RioDrawSpawnAsync - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

The riospawn feature allows the user to "draw" the position where a window is to spawn by dragging out an area using the mouse.

There are two approches for spawning windows in this manner:

  1. the area is drawn, and after that the program is spawned (synchronous)
  2. the window is spawned, then the area is drawn (asynchronous)

The selection / drawing is done using an external tool called slop and it is possible to cancel the selection by hitting the escape key on the keyboard.

If the synchronous method is used then the program is simply not spawned if the selection is cancelled.

If the asynchronous method is used then the program is spawned before the selection is made, which means that if the selection is cancelled then the spawned process will have to be forcibly killed when the window is to be mapped.

The benefit of the asynchronous method, however, is that if the program takes a bit to load then it has time to do so while the selection is made - making it feel a lot snappier to use. With the synchronous method there would be a noticeable delay between drawing the selection and the window popping up.

The asynchronous method can be enabled via the RioDrawSpawnAsync functionality.

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