1. Starting Layn's Leaf ‐ Purpose and Topic Tree - ayyjayy2/laynsleaf GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the laynsleaf wiki!

Author: Alayna

Date : Oct. 11, 2023


This website serves various purposes to 3 main components: my career, readers, and myself. It serves a benefit to each that are listed below.

Career - This website is the portfolio. It demonstrates my use of multi-page Angular Front-End Web Development (and possibly later a backend and database which I have professional experience with), understanding and ability to deploy a personal website, use of Agile Methodologies via this Kanban Board for planning and organization with the ability to break down a large project into smaller, more manageable tasks. It combines tech with art as the graphics come from my hobby of digital art.

Viewers/Others - This website is a place for others to learn about travel destinations and tips, to enjoy travel stories in a sort of a memoir fashion, to shop my art, or to browse as a guilty pleasure. To whoever may enjoy what I have to say and post.

Myself - Overall, this website is for me. To practice and grow my Software Development skills as a collective portfolio, to keep beloved memories and endeavors in one place while being able to share my journey with others.

Topic Tree

Topic Tree This organizational structure may change as the website grows and evolves

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