3DViewer - bcal-lidar/tools GitHub Wiki

Using "3D Lidar Viewer"

This viewer is used to display lidar point data.


  • Open one or more lidar files using the "File" pulldown menu.
  • Manipulate the lidar data in three dimensions using the mouse:
    • Drag while holding down the left mouse button to rotate the data.
    • Drag while holding down the right mouse button to translate the data.
    • Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom the data in and out.
  • The data can be viewed as points, a wire mesh, or a surface.
  • The data colors can be set to correspond to elevation, intensity, vegetation height (if the data has been filtered), return number, scan angle, classification, or an image.
  • The colors of the data, background, and optional axes are all customizable.
  • The viewer also includes the capability to save a screen capture.


  • This viewer requires data that are in the LAS format.
  • This viewer is based on FSC_SURFACE by David Fanning.
  • Because most data sets contain far too many points for the viewer to adequately display, a random subset of points are utilized. The number of subset points can be adjusted by the user under "Properties".
  • If the colors are set corresponding to an image ("Style->Surface Color Type->From Image"), the source image must be in the same projection as the lidar data and must completely cover the the geographical extent of the lidar data.

Visualization Options:

images/BCAL_Visualization.jpg images/BCAL_Viz_Options.jpg