Simulation Demo - autowarefoundation/autoware_ai_documentation GitHub Wiki

Autoware supports several simulators.

Gazebo simulator

This is an autonomous driving car simulator based on Gazebo integrated in Autoware. To start Gazebo, see this guide.

Click the picture below for a demonstration movie of the Gazebo simulator.

LGSVL simulator

The LGSVL Simulator is a Unity-based multi-agent simulator integrated with ROS. The quick start guide is here.

Click the picture below for a demonstration movie of the LGSVL simulator.

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Recommended Environment

  1. Simulator Machine (Windows OS)

CPU: Core i7 (Single-thread performance is a dominant property) RAM: 16GB GPU: GTX1080 or higher (Used for rendering)

  1. Autoware Machine (Linux OS)

CPU: Core i7 (More than eight threads preferred) RAM: 16GB GPU: GTX1080 or higher (Used for DNN)