How to use the 'Things' tab in the knotfree web app. - awootton/knotfreeiot GitHub Wiki
The 'Things' tab:
This page of the web app is simply a list of buttons that can be used to send command to an IOT device and display the result.
This wiki page is live on github There are also instruction for setting up a thing in the substack for building an IOT thermometer. You should seriously consider subscribing to that.
It looks like this:
How to set up a thing.
You will need 2 things. These were obtained when you built or set up your device:
- The name of the thing. As an example you can use: a-thermometer-demo_iot
- The admin password for that thing. As an example you can use: myFamousOldeSaying
Simply click on the 'Step 1: Enter long name' box and paste in the name.
Then click on the 'Step 2: Admin password' box and paste in the password.
It will now look like this:
Click on the 'Pick a command' button and a huge list of commands will pop up for you to choose from. The only one interesting right how is '[get f] temperature in F🔓' so pick that. Note that the unlock icon (🔓) means that this command can be accessed without using a password. Yes, I know that looks like a lock but it's actually an unlocked lock.
Once that is done it looks like this:
Just press the 'get f' button to get the temperature.
Note: there is a menu icon (☰) in the upper right with options to pick a different command, duplicate this item and more.
Fun fact. The non-encrypted commands (🔓) can we accessed from any browser
Like this: where /get/f is the command.
A list of all the commands is here
This thermometer is in my backyard in Reno.
Even more Fun Fact.
One can use the 'Names' tab in the knotfree webapp to 'own' a name (a Domain Name). Then, if one is using knotfree ( as a dns provider (instructions elsewhere), or if the powers that be approve the .iot names for public use then one can access this thermometer directly by name. eg http://a-thermometer-demo.iot/get/f.
Please sign the petition to make iot names available.