Packaging - autokey/autokey GitHub Wiki

This page explains how to package AutoKey.

These instructions assume that you use a git checkout of the AutoKey repository and your current working directory is at the repository top level. If you use a Source code archive (for example a ZIP archive download from the front page or from the individual release pages), as provided by GitHub, skip the parts that involve calling git in the instructions below.

PyPI (for maintainers):

% git checkout v0.95.7
Note: checking out 'v0.95.7'.
[snip git output]
HEAD is now at dc5bc5f Release v0.95.7

% python3 sdist bdist_wheel

% twine upload --verbose --repository-url dist/*
Enter your username: <your pypi username>
Enter your password: <your pypi password>
Uploading distributions to
Uploading autokey-0.95.7-py3-none-any.whl
Uploading autokey-0.95.7.tar.gz

Debian, Ubuntu and derivates:

Building Debian packages locally

Install Prerequisites (needed only once):

# Packaging dependencies
sudo apt install build-essential debhelper dpkg-dev devscripts git

# Build dependencies
sudo apt install python3-all python3-setuptools
# Optional, but recommended. If you want to build an optimized Qt GUI build.
sudo apt install pyqt5-dev-tools

Build the packages from a tag

uscan -dd
git checkout $VERSION
dpkg-buildpackage -b

Running the last command will build the packages (and some auxiliary files) in the parent directory. Also note that dpkg-buildpackage will want to GPG-sign the package using the credentials of the person who authored the last changelog entry. Because you (hopefully ;) ) don’t posses the maintainer’s private key, this signing will fail with an error message. This is harmless. If the failed signing is the only error message produced, the built packages are fully operational and can be installed using dpkg.

Updating PPA with latest version (for maintainers)

git checkout $VERSION

# Build the package with Debian utils
uscan -dd
debuild -S
dput <your PPA identifier> ../autokey_${VERSION}-1_source.changes
# test it then go live if it works
rm ../autokey_${VERSION}-1_source.ppa.upload
dput <your PPA identifier> ../autokey_${VERSION}-1_source.changes

Preparing a new release (for maintainers)

Before publishing a new release do:

To update the debian changelog, use the dch command line tool. Alternatively, use your favourite text editor. Beware that the debian changelog is VERY format sensitive. Even slightest deviations from the specifications (like indention with 3 instead of 2 whitespace characters) will cause the Packaging process to FAIL. You don’t want to publish a release which can’t be packaged automatically.

When finished, do:

git add lib/autokey/ CHANGELOG.rst debian/changelog
git commit
# Provide a nice commit message, like `Release v.0.95.7`
# DO NOT PUSH. First, verify that the Debian packaging works.
# If not, fix the `debian/changelog` and merge the changelog fix into the last commit
# Use git commit --amend to do so.
git push 

When the changes are pushed, edit the release draft on the GitHub release page. Add the appropriate version tag to the last commit and Publish the release.