %

SRR14267564 - 5%
SRR14267565 - 8%

If this is relevant for the analysis this needs further investigation
in terms of mapped read, chr14 seems to have higher coverage
in some samples than others,
the same in chr21 and MT, after the analysis we could check if
statistically significant DE genes contribute to this behaviour
As seen before, there are 3 samples with low mapping %,
and we see here that it is due to too short reads

Gene counts

For this part, you will be using Galaxy.

  • Log in into your account
  • Create a history called RNAseq practical. You do this in the right History panel.

You will be analyzing only 4 of the 21 samples with data from chr18, since we just want to exemplify the workflow. The data was extracted from the complete alignments.

Upload your data

  • Click on Upload Data on the left menu

  • The Download from Disk or Web window will open

  • Click on Choose local file

  • Select all of four BAM files

  • Genome --> Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38) (hg38)

  • Click on Start

    Click here for output
  • Wait until the data has been uploaded

    • You will see that both of your jobs were added on the History panel

Alignment QC with RseQC

RSeQC is a package that provides a number of useful modules to evaluate RNA-seq data. Here we will check:

  • the distribution of reads across known gene features (Read distribution),
  • check if there is any bias in coverage (Gene body coverage) and,
  • check the strandness (Infer Experiment)

which will help us to correctly set the parameters when we do the gene counting. And then we'll gather results with MultiQC.

For most of these calculations we need a file describing the genes within our genome. This is usually a tab delimited file (BED format) with information about where the genes/exons are located. To make this quicker, use the hg38.90_chr18.bed which contains information only from chr18.

  • Click on Upload Data on the left menu

  • The Download from Disk or Web window will open

  • Click on Choose local file

  • Select hg38.90_chr18.bed file

  • Type --> bed12

  • Genome --> Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38) (hg38)

  • Click on Start

    Click here for output

Read distribution

  • Search for Read Distribution in the Tools panel
  • Click on the tool
  • Set the following parameters as indicated:
    • Input BAM/SAM file
      • Select the icon for Multiple datasets
      • Select all four alignments --> *chr18_star.bam
    • Reference gene model --> hg38.90_chr18.bed
    • Click Run Tool
      Click here for output

Gene body coverage

  • Search for Gene Body Coverage (BAM) in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Run each sample separately, or combine mutiple samples into one plot --> Combine multiple samples into a single plot
    • Input .bam file(s)
      • Select the icon for Multiple datasets
      • Select all four alignments --> *chr18_star.bam
    • Reference gene model --> hg38.90_chr18.bed
    • Click Run Tool
      Click here for output

Infer experiment

  • Search for Infer experiment in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Input BAM file
      • Select the icon for Multiple datasets
      • Select all four alignments --> *chr18_star.bam
    • Reference gene model --> hg38.90_chr18.bed
    • Click Run Tool
      Click here for output

Compiling results with MultiQC

  • Search for MultiQC in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Which tool was used generate logs? --> RSeQC

    • RSeQC output --> Type of RSeQC output? --> Read distribution

    • RSeQC read distribution: stats output --> all Read Distribution on data X and data X files

    • Click on Insert RSeQC ouptut

    • Type of RSeQC output? --> Gene body coverage

    • RSeQC gene body_coverage: stats file --> Gene Body Coverage (BAM) on data X and data X, and others: stats (TXT) files

    • Click on Insert RSeQC ouptut

    • Type of RSeQC output? --> Infer experiment

    • RSeQC infer experiment: configuration output --> all Infer Experiment on data X and data X: RNA-seq experiment configuration files

    • Report title --> Aligned data extra stats

    • Custom comment --> Aligned data extra stats

    • Click Run Tool

      Click here for output

Q3. To which region are most of the reads mapping? Why?
What can you conclude frome the Gene body coverage plot?
Which library protocol was used for these samples (stranded, reverse stranded or unstranded)?

Click here for output
Our reads mapped mostrly towards introns. Depending on the
protocol used, if we are using total RNA
then we will be having immature transcripts and non-coding
that are not really counted in RSeQC, alternatively maybe
the version of the genome used to map vs the one used to
check the distribution are differents (this would be the
first to check)

We see a Bias towards 5', this can be due to the library
prepartion, like ribo minus and stranded protocols

We have a reverse stranded protocol since most of the
reads were antisense. This is important to know for the
counting process

Gene count with featureCounts

Let's count the number of reads that are aligned towards the genes so we can assess gene expression. There are multiple tools to extract the gene counts, here we will be using featureCounts.

  • Search for featureCounts in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Alignment file

      • Select the icon for Multiple datasets
      • Select all four alignments --> *chr18_star.bam
    • Specify strand information --> Stranded (Reverse)

    • Gene annotation file --> featureCounts built-in

    • Select built-in genome --> hg38

    • Does the input have read pairs? --> Yes, paired-end and count them as 1 single fragment

    • Read filtering options

      • Minimum mapping quality per read --> 20
    • Click Run Tool

      Click here for output

You will get 2 output files per sample:

  1. One labeled as Counts: featureCounts on data X: Counts

    • Click on the eye icon
      This file contains all the genes and their corresponding counts (or expression values).
      Most are ceros because we only have data from chr18

      Click here for output
  2. The second file is labeled as Summary: featureCounts on data X: Summary

    • Click on the eye icon
      This file tells you how the different reads (or fragments in our case) were found according to the gene location.
      Click here for output

Remember, you can use MultiQC to gather this information and have an overall visual representation of all the samples.

Click here for output

Now let's gather the information to create the count matrix, which will be the input in the DE analysis.

  • Search for Column Join on multiple datasets in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Tabular files
      • Select the icon for Multiple datasets
      • Select all four Counts files --> featureCounts on data X: Counts
    • Identifier column --> 1
    • Number of header lines in each input file --> 1
    • Add column name to header --> No
    • Click Run Tool
      Click here for output

The output file will look like:

As you see, the identifiers of the genes are ENTREZ IDs. Let's change it to a more meaningful name (for us):

  • Search for annotateMyIDs in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • File with IDs --> Column join on data X, data X, and others
    • File has header? --> Yes
    • Organism --> Human
    • ID Type --> Entrez
    • Output columns --> Select ENSEMBL, ENTREZID and SYMBOL (just for demonstration purposes)
    • Click Run Tool
      Click here for output

The output file will contain columns with different identifiers (the ones you chose).

Click here for output

Now we need to merge both tables:

  • Search for Join two Datasets in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Join --> Column join on data X, data X, and others
    • using column --> Column: 1 (GeneID column)
    • with --> annotateMyIds on data X: Annotated IDS
    • and column --> Column 1: Entrez (EntrezID)
    • Keep lines of first input that do not join with second input --> Yes
    • Keep lines of first input that are incomplete --> No
    • Fill empty columns --> No
    • Keep the header lines --> Yes
    • Click Execute
    Click here for output

The output file will contain all columns from both tables.

Click here for output

And finally, we select the important columns:

  • Search for Cut in the Tools panel

  • Click on the tool

  • Set the following parameters as indicated:

    • Cut columns --> c8,c2,c3,c4,c5
    • Delimited by --> Tab
    • From --> Join two Datasets on data X and data X
    • Click Run Tool
    Click here for output

This last table is the input for the DE analysis, where each column is a sample, each row is a gene and each value is the expression value (raw counts).

Click here for output

DE analysis with DESeq

Now you will use DESeq2, an R package that estimates variance-mean dependence in count data from high-throughput sequencing assays and tests for differential expression based on a model using the negative binomial distribution.

In most of the cases, you should copy/paste the code. There will be some instances where you will be asked to decide on a value/threshold/color and this will be highlighted in bold within the instructions and in CAPS within the code.

The Data

covid_counts.tsv contains the complete dataset of samples (21 in our case) covering all the annotated genes in the human genome. Each column represents a sample while each row represents a gene.

covid_metadata.tsv is a metadata file. This contains information about the samples that can help us later on to investigate batch effects or confounding elements, among others.

Start R in your local computer.

Select your working directory (where you saved the annotated files): Session -> Set Working Directory -> Choose directory

Let’s load the packages we will be using:

# Install them first if you don't have them already
# if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#    install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("DESeq2")
# BiocManager::install('EnhancedVolcano')
# install.packages("pheatmap")
# install.packages("knitr")
# install.packages("tidyverse")

# Load required packages

library(DESeq2)           # DE analysis
library(pheatmap)         # heatmaps
library(knitr)            # tables
library(ggplot2)          # plots
library(EnhancedVolcano)  # volcano plot

Load the data

Now let's read the counts and the metadata. In the code below, replace the text with your file name. Make sure the name is within double quotes:

# Reading the counts data

counts<-read.table("WRITE_THE_NAME_OF_THE_COUNTS_FILE", sep="\t",
                   header=T, row.names=1,
# Inspecting the file
Click here for output
            SRR14267546 SRR14267547 SRR14267548 SRR14267549 SRR14267550
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               25         145          65          48         100
MIR6859-1             0          23          15           5          31
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267551 SRR14267552 SRR14267553 SRR14267554 SRR14267555
DDX11L1               0           0           4           0           0
WASH7P               94          97          41          65          67
MIR6859-1             6           8           2           4          34
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267556 SRR14267557 SRR14267558 SRR14267559 SRR14267560
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               69          70          90          59          60
MIR6859-1            21          12           2           4           6
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267561 SRR14267562 SRR14267563 SRR14267564 SRR14267565
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               67          26           8          67         174
MIR6859-1             3           0           2           0          26
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
DDX11L1               0
WASH7P              135
MIR6859-1            38
MIR1302-2HG           0
MIR1302-2             0
FAM138A               0

# Reading the sample information (metadata)

sampleInfo<-read.table("WRITE_THE_NAME_OF_THE_METADATA_FILE", sep="\t",
                   header=T, row.names=1,
Click here for output
                group    sex   age
SRR14267546     adult   male 19.00
SRR14267547 pediatric female 10.00
SRR14267548 pediatric   male  9.00
SRR14267549 pediatric   male 10.00
SRR14267550     adult   male 20.00
SRR14267551     adult female 30.00
SRR14267552     adult   male 19.00
SRR14267553 pediatric   male  0.42
SRR14267554 pediatric female  1.00
SRR14267555     adult   male 71.00
SRR14267556 pediatric   male  5.00
SRR14267557     adult   male 58.00
SRR14267558     adult female 89.00
SRR14267559     adult female 54.00
SRR14267560     adult female 76.00
SRR14267561     adult   male 71.00
SRR14267562     adult   male 40.00
SRR14267563     adult   male 59.00
SRR14267564     adult female 58.00
SRR14267565     adult female 20.00
SRR14267566     adult female 82.00

Exploratory analysis

Let's create some summary graphs, run the following code:

# sex distribution
# Creating a data frame with frequencies
sex <- data.frame(round(100*table(sampleInfo$sex)/nrow(sampleInfo),2))
colnames(sex) <- c("sex","freq")
# Plotting pie chart
ggplot(sex, aes(x="", y=freq, fill=sex))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_polar("y", start=0) +
  theme_void() +
  geom_text(aes(label = paste0(freq, "%")), position = position_stack(vjust=0.5))
Click here for output
     sex  freq
1 female 42.86
2   male 57.14

Q4. What is the distribution between adults and children? Replace sex with group in the previous code:

Click here for output
# groupdistribution
# Creating a data frame with frequenciesgroup <- data.frame(round(100*table(sampleInfo$group)/nrow(sampleInfo),2))
colnames(group) <- c("group","freq")
# Plotting pie chart
ggplot(group, aes(x="", y=freq, fill=group))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_polar("y", start=0) +
  theme_void() +
  geom_text(aes(label = paste0(freq, "%")), position = position_stack(vjust=0.5))
      group  freq
1     adult 71.43
2 pediatric 28.57

Now let's see how the ages are distributed across the groups, using a heatmap:

# age distribution
ggplot(sampleInfo, aes(x=age, fill=group)) +
  geom_histogram( bins=10)
Click here for output

Q5. Create a boxplot showing the age distribution per group. Use
ggplot(... , aes(x=... , y=...)) + geom_boxplot()
Replace the ... for the data variable, the column you want in the x axis and the column you want in the y axis. You could have a look at this tutorial if you need help.

Click here for output
# age distribution
       aes(x=group, y=age, fill=group)) +

Set up the sample information

Now we need to add the group information so we can test differences between them, and create an object (using the DESeqDataSetFromMatrix() function) that merges the counts data with the metadata:

# Defining the sample grouping
condition <- data.frame(condition=sampleInfo$group)
Click here for output
1      adult
2  pediatric
3  pediatric
4  pediatric
5      adult
6      adult
7      adult
8  pediatric
9  pediatric
10     adult
11 pediatric
12     adult
13     adult
14     adult
15     adult
16     adult
17     adult
18     adult
19     adult
20     adult
21     adult
# Creating the DESeqDataSet
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=counts,
                              design =~condition)
Click here for output
class: DESeqDataSet
dim: 56648 21
metadata(1): version
assays(1): counts
rownames(56648): DDX11L1 WASH7P ... AC213203.1 FAM231D
rowData names(0):
colnames(21): SRR14267546 SRR14267547 ... SRR14267565 SRR14267566
colData names(1): condition
# Having a look at the data
Click here for output
            SRR14267546 SRR14267547 SRR14267548 SRR14267549 SRR14267550
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               25         145          65          48         100
MIR6859-1             0          23          15           5          31
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267551 SRR14267552 SRR14267553 SRR14267554 SRR14267555
DDX11L1               0           0           4           0           0
WASH7P               94          97          41          65          67
MIR6859-1             6           8           2           4          34
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267556 SRR14267557 SRR14267558 SRR14267559 SRR14267560
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               69          70          90          59          60
MIR6859-1            21          12           2           4           6
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
            SRR14267561 SRR14267562 SRR14267563 SRR14267564 SRR14267565
DDX11L1               0           0           0           0           0
WASH7P               67          26           8          67         174
MIR6859-1             3           0           2           0          26
MIR1302-2HG           0           0           0           0           0
MIR1302-2             0           0           0           0           0
FAM138A               0           0           0           0           0
DDX11L1               0
WASH7P              135
MIR6859-1            38
MIR1302-2HG           0
MIR1302-2             0
FAM138A               0

Quality check

The next step is a quality check, we need to assess the overall similarity between the groups of samples (since we expect them to cluster based on their expression levels).


One way is through a PCA plot. For this we will use the rlogTransformation() function to transform the count data to the log2scale, and then the plotPCA() function for the plotting:

# Data transformation
rld <- rlogTransformation(dds)
Click here for output
class: DESeqTransform
dim: 56648 21
metadata(1): version
assays(1): ''
rownames(56648): DDX11L1 WASH7P ... AC213203.1 FAM231D
rowData names(7): baseMean baseVar ... dispFit rlogIntercept
colnames(21): SRR14267546 SRR14267547 ... SRR14267565 SRR14267566
colData names(2): condition sizeFactor
# actual data
Click here for output
            SRR14267546 SRR14267547 SRR14267548 SRR14267549 SRR14267550
DDX11L1       -1.923273   -1.922569   -1.934395   -1.921665   -1.932248
WASH7P         5.115100    6.761642    5.595771    5.712984    6.064725
MIR6859-1      2.171499    3.607337    3.058519    2.725726    3.592356
MIR1302-2HG    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
MIR1302-2      0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
FAM138A        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
            SRR14267551 SRR14267552 SRR14267553 SRR14267554 SRR14267555
DDX11L1       -1.932519   -1.932224   -1.672928   -1.922498   -1.925831
WASH7P         5.996572    6.036189    5.947714    5.968002    5.890281
MIR6859-1      2.644762    2.770045    2.564589    2.627999    3.828211
MIR1302-2HG    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
MIR1302-2      0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
FAM138A        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
            SRR14267556 SRR14267557 SRR14267558 SRR14267559 SRR14267560
DDX11L1       -1.923994   -1.925799   -1.932200   -1.923333   -1.915023
WASH7P         5.976639    5.932493    5.965437    5.850565    6.132832
MIR6859-1      3.505530    3.096222    2.343601    2.617128    2.914208
MIR1302-2HG    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
MIR1302-2      0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
FAM138A        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
            SRR14267561 SRR14267562 SRR14267563 SRR14267564 SRR14267565
DDX11L1       -1.921163   -1.900424   -1.874740   -1.922823   -1.925989
WASH7P         6.039762    5.812426    5.567783    5.986319    6.831103
MIR6859-1      2.549226    2.280471    3.031342    2.173275    3.615185
MIR1302-2HG    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
MIR1302-2      0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
FAM138A        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
DDX11L1       -1.931788
WASH7P         6.374360
MIR6859-1      3.760624
MIR1302-2HG    0.000000
MIR1302-2      0.000000
FAM138A        0.000000
# Plotting PCA
Click here for output

Euclidean distance

Another way to evaluate how similar or different the samples are based on the overall difference on gene expression is plotting the euclidean distances. First we calculate the euclidean distance of the transformed data using the dist() function and then we plot the matrix with the pheatmap() function. In the code below, select the colors to be used in the heatmap. Make sure the name is within double quotes:

# Calculating distance among samples
sampleDist <- dist(t(assay(rld)))
Click here for output
            SRR14267546 SRR14267547 SRR14267548 SRR14267549 SRR14267550 SRR14267551 SRR14267552 SRR14267553 SRR14267554 SRR14267555 SRR14267556
SRR14267547   137.84122                                                                                  
SRR14267548   101.33582   104.08855                                                                      
SRR14267549   116.25124   117.75414    84.03942                                                          
SRR14267550   118.95525   138.91810   115.45593   135.38819                                              
SRR14267551   126.61332   102.38889    88.91388   104.67426   135.16465                                  
SRR14267552   115.93196   111.28757    99.08627   114.79165   108.45224   107.62522                      
SRR14267553   130.16385   103.09936    95.87417   105.15393   138.53522    93.67601   108.30340          
SRR14267554   124.06040   126.10440   115.11415   117.65762   117.06748   120.20511   104.17597   122.99441
SRR14267555   137.64428   135.01956   126.05113   135.38028   130.61603   108.97371   119.38040   129.47393   126.50817
SRR14267556   146.33015   121.30757   110.67487   105.75208   163.40416   100.15707   127.60392   107.80711   132.00976   125.89138
SRR14267557   116.31309   128.10088   111.63899   118.54195   103.25506   117.55195    99.37439   124.46284    87.41683   111.24994   134.91532
SRR14267558   112.45035   121.35258    94.90413   101.53486   117.76473   107.25188    98.56184   116.12105    83.65582   120.08287   121.07971
SRR14267559   131.35214   120.52444   117.85610   124.36931   118.88494   119.29375   112.64062   122.20457   105.31552   128.62755   142.48848
SRR14267560   177.84567   150.66197   163.17784   155.96052   188.13818   143.43391   157.23966   152.02485   153.95972   131.63780   135.42347
SRR14267561   122.01652   126.20096   116.73750   125.49290   109.65263   119.86396   105.72186   129.29009   105.47264   107.22889   138.53505
SRR14267562   111.49063   131.50682   107.90759   122.49883   105.25880   134.68345   113.82406   131.08162   120.43249   144.10853   155.87432
SRR14267563   117.67961   134.36849   113.00920   113.09377   114.58256   132.35531   113.74973   133.96773    98.36067   133.70682   138.52119
SRR14267564   122.04712   126.11685   115.93985   119.71505   122.18646   126.55867   110.26409   130.22562   103.07408   132.53655   140.53813
SRR14267565   133.48310   135.49428   121.20408   129.81212   127.15459   138.11683   109.02993   136.27081   106.06974   135.77075   140.56196
SRR14267566   127.67278   135.15633   122.97428   130.45261   111.05707   132.62800   109.08286   137.59213    95.75607   107.58586   142.69650
# Creating a matrix
sampleDistMtx <- as.matrix(sampleDist)
Click here for output
            SRR14267546 SRR14267547 SRR14267548 SRR14267549 SRR14267550 SRR14267551 SRR14267552 SRR14267553 SRR14267554 SRR14267555 SRR14267556
SRR14267546      0.0000    137.8412   101.33582   116.25124    118.9553   126.61332   115.93196   130.16385   124.06040    137.6443    146.3302
SRR14267547    137.8412      0.0000   104.08855   117.75414    138.9181   102.38889   111.28757   103.09936   126.10440    135.0196    121.3076
SRR14267548    101.3358    104.0885     0.00000    84.03942    115.4559    88.91388    99.08627    95.87417   115.11415    126.0511    110.6749
SRR14267549    116.2512    117.7541    84.03942     0.00000    135.3882   104.67426   114.79165   105.15393   117.65762    135.3803    105.7521
SRR14267550    118.9553    138.9181   115.45593   135.38819      0.0000   135.16465   108.45224   138.53522   117.06748    130.6160    163.4042
SRR14267551    126.6133    102.3889    88.91388   104.67426    135.1646     0.00000   107.62522    93.67601   120.20511    108.9737    100.1571
SRR14267552    115.9320    111.2876    99.08627   114.79165    108.4522   107.62522     0.00000   108.30340   104.17597    119.3804    127.6039
SRR14267553    130.1639    103.0994    95.87417   105.15393    138.5352    93.67601   108.30340     0.00000   122.99441    129.4739    107.8071
SRR14267554    124.0604    126.1044   115.11415   117.65762    117.0675   120.20511   104.17597   122.99441     0.00000    126.5082    132.0098
SRR14267555    137.6443    135.0196   126.05113   135.38028    130.6160   108.97371   119.38040   129.47393   126.50817      0.0000    125.8914
SRR14267556    146.3302    121.3076   110.67487   105.75208    163.4042   100.15707   127.60392   107.80711   132.00976    125.8914      0.0000
SRR14267557    116.3131    128.1009   111.63899   118.54195    103.2551   117.55195    99.37439   124.46284    87.41683    111.2499    134.9153
SRR14267558    112.4504    121.3526    94.90413   101.53486    117.7647   107.25188    98.56184   116.12105    83.65582    120.0829    121.0797
SRR14267559    131.3521    120.5244   117.85610   124.36931    118.8849   119.29375   112.64062   122.20457   105.31552    128.6276    142.4885
SRR14267560    177.8457    150.6620   163.17784   155.96052    188.1382   143.43391   157.23966   152.02485   153.95972    131.6378    135.4235
SRR14267561    122.0165    126.2010   116.73750   125.49290    109.6526   119.86396   105.72186   129.29009   105.47264    107.2289    138.5351
SRR14267562    111.4906    131.5068   107.90759   122.49883    105.2588   134.68345   113.82406   131.08162   120.43249    144.1085    155.8743
SRR14267563    117.6796    134.3685   113.00920   113.09377    114.5826   132.35531   113.74973   133.96773    98.36067    133.7068    138.5212
SRR14267564    122.0471    126.1169   115.93985   119.71505    122.1865   126.55867   110.26409   130.22562   103.07408    132.5366    140.5381
SRR14267565    133.4831    135.4943   121.20408   129.81212    127.1546   138.11683   109.02993   136.27081   106.06974    135.7707    140.5620
SRR14267566    127.6728    135.1563   122.97428   130.45261    111.0571   132.62800   109.08286   137.59213    95.75607    107.5859    142.6965
# Adding colors according to the sample group
rownames(sampleInfo) -> rownames(annotation_col)
Click here for output
SRR14267546     adult
SRR14267547 pediatric
SRR14267548 pediatric
SRR14267549 pediatric
SRR14267550     adult
SRR14267551     adult
SRR14267552     adult
SRR14267553 pediatric
SRR14267554 pediatric
SRR14267555     adult
SRR14267556 pediatric
SRR14267557     adult
SRR14267558     adult
SRR14267559     adult
SRR14267560     adult
SRR14267561     adult
SRR14267562     adult
SRR14267563     adult
SRR14267564     adult
SRR14267565     adult
SRR14267566     adult
# Defining the colors to use - SELECT THE COLORS TO BE USED
annotation_colors <- list(Group = c(adult="TYPE_YOUR_COLOR_HERE", pediatric="TYPE_YOUR_COLOR_HERE"))
Click here for output
annotation_colors <- list(Group = c(adult="deeppink3", pediatric="cadetblue2"))
       adult    pediatric
 "deeppink3" "cadetblue2"
# Plotting the distances
pheatmap(sampleDistMtx, cluster_rows=sampleDist, cluster_cols=sampleDist,
         main="Sample distances", fontsize_row=12,
         annotation_col=annotation_col, annotation_colors=annotation_colors)
Click here for output

Q6. What do you conclude from the clustering? Do the PCA and the heatmap reflect each other? Are there any sample outliers?

Click here for output
Most of the adult samples cluster together,
the PCA reflects a quite similar clustering as the heatmap
Would be good to investigate the Sample SRR14267554
(female, 1 year old) as it doesn't cluster with the
pediatric samples

DE analysis

As for the differential expression testing we will use the DESeq() function. This performs three steps:

  • Compute a scaling factor for each sample to account for differences in read depth and complexity between samples
  • Estimate the variance among samples
  • Test for differences in expression among groups
# DE test
dds <- DESeq(dds)
Click here for output
class: DESeqDataSet
dim: 6 21
metadata(1): version
assays(6): counts mu ... replaceCounts replaceCooks
rownames(6): DDX11L1 WASH7P ... MIR1302-2 FAM138A
rowData names(23): baseMean baseVar ... maxCooks replace
colnames(21): SRR14267546 SRR14267547 ... SRR14267565 SRR14267566
colData names(3): condition sizeFactor replaceable
# Extracting the results
res <- results(dds)
Click here for output
log2 fold change (MLE): condition pediatric vs adult
Wald test p-value: condition pediatric vs adult
DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
             baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat    pvalue      padj
            <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
DDX11L1       0.28342      2.3988810  3.290818  0.728962  0.466025        NA
WASH7P       67.20353      0.0400727  0.297838  0.134545  0.892971  0.977001
MIR6859-1     9.85364      0.1083398  0.775606  0.139684  0.888910  0.976695
MIR1302-2HG   0.00000             NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
MIR1302-2     0.00000             NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
FAM138A       0.00000             NA        NA        NA        NA        NA

Statistical significance

It is important to remember that since we are doing a lot of tests, as many tests as genes in our experiment, we need to correct our pvalues. DESeq() already did this while testing for differences among our groups, so let's create a histogram of these adjusted pvalues and an MA-plot to inspect if there is any enrichment of DE genes. In the code below, select a number that gives the breakpoints between histogram cells, and the colors to use in the histogram. Make sure the name is within double quotes:

hist(res$padj, breaks=TYPE_A_NUMBER_HERE, col="TYPE_A_COLOR_HERE", border="TYPE_A_COLOR_HERE", main="child_vs_adult", xlab="padj")
Click here for output
hist(res$padj, breaks=100,
     col="skyblue", border="slateblue",
     main="child_vs_adult", xlab="padj")

# MA-plot
plotMA(res, main="child_vs_adult")
Click here for output

Every point in the MA plot is a gene. Genes that have a padj < 0.1 (default significance level threshold) will be seen in blue/red. If you see any triangles in the plot, then those genes are outside the limits of the graph.

Run plotMA() again, but add alpha=0.01 to show only genes with a padj<0.01.

Click here for output
# MA-plot
plotMA(res, main="child_vs_adult", alpha=0.01, ylim=c(-7,8))

Q7. What does the histogram and the MA plot tell you?

Click here for output
From the histogram, we can see that most of the genes
are not differentially expressed,
but there are some (<0.01) that are different among
the groups

From the MA plot, we can see even if these differences
are up or down regulated, based on the foldchange

Data filtering and visualization

There are genes that have very low counts across all the samples. These can't be tested for DE so they end up with an NA padj, therefore these need to be removed:

# checking how many genes we have
Click here for output
[1] 56648
# checking how many genes have NA
Click here for output
[1] 34111
# removing the NA padj
res <- res[ !$padj), ]

# checking how many genes have
Click here for output
[1] 22537

Q8. How many genes were removed?

Click here for output
34111/56648 =  0.6021572

We can filter our significant genes based on the false discovery rate (FDR). This will remove genes with no actual difference in expression. In the code below, select an FDR threshold. Make sure the number is not within double quotes:

# Selecting significant genes - SELECT THE THRESHOLD TO USE
sig <- which(res$padj < TYPE_AN_FDR_THRESHOLD_HERE)
Click here for output
sig <- which(res$padj < 0.01)
 [1]   123   150   260  1006  1022  1076  1122  1248  1313  1404  1654  2055  2150  3503  3615  4388  4435  4491  4557  5350
[21]  5525  5547  5647  5836  5871  6349  6350  6381  6577  6591  6643  6671  6677  6701  6719  7148  7270  7278  7541  7734
[41]  7995  8082  8397  8480  8941  9576 10017 10018 10070 10166 10167 10211 10310 10324 10379 10609 10649 10845 10896 11484
[61] 11502 11531 11532 11534 11673 11675 12264 12677 12679 12689 13027 13512 13573 14282 14321 14386 16398 16578 16707 16708
[81] 16710 16711 16935 16959 16970 17024 17103 17355 17401 17533 19412 19503 19879 21063 21167 21920 22066
# counting the number of genes
Click here for output
[1] 97
# Extracting the data based on the significant genes
res_sig <- res[sig,]
Click here for output
log2 fold change (MLE): condition pediatric vs adult
Wald test p-value: condition pediatric vs adult
DataFrame with 97 rows and 6 columns
         baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat      pvalue        padj
        <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>   <numeric>   <numeric>
AJAP1    138.8402       -2.75858  0.609040  -4.52940 5.91520e-06 0.002898063
TNFRSF9   87.2684        3.17481  0.732593   4.33366 1.46648e-05 0.005330646
CLCNKB   238.8856       -3.25651  0.617002  -5.27797 1.30626e-07 0.000486443
CLCA2     30.9664       -2.51632  0.596012  -4.22193 2.42216e-05 0.007376789
GBP1    3033.9747        1.99502  0.476120   4.19016 2.78756e-05 0.007952296
...           ...            ...       ...       ...         ...         ...
TGM2    3041.7041        1.67199  0.397186   4.20960 2.55823e-05  0.00768731
CYP2B6   419.8018       -1.99239  0.486809  -4.09276 4.26265e-05  0.00990385
BCAM     443.7774       -1.33175  0.297989  -4.46913 7.85370e-06  0.00345258
SEC14L3  931.7518       -2.41949  0.576828  -4.19448 2.73496e-05  0.00795230
CACNA1I   52.4173        2.29684  0.522092   4.39931 1.08597e-05  0.00429367
# Sorting the data based on foldchange
Click here for output
log2 fold change (MLE): condition pediatric vs adult
Wald test p-value: condition pediatric vs adult
DataFrame with 97 rows and 6 columns
         baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat      pvalue        padj
        <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>   <numeric>   <numeric>
YWHAEP1   64.7893       -6.93362   1.03373  -6.70735 1.98185e-11 4.46649e-07
SALL1     12.1914       -6.59538   1.50047  -4.39554 1.10500e-05 4.29367e-03
NECAB1    32.7997       -6.18288   1.48307  -4.16898 3.05962e-05 8.52884e-03
ISLR      17.6368       -6.15124   1.31620  -4.67348 2.96132e-06 2.36016e-03
DPYS     197.6045       -4.96200   1.08441  -4.57578 4.74448e-06 2.59006e-03
...           ...            ...       ...       ...         ...         ...
IDO1    1893.8767        3.23386  0.618710   5.22677 1.72493e-07 4.86443e-04
BATF3     40.2398        3.26007  0.630897   5.16736 2.37426e-07 4.86443e-04
KDR       48.3249        3.41633  0.594774   5.74391 9.25149e-09 5.21252e-05
TRIM31   894.8934        3.42141  0.587097   5.82766 5.62091e-09 4.22262e-05
TNIP3    123.9705        3.62437  0.685931   5.28386 1.26488e-07 4.86443e-04

Replace log2FoldChange with padj. You will have your list sorted by padj. The top genes may or not be the same.

Click here for output
log2 fold change (MLE): condition pediatric vs adult
Wald test p-value: condition pediatric vs adult
DataFrame with 97 rows and 6 columns
           baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat      pvalue        padj
          <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>   <numeric>   <numeric>
YWHAEP1     64.7893       -6.93362  1.033734  -6.70735 1.98185e-11 4.46649e-07
AKR1C3     333.0180       -1.41125  0.225245  -6.26539 3.71898e-10 4.19073e-06
TRIM31     894.8934        3.42141  0.587097   5.82766 5.62091e-09 4.22262e-05
KDR         48.3249        3.41633  0.594774   5.74391 9.25149e-09 5.21252e-05
CLCNKB     238.8856       -3.25651  0.617002  -5.27797 1.30626e-07 4.86443e-04
...             ...            ...       ...       ...         ...         ...
HBG1       150.4307       -2.88671  0.703055  -4.10595 4.02650e-05  0.00965374
SOCS2-AS1   12.4797        2.80607  0.683309   4.10659 4.01537e-05  0.00965374
TSKU       568.5625       -1.69189  0.413217  -4.09442 4.23226e-05  0.00990385
FHOD3      176.1418       -2.28741  0.558885  -4.09281 4.26181e-05  0.00990385
CYP2B6     419.8018       -1.99239  0.486809  -4.09276 4.26265e-05  0.00990385

To see the top 20 most down-regulated genes:

sig_up_20 <- res_sig[ order(res_sig$log2FoldChange, decreasing=FALSE),][1:20,]

knitr::kable(sig_up_20, caption = "20 most up-regulated genes")
Click here for output
Table: 20 most down-regulated genes

|           |    baseMean| log2FoldChange|     lfcSE|      stat|   pvalue|      padj|
|YWHAEP1    |   64.789310|      -6.933619| 1.0337339| -6.707354| 0.00e+00| 0.0000004|
|SALL1      |   12.191405|      -6.595382| 1.5004725| -4.395537| 1.10e-05| 0.0042937|
|NECAB1     |   32.799661|      -6.182884| 1.4830678| -4.168983| 3.06e-05| 0.0085288|
|ISLR       |   17.636786|      -6.151244| 1.3162007| -4.673485| 3.00e-06| 0.0023602|
|DPYS       |  197.604459|      -4.962000| 1.0844052| -4.575780| 4.70e-06| 0.0025901|
|CCBE1      |   46.698100|      -4.723292| 1.1066847| -4.267965| 1.97e-05| 0.0064431|
|HBD        | 1134.425336|      -4.418546| 1.0123354| -4.364706| 1.27e-05| 0.0048624|
|ELN        |  218.650096|      -4.362751| 0.9359454| -4.661331| 3.10e-06| 0.0023602|
|XKR4       |    8.380051|      -4.181767| 0.9979247| -4.190463| 2.78e-05| 0.0079523|
|HBE1       |  891.748251|      -4.162405| 0.9042269| -4.603275| 4.20e-06| 0.0024022|
|CALML3     |   32.823929|      -3.953432| 0.9141661| -4.324632| 1.53e-05| 0.0053802|
|HBM        |  201.841670|      -3.877859| 0.8307647| -4.667819| 3.00e-06| 0.0023602|
|HBA1       |   55.400078|      -3.816849| 0.7577836| -5.036859| 5.00e-07| 0.0007110|
|STAB2      |   13.485268|      -3.667703| 0.8082696| -4.537722| 5.70e-06| 0.0028479|
|GAS1       |   83.360828|      -3.445721| 0.6649050| -5.182276| 2.00e-07| 0.0004864|
|PKHD1L1    |   56.813516|      -3.445545| 0.7705396| -4.471601| 7.80e-06| 0.0034526|
|HBQ1       |  230.539845|      -3.417155| 0.8259763| -4.137111| 3.52e-05| 0.0089061|
|CLCNKB     |  238.885618|      -3.256515| 0.6170018| -5.277966| 1.00e-07| 0.0004864|
|AC092691.1 |   77.660374|      -2.975431| 0.6924747| -4.296809| 1.73e-05| 0.0059168|
|HBZ        |   57.464223|      -2.968994| 0.6451887| -4.601745| 4.20e-06| 0.0024022|

To see the top 20 most up-regulated genes, run the same code replacing decreasing=FALse with decreasing=TRUE

Click here for output
sig_down_20 <- res_sig[ order(res_sig$log2FoldChange, decreasing=TRUE),][1:20,]

knitr::kable(sig_down_20, caption = "20 most down-regulated genes")
Table: 20 most up-regulated genes

|           |    baseMean| log2FoldChange|     lfcSE|     stat|   pvalue|      padj|
|TNIP3      |  123.970507|       3.624368| 0.6859315| 5.283863| 1.00e-07| 0.0004864|
|TRIM31     |  894.893431|       3.421406| 0.5870974| 5.827662| 0.00e+00| 0.0000422|
|KDR        |   48.324922|       3.416330| 0.5947744| 5.743910| 0.00e+00| 0.0000521|
|BATF3      |   40.239837|       3.260073| 0.6308975| 5.167358| 2.00e-07| 0.0004864|
|IDO1       | 1893.876694|       3.233857| 0.6187098| 5.226774| 2.00e-07| 0.0004864|
|TNFRSF9    |   87.268403|       3.174813| 0.7325933| 4.333664| 1.47e-05| 0.0053306|
|MIR3142HG  |   47.735496|       2.978833| 0.5863762| 5.080071| 4.00e-07| 0.0006074|
|MTNR1A     |   36.191006|       2.973339| 0.6439176| 4.617576| 3.90e-06| 0.0024022|
|AC007991.2 |   59.982815|       2.965510| 0.7135022| 4.156273| 3.23e-05| 0.0086789|
|MYH11      |    6.553078|       2.850903| 0.6383442| 4.466091| 8.00e-06| 0.0034526|
|SOCS2-AS1  |   12.479696|       2.806074| 0.6833094| 4.106593| 4.02e-05| 0.0096537|
|MUC13      | 1707.559210|       2.722444| 0.5505521| 4.944934| 8.00e-07| 0.0009537|
|ADAM19     |  861.776573|       2.576332| 0.5636395| 4.570886| 4.90e-06| 0.0025901|
|HAPLN3     |  435.013856|       2.427905| 0.4886612| 4.968483| 7.00e-07| 0.0008946|
|SAA2       | 1532.460356|       2.352015| 0.5149745| 4.567245| 4.90e-06| 0.0025901|
|CACNA1I    |   52.417348|       2.296844| 0.5220923| 4.399306| 1.09e-05| 0.0042937|
|HLA-DOA    |  352.389635|       2.286316| 0.5261862| 4.345071| 1.39e-05| 0.0052297|
|SAA4       |   47.574509|       2.277055| 0.4899203| 4.647807| 3.40e-06| 0.0023813|
|SH3TC2     |   89.780154|       2.126087| 0.4260279| 4.990488| 6.00e-07| 0.0008483|
|GBP1       | 3033.974711|       1.995022| 0.4761204| 4.190162| 2.79e-05| 0.0079523|

Let's create a heatmap of the significantly DE genes:

# Selecting the rlog-transformed counts of the DE genes
sig2heatmap <- assay(rld)[rownames(assay(rld))%in%rownames(res_sig),]

# Calculating the difference of the counts to the mean value
sig2heatmap_Mean <- sig2heatmap - rowMeans(sig2heatmap)

# Plotting
         main="Child vs Adult significant DE genes (padj 0.01)",
Click here for output

And if we focus on the top 20 most significant genes, we can better pinpoint the important genes:

# Selecting the top 20 genes based on adjusted pvalue
res_top <-res_sig[order(res_sig$padj),][1:20,]

# Selecting the rlog-transformed counts of the DE genes
top2heatmap <- assay(rld)[rownames(assay(rld))%in%rownames(res_top),]

# Calculating the difference of the counts to the mean value
top2heatmap_Mean <- top2heatmap - rowMeans(top2heatmap)

# Plotting
         main="Child vs Adult 20 top significant DE genes (padj 0.01)",
Click here for output

Another way to visualize the data is through a Volcano plot, this will plot all genes. Here we will use the EnhancedVolcano() function. In the code below, select a pvalue and fold change threshold, as well as a title to be displayed.:

EnhancedVolcano(res,                                  # data to plot
                lab = rownames(res),                  # labels (protein name)
                x = "log2FoldChange",                 # value to plot in the X-axis
                y = "pvalue",                         # value to plot in the Y-axis
                pCutoff = ADD_YOUR_THRESHOLD_HERE,    # cut off for the pvalue
                FCcutoff = ADD_YOUR_THRESHOLD_HERE,   # cut off for the fold change
                title = "ADD_YOUR_TITLE_HERE",        # Title of the plot
                subtitle = NULL,                      # Remove subtitle to create more space for the plot
                caption = NULL,                       # Remove caption to create more space for the plot
                                                       # (if you remove this line you will get the number of proteins plotted)
                legendPosition = "top",               # Position the legend on top of the plot
                axisLabSize = 11,                     # Set font size for axis labels
                labSize = 2.8,                        # Set font size for protein labels
                xlim = c(-3,3),                       # Set x-axis limits to -3 and 3 so the plot is symmetric
                ylim = c(0, 7))
Click here for output

EnhancedVolcano(res,                                  # data to plot
                lab = rownames(res),                  # labels (protein name)
                x = "log2FoldChange",                 # value to plot in the X-axis
                y = "pvalue",                         # value to plot in the Y-axis
                pCutoff = 0.01,                       # cut off for the pvalue
                FCcutoff = 2,                         # cut off for the fold change
                title = "DE expression: early mucosal immune response in children compared with adults",        # Title of the plot
                subtitle = NULL,                      # Remove subtitle to create more space for the plot
                caption = NULL,                       # Remove caption to create more space for the plot
                                                       # (if you remove this line you will get the number of proteins plotted)
                legendPosition = "top",               # Position the legend on top of the plot
                axisLabSize = 11,                     # Set font size for axis labels
                labSize = 2.8)                        # Set font size for protein labels

Well done! now you have the general workflow to identify differentially expressed genes!

Developed by Marcela Dávila, 2021. Modified by Marcela Dávila, 2022. Updated by Marcela Dávila, 2023. Updated by Marcela Dávila, 2024.

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