AllowNoModifierButtons - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

The AllowNoModifierButtons functionality allows for button keybindings that have no modifiers to be used for certain actions.

For example to move a window around you normally need to press Super+left button and drag to move a floating window. Some mice have additional buttons and the functionality, if enabled, allows for such buttons to be used to move or resize windows without the need to hold a modifier key down.

In the example configuration the previous (8) and next (9) buttons are used to move and resize windows using the mouse only.

    { ClkClientWin,    0,   Button8,   movemouse,    {0} }, // move a client window using extra mouse buttons
    { ClkClientWin,    0,   Button9,   resizemouse,  {0} }, // resize a client window using extra mouse buttons

The OnlyModButtons flag explicitly disables this feature for individual clients as needed.

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