Smoke2EXR - baldingwizard/Blender-Addons GitHub Wiki
Fluid2EXR is effectively a re-write to use the cached simulation data directly from the fluid modifier - instead of importing from the pointcache file. This is more efficient and can access the data directly - removing the need for using pointcache and making it compatible with the new Mantaflow fluid simulation at Blender version 2.82 and later. The operator is available via the F3 operator search as 'Fluid2EXR'.
Details (Smoke2EXR only)
Provides a new button on the Smoke Domain 'Cache' panel to 'Convert Smoke to EXR'. Clicking this button (with the smoke baked to a named cache) will convert the smoke into an EXR file, as a sequence of 'slices' through the smoke. This can then be used independently from the smoke simulation and can be used to manipulate the smoke in various ways (eg, by applying volumetric displacement).
NOTE: The texture coordinates can be mapped using the following calculations (which can be parsed by the Maths Expression add-on to generate the required node group):
_x = Input[x]
_y = Input[y]
_z = Input[z]
_sliceNo = floor(min(1,max(_z,0)) * ZSlices{128})
_newx = (min(1,max(_x,0)) + _sliceNo)/ZSlices
Output[] = combine(_newx, _y, 0)
I'll provide some better examples in due course. Also, see