Setup - babybluetit/Xaeros-Minimap-Modded-Support GitHub Wiki

Before we get started, you should make sure you have access to the following:

1. Minecraft with Xaero's Minimap (Forge or Fabric) installed

This should be fairly self-explanatory but you’ll want to check that you can actually see the results of your work in game! Installing mods is outside the scope of this tutorial, but there are already plenty of guides out there to help you with this step.

2. Text Editor

You will be creating and editing json files to configure your custom icons. Any decent text editor will suffice, but here are a couple of recommendations:

  • Notepad++ - free and lightweight, should run on most systems
  • Visual Studio Code - free, only slightly more intensive than Notepad++ but very helpful when you are managing lots of directories and files. If you are only adding support for a few entities, VSCode is probably overkill so I would recommend using Notepad/Notepad++ instead

3. [Optional] Image Editor

If you want to create your own sprites you will need access to an image editor. I personally use GIMP as it is free and has all the functionality I need.

4. [Optional] JD-GUI

If you want to use the model-based rendering system (more on this soon) to add support for a closed-source mod, you can use JD GUI to access the information you need. I will explain how and why you may want to use JD-GUI later on, so don’t worry if you’re not sure what this is about – in most cases you will not need to use this application at all.

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