Home - bcb420-2024/Krutika_Joshi GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Krutika_Joshi wiki!

About me

Hello! I'm Krutika, a fourth-year undergraduate student specializing in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology with a minor in Computer Science. Currently, I am working on a project in the Borotikar Lab. The project focus lies in developing an model that simulates the progression of Osteoarthritis through the application of Agent-Based modeling in NetLogo.

Contact Info

My email address is [email protected].


A place to put all my journal entries.

  1. Setting up student wiki-page
  2. Setting up Docker
  3. Creating and Using my own Docker Image
  4. Notes for R Quiz
  5. Assignment-1: Choosing data set
  6. Assignment-1: Cleaning Data set
  7. Assignment-1: Normalization
  8. Assignment-1: Analysis
  9. Assignment-1: Running Docker
  10. Annotation-sources
  11. G:Profiler
  12. Assignment-2
  13. GSEA
  14. Assignment-3


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