Gitter - autokey/autokey GitHub Wiki

What is Gitter

Gitter is an open-source instant messaging and chat room system for developers and users of GitLab and GitHub repositories. Gitter is provided as software-as-a-service. It features the ability to create a single private chat room, and paid subscription options for individuals and organizations which allows them to create arbitrary numbers of private chat rooms. Its biggest strength is that it easily interfaces to associated GitHub issue trackers.

Our Gitter Chatroom


Manage your Email Notifications

When you join our Gitter chat group, if you want to receive email notifications when activity occurs on it.

Please follow these instructions:

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  1. click on the sliders icon next to your avatar icon
  2. click on notifications in the context menu that appears
  3. click on "CONFIGURE DEFAULTS" in the box that pops up, it's at the bottom near the APPLY button.
  4. now make sure that box at the bottom for "Send me email notifications" is checked
  5. now press apply.

Using the Gitter Window

The Gitter window consists of three panels, Conversations, Posts, and People/Activity/Thread View

Finding New Posts

When there are posts you haven't read yet, Gitter displays an unread posts button toward the lower right of Posts panel. This button will appear and disappear depending on where you are in scrolling through the posts.

The left most panel of the window shows All conversations (including any private ones you have engaged in). This panel can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the window.

When this panel is expanded, there will be a small green dot to the right of any conversation that contains unread messages. You can click on it to see the first unread message in that conversation. This makes it easier to see that there are unread messages and to find them. It is not affected by the conversation which is displayed in the middle panel or by any scrolling within that conversation.

Using the People/Activity/Thread View Panel

This panel defaults to a display of a list of our Gitter members followed by a list of the most recent activity (issues) on our GitHub repository. You can browse through the list of users and view their details. You can also open a window for any of the issues which interest you.

When a conversation post has more associated posts in a thread and you click on the replies link below it, the thread appears in the third panel where you can scroll through it and add your reply to the thread. When you are done with the thread, you can click on the large X at the top right of the panel to dismiss the thread to view the members and activity information again.

Posting Content

Gitter supports Markdown which allows you to add things like bold and italic text as well as code blocks for structured text such as Python code or program output as well as tagged links. At the bottom right of the thread panel, there's an icon of the letter M followed by a down arrow. Clicking on this icon will open a markdown help page.

Just above this icon, there is another one that looks like two chat bubbles or a keyboard. Clicking on this icon toggles between Chat mode and Compose mode. This big difference here is that pressing Enter in Chat mode posts your message to Gitter, but pressing Enter in Compose mode adds a newline to your post making it easier to have more than one paragraph in a single post. I'm sure there are other differences as well.

Once a post has been made, you can click on the hamburger icon (...) that appears to the right of the first line of the post when the mouse hovers anywhere in the body of the post. This provides several options such as editing or deleting your post. The editing option doesn't last very long, but is quite handy for quick changes. If you need to modify your post and the edit option is already disabled, you can copy the post to your clipboard, delete the post, and then paste it into a new post. This usually should not be done if there are replies in the thread or if moving the post from its current place in the conversation to the end is not what you want to happen.

Gitter Content

We are very flexible as to what you can post on Gitter. It doesn't have to be strictly about AutoKey concerns, but that is the main focus.

Keep in mind that there is no usable facility for searching through our content on Gitter, so any coding gems or sage advice will quickly be lost. When you have valuable content to share it is usually better to post on our forum or open/add to a Discussion or to our wiki on GitHub.

If you really need to search Gitter, you can create a Matrix account and use the web interface or the Element application to access this content. Matrix has a search option.

You may also have some luck searching Gitter with your favorite search engine using the site: predicate:

site: mouse