[EN] Chat Request - ayrtondutchman/BeatSaberPlus GitHub Wiki
1 - Interface
2 - General settings
User max request
This option manages the maximum requests a normal user can request.
VIP bonus request
This option manages how much more requests a user with the VIP role can make compared to a normal user.
Subscriber bonus request
This option manages how much more requests a user that is subscribed can make compared to a normal user.
History size
The amount of songs that will be visible on the history screen before removing them from your history.
Play preview music if downloaded
If the song is already downloaded play the preview music of that song.
Give moderators power to manage queue
Enable moderators to manage the queue by deleting and moving songs.
Commands for this are: !modadd, !att, !mtt and !remove
Queue command show count
The "!queue" command shows a number of how much songs are in the queue
Queue command cooldown seconds
Decides how many seconds must have passed before the "!queue" command can be ran again.
3 - Filter settings
NJS min
The minimum Note Jump Speed of a song.
Higher means less time to react.
NJS max
The maximum Note Jump Speed of a song.
Lower means more time to react.
Duration max
The max duration of a requested song.
Vote min
The minimum rating of a song this way you can filter out the bad maps.
Upload date min
The date starting from when you want the maps to be.
Upload date max
The date you want to be the latest a map was made.
4 - Chat commands
!bsr [song_ID]
!bsr [song_ID]
Enqueues a song with the given ID.
!bsr [Search_Terms]
Search for a song using search terms. Songs can then be queued using the ID behind the sing and running: !bsr [song_ID]
Displays the help message on how to add a song to the queue.
!oops !wrongsong !wrong
Removes the latest song your latest song that you added to queue.
Shows what songs are coming up and depending on the settings how much songs are in the queue.
!att [Song_ID]
Add To Top adds a song to the top of the queue. (Broadcaster and Moderator only!)
!mtt [Song_ID]
Move To Top moves a selected song to the top of the queue. (Broadcaster and Moderator only!)
Opens the queue. Enables users to add new song to the queue. (Broadcaster and Moderator only!)
Closes the queue. Prevents new songs from being added to queue. (Broadcaster and Moderator only!)