AsciiToLAS - bcal-lidar/tools GitHub Wiki

Using "Convert Ascii Data to LAS"

This tool is meant to convert ascii data in one or more text files to LAS format data files.


  • Select the input file or files to convert.
  • In the "Select Returns" screen, select the return number that is associated with each file. If a given file contains multiple returns, select the "In File" option.
  • Set the various parameters for the input file(s):
    • The "Sample Data" field shows the first few lines of the input text file, to assist in determining field (column) locations.
    • Set the number of lines (if any) of the header in the text files.
    • Set the fields corresponding to the easting, northing, and elevation coordinates. (These are required.)
    • If available, set the fields corresponding to intensity, time, return number, scan angle, and flight line.
    • If needed, set the XYZ scales and offsets.
  • Select the output directory. The output files will be saved in the new directory with the same base name as the input files.
  • Select which LAS format to use for the output files.
  • Set the projection of the data.


This tool assumes that all of the input text files have the same format.
