Account Set up - bcb420-2023/Metyu_Melkonyan GitHub Wiki

Account Set up Due 13 Jan Friday 1pm

Account was set up and the guide was followed The guide allowed me to understand the RMarkdown basics, Docker basics and get more familiarize myself with the virtual machine platforms. Docker's importance is significant in this course.


  1. The Docker tutorial videos were finished.
  2. Docker was installed (Problem Occured, please see Insight of the Journal!)
  3. Powershell command line queries are complete, now it's time to run this container on Docker
  4. RAM usage is adjusted on the PC
  5. The container is running, the account is set, time to write the first code !


  1. Learning more abour writing in Markdown
  2. Downloading Docker and installing into my both PC and my M1 Macbook
  3. Creating a new image from BCB420 container
  4. Install Docker from
  5. Get familiarize with both bash and Powershell command line queries


Estimated time ~ 1 hour | Time Taken ~ 1 hour and 30 minutes Started Date: 2023-01-07 End Date: 2023-01-10


  1. Issue was sent to the course repository
  2. Student wiki was created
  3. Wiki was designed for appropriateness
  4. Docker installation completed $ docker --version Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f
  5. Docker container winter 2023 was used
  • Docker file of FROM risserlin/bcb420-base-image
  • docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=password rocker/rstudio
  • rocker/rstudio latest 2e736c1e5b90 3 weeks ago 1.8GB
  1. Localhost:8787 navigate on the web browser. Rstudio credentials entered and a newRscript was saved on the home directory on the server
  2. Documented my progress on Github Wiki

Next Steps

  • Understanding how to knit documents on the RMarkdown
  • Markdown basics for both further assignments as well as for the GitHub BCB420 Course Journal


  1. I was able to install Docker on both my laptop and my PC
  2. Rstudio server is working on PC but not M1 Macbook
  3. I created a container and run it with BCB420 files generated
  4. Using both powershell and Docker console problem solved
  5. I got more familiarize with how to use Docker, how to create containers as well as basic Docker syntax
  6. I further studies virtual machine platforms and other software that is assocaited with the Docker: Kubernetes !
