Scaling your Heightmap Mesh - ballisticfox/MapTheEarth-KSP GitHub Wiki

This is the 3rd tutorial in the series and meant for both US and non-US datasets.

Once again to create this I will be following my process that I followed for developing the Vandenberg Spaceforce Base, tile n35w121.


Setting your mesh to the proper scale.

The key thing to remember here is that KSRSS is 1/4th RSS scale, this makes math a little bit trickier but of course there's a website to do it for us! We'll be using the Great Circle Calculator by Ed Williams as it has the capability of measuring planets other than Earth. Once on the page set the units to km and the Earth model to user defined. Scroll down to the bottom of the website to where it says Spheroid, for radius enter 1592.750km and for the inverse flattening enter 1E1000.

We need 3 values, a height, a width and a length.

Our height is derived from the height we recorded earlier divided by 4. Our width is going to be found by finding the distance between the longs at the average latitude, in my case 35.5, divided by two. Since this is outputted in km and blender works in m multiply this by 1000.

This gives me a final width of 11315.64099m

Our length is going to be found by finding the distance between the lats at the average long, in my case 120.5, divided by two. Once again multiply that times 1000 to get meters.

This gives me a final length of 13899.36583m

Apply these values to your mesh in blender, adjusting the view clipping if needed and you should get something that looks like this! image

Continue to: Creating a Color Map