clienttomon - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybindings
clienttomon -1 or 1 Super+Alt+comma and Super+Alt+period

The clienttomon function moves the currently active window to the currently active workspace on an adjacent monitor.

Refer to the Monitor page for details about the arguments and how the monitors are selected in a multi-monitor setup.

If the active workspace on the adjacent monitor is 6 then this would be equivalent of the Super+Shift+6 keybinding calling the movetowsbyname function.

The clienttomon function allows this operation to happen across monitors without having to consider which workspace to send them to.

External commands:

duskc run_command clienttomon -1  # send the client to the monitor to the left
duskc run_command clienttomon 1   # send the client to the monitor to the right

Back to Functions > Monitor.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️