Advanced Scripts - autokey/autokey GitHub Wiki



This page contains user-contributed scripts to demonstrate the advanced capabilities of AutoKey's scripting service.

Feel free to use the scripts presented for your own purposes. However, if you significantly modify them or come up with something new as a result of using them, please post them in one of our community platforms so one of the wiki moderators can add them here for all to benefit.

Note: Abbreviations only make sense if one remembers them. A good scheme is an abbreviation followed by an "#". This will make sure, that the substitution does NOT take place, when the abbreviation is typed a part of a word. If one has to think about what the abreviation was longer than it would take to type the full text the abbreviation is obsolet cause consuming more time than typing directly. Example: Use "dp#" to get a calendar to pick a date (mnemonic bridge: date picker)

All submitted scripts are publicly licensed as GNU GPL v3

For specific details on the custom functions available to AutoKey scripts, see the API reference.

Case Changer

Author: Kreezxil

Description: Grabs the selected text and changes it to upper case if lower or mixed case, and lower case if upper cased.

Recommended Key: +c

sample = clipboard.get_selection()
if sample.islower():

Choose Browser On Link Selection

Discovered at: Linux Journal

Author: Mike Diehl

Description: This Autokey script takes a highlighted url from any program and triggers a selection of browsers from which you can choose to load the page.

choices = ["konqueror", "firefox", "chrome"]
retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(choices)
if retCode == 0:
  system.exec_command(choice + " " + clipboard.get_selection())

Cross Application Control

Discovered at: ---

Author: Albrecht DIETRICH & Elliria

Description: AutoKey scripts often do all actions with pure Python code. This script demonstrates the use of features provided by your browser and LibreOffice Calc to copy text from a web page to a spreadsheet.

# ################################################################################################################################# #
# by:           Albrecht Dietrich                                                                                                   #
# Co-Author:    Elliria                                                                                                             #
# Date:         26. Sep. 2022                                                                                                       #
# Update:       01. Feb. 2023                                                                                                       #
#               Deleted typos and optimized Albrechts's funny English comments.                                                     #
#               1'000 thanks dear Elliria!                                                                                          #
# Purpose:      Opens a web page and copies data from it to a CALC sheet.                                                           #
#               Here my adress data from my HAM webpage is copied to a CALC-sheet.                                                  #
# Note:         This script demonstrates how to copy data from one application to another.                                          #
#               It can be easily adapted when one has some basic programming knowledge.                                             #
#               IMPORTANT:                                                                                                          #
#               The script has to be started from the LogBuch.ods CALC-sheet.                                                       #
#               If you want to use another name, just change the TargetWinName                                                      #
#               variable in the code...                                                                                             #
# ################################################################################################################################# #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Load needed libraries                                                                                                             #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
import webbrowser
import re
import sys

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Definitions to be made                                                                                                            #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
KeyBoardDelay           = 0.05                          # delay between sending characters
WebReactionTime         = 5                             # give web page time to get ready
ClipBoardActionDelay    = 2                             # delay when using Clipboard

SourceWebAdr = ''   # the web page the address data will be copied from
SourceWinName = ''
TargetWinName = 'LogBuch.ods - LibreOffice Calc'        # the window where the address data will be inserted

TargetFirstAddrRow = 3                                  # the row where the adress information will start to be inserted
                                                        # The row strings will contain the following contents:
                                                        #   1. full name (given + family name)
                                                        #   2. Adress information 1 (usually street and house number)
                                                        #   3. Adress information 2 (usually county)
                                                        #   4. Adress information 3 (ZIP code and city)
                                                        #   5. Adress information 4 (usually country)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Check if the calling window was the CALC one and if not, quit                                                                     #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
ActiveWinTitle = window.get_active_title()
if  ActiveWinTitle != TargetWinName:
    dialog.info_dialog("Window information", "You can only use this script when the " + TargetWinName +  " is the active window..." )
    sys.exit("No message")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Script to make Autokey slowly send text as single characters)                                                                     #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def SendSlow(TextToSend, DesiredDelay):
    for CharToSend in TextToSend:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Get all information needed from CALC to find the source data on the web                                                           #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Get a keyword to to be looked up on the website
# Might be a cell value in CALC or a well-known fixed word like the one used here
myKeyWord = "Name"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Get all information needed from the web                                                                                           #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Open the browser at desired address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# search for the keyword in the contents of the web page -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+F")                          # open search dialogue of browser
time.sleep(KeyBoardDelay)                               # give browser a chance to react
for Item in myKeyWord:                                  # enter the call to get to / mark first relevant line
    SendSlow(Item, 0.1)
keyboard.send_key("<escape>")                           # close search dialogue (first line of desired information should be marked)
time.sleep(KeyBoardDelay)                               # give browser a chance to react

# mark all interresting lines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
for i in range(8):
keyboard.send_keys("<shift>+<end>")                     # make sure all information in last line is marked

for i in range(10):
    keyboard.send_keys("<left>")                        # un-mark unnecessary information

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copy and transform the marked information
keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+c")                          # copy the address data
AddressData = clipboard.get_clipboard()                 # store the address data
AddressList = re.split('\n|\t', AddressData)            # split the data after <tab>

# Delete all unnecessary items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#    del AddressList[0]
#    del AddressList[0]

# Close browser / browser tab ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Place the information from the web into the CALC table                                                                            #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Activate the CALC table and go to the row where the address data starts --------------------------------------------------------- #
window.activate(TargetWinName, switchDesktop=False, matchClass=False)
keyboard.send_key("<home>")                             # go to first row in the CALC table
for i in range(TargetFirstAddrRow - 1):                 # go to row where the address starts

# Insert the address information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
SendSlow(AddressList[1], KeyBoardDelay)
SendSlow(AddressList[11], KeyBoardDelay)
SendSlow(AddressList[12], KeyBoardDelay)
SendSlow(AddressList[13], KeyBoardDelay)

# Optional: Ask for each value if the information shall be inserted --------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This will make sense if the copied data is not standardized and looking the same ALL the time.
# Refer to adresses specified here:
# They are all different. Sometimes, no address is specified or parts of the address information are missing.
# Asking and showing the information to be inserted is very helpful in this case.

#for item in AddressList:
#    myMessage = item
#    retCode, TextToBeInserted = dialog.input_dialog(title='Shall this text be inserted?', message=myMessage, default= item)
#    if retCode:
#        # do nothing, dialog had been cancelled
#        A = 1               # a nil command
#    else:
#        # insert the information to CALC and go to next row
#        time.sleep(0.5)
#        SendSlow(item, 0.1)
#        keyboard.send_key("<left>")
#        keyboard.send_key("<down>")

Health Potion Drinker

Author: Itscool - Al

Description: I created this Autokey script to help me manage the drinking of health potions. The game lacks a mechanism to quickly imbibe a potion without some difficulty. It is far easier to hit one key that does it for you. In the case of this script, you are also taken back to safe zone if you are out of health potions. All you have to do is make sure you have pot in all of your slots. It will work even if you don’t have pot in all of the slots. For use with the flash client at Realm of the Mad God.

if not store.has_key("heal"):
# set the key 'persistant variable' if we don’t have it already

pot = store.get_value("heal")
if pot > 8:
  # also send us back to the nexus
  pot = 1

#do the pot thing
output = str(pot)
#increment the pot

pot = pot + 1


Ask For Assistance

Author: Itscool - Al

Description: I created this Autokey script to do two things. 1) Generate a randomized shout message to gain assistance and 2) drink a manna pot from one of the bottom four inventory slots. For use with the flash client at Realm of the Mad God.

from random import randrange
announcement = ["OMG","","DARN","","OH BOY","","COME HERE","","TP ME","","MESHUGANA","","OY",""]
declaration = ["I could seriously use some help here","The devs must be crazy","How many minions did Oryx say he had to feed?","Dodge bullets? Sure. But this","MONSTERS"]
expletives = ["!","!!","!!!","!!!!1","!!!1!","!!1!1!"]

if not store.has_key("mana"):
    # set the key 'persistant variable' if we don't have it already
    # or if the value is greater than 8 reset it to 5

mana = store.get_value("mana")
if mana > 8:
    mana = 5

part1 = announcement[randrange(len(announcement))]
part2 = declaration[randrange(len(declaration))]

if part1 != "":
    part1 = part1 + expletives[randrange(len(expletives))]
if part2 != "":
    part2 = part2 + expletives[randrange(len(expletives))]

output = "/yell " + part1 + " " + part2 + "\n"

#do the mana thing
output = str(mana)
#increment the mana
mana = mana + 1

Ask For A Cleric

Author: Itscool - Al

Description: I created this Autokey script will help you manage drinking health potions in the top four inventory slots. Additionally it'll generate a random yell asking for some type of healing support. For use with the flash client at Realm of the Mad God.

from random import randrange
announcement = ["HELP","","HP","","HEAL","","MEDIC","","DR. WHO","","1-800-PRIEST",""]
declaration = ["I could use some professional help here","Anyone in the businesses of hp","Bring lots of that RED STUFF in a jar","I don't wanna die","Mommy","You can leave a msg at GHOSTBUSTERS","I'm going to meet the maker","Great, I'm another Father Dowling Mystery","Agatha Christi?! Posh","Should've listened to Momma","I don't want this chocolate","..."]
expletives = ["!","!!","!!!","!!!!1","!!!1!","!!1!1!"]

if not store.has_key("pot"):
    # set the key 'persistant variable' if we don't have it already
    # or if the value is greater than 4 reset it to 1

pot = store.get_value("pot")
if pot > 4:
    pot = 1

part1 = announcement[randrange(len(announcement))]
part2 = declaration[randrange(len(declaration))]

if part1 != "":
    part1 = part1 + expletives[randrange(len(expletives))]

if part2 != "":
    part2 = part2 + expletives[randrange(len(expletives))]

output = "/yell " + part1 + " " + part2 + "\n"

#do the pot thing
output = str(pot)
#increment the pot
pot = pot + 1

Gnome Screenshot

Author: Dave

Description: The Autokey script created here will allow you to quickly screenshot your desktop while moving your mouse off to the right. Dave had originally submitted it to the group forums there and at least 4 of us helped him to modify it and make it faster.

# replace ~/Downloads with the location of where you told gnome-screenshot to save the pic
system.exec_command("bash -c 'rm ~/Downloads/today.png'",False)
system.exec_command("gnome-screenshot -w", False)
window.wait_for_exist("Save Screenshot", timeOut=5)
system.exec_command("xte 'mousemove 725 399'", False)
window.activate("Save Screenshot", switchDesktop=False)

Switch Or Start Firefox

Author: Jack

Description: this script switches to the Firefox window. if Firefox is not already running, the script starts it. i use similar scripts for the applications i use most.

#start firefox or switch to firefox
import subprocess
command = 'wmctrl -l'
output = system.exec_command(command, getOutput=True)

if 'Firefox' in output:


Toggle an Application

Author: mindfulsource

Description: this script toggles the primary window of any application like this example for Firefox. 'winClass' and binary path will vary depending on your scenario. Install 'xdotool' package if needed.

import subprocess
command = 'wmctrl -lx'
output = system.exec_command(command, getOutput=True)

if 'Navigator.Firefox' in output:
    winClass = window.get_active_class()
    if winClass == 'Navigator.Firefox':
        system.exec_command("xdotool windowminimize $(xdotool getactivewindow)", getOutput=False)
        system.exec_command("wmctrl -xa Navigator.Firefox", getOutput=False)

RSS Zoomer

Author: Jack

Description: several actions to go on the same key… i have this on this script sends '^+' when in Firefox or Chromium to do a zoom in. when i'm reading RSS feeds in Akregator, it sends '=' to move to the next unread item.


winTitle = window.get_active_title()

if 'Mozilla Firefox' in winTitle:
    output = "+"

elif 'Chromium' in winTitle:
    output = "+"

elif 'Akregator' in winTitle:
    output = "="

    output = ""


Move Active Window

Author: Jack

Description: here are 4 tiny scripts to move the active window left, right, up, down. fwiw i have them on !Super+AppropriateArrow.

Move Window Left:

# move active window left
thisWin = window.get_active_title()
windetails = window.get_active_geometry() # returns tuple of: x, y, width, height
newX = windetails[0] - 40
window.resize_move(thisWin, xOrigin=newX, yOrigin=-1, width=-1, height=-1, matchClass=False)

Move Window Right:

# move active window right
thisWin = window.get_active_title()
windetails = window.get_active_geometry() # returns tuple of: x, y, width, height
newX = windetails[0] + 40
window.resize_move(thisWin, xOrigin=newX, yOrigin=-1, width=-1, height=-1, matchClass=False)

Move Window Up:

# move active window up
thisWin = window.get_active_title()
windetails = window.get_active_geometry() # returns tuple of: x, y, width, height
newY=windetails[1] - 80 # must bigger than approx 40, otherwise window moves down!
window.resize_move(thisWin, xOrigin=-1, yOrigin=newY, width=-1, height=-1, matchClass=False)

Move Window Down:

# move active window down
thisWin = window.get_active_title()
windetails = window.get_active_geometry() # returns tuple of: x, y, width, height
oldY = windetails[1]
newY=windetails[1] + 20
window.resize_move(thisWin, xOrigin=-1, yOrigin=newY, width=-1, height=-1, matchClass=False)

Offline Print Queue

Author: Joe

Description: Changes <ctrl>+p for Mozilla applications to print to a file in a special offline print queue using incremented file names, intended for use with duplexpr.


## Copyleft 2012/08/31 - Joseph J. Pollock JPmicrosystems GPL
## Last Modified 2019/05/16 - Handle new Mozilla print dialog
##    Added support for Waterfox
## Assign <Super>+p for Firefox and Thunderbird
## to print to file in a special print queue using
## numbered file names, 01, 02, ... so the print jobs stay in order
## The new file name/number will have the same number of digits as the highest
## existing file name/number with left zero padding
## Two digit file names/numbers is the default.
## You can "seed" the process using e.g. touch 0000 in an empty print queue
## Intended for use with duplexpr
## User must manually create print queue directory (~/pq)
## Not sure about the following still being necessary, but it works
## Set all *.print_to_filename variables in prefs.js (about:config)
## to path to print queue/ (or .pdf)
## e.g. /home/shelelia/pq/ (or .pdf)
## Using Ctrl+P as the hotkey doesn't seem to work in Firefox any more
## Hotkey <Super>+p
## Window Filter .*Thunderbird.*|.*Mozilla.*|.*Waterfox.*
## Changes <Super>+p to
## Print to file and looks at the print queue (~/pq) - hard coded
## Finds the last print file number and increments it by one
## Also handles files ending in ".pdf" or ".ps"
## Doesn't send final <Enter> so additional options like Print Selection
## can be set by the user

import os
import re
import string

def filenum ():
    ## Gets next file number
    ## Set path to print queue
    home = os.getenv("HOME")
    path = home + "/pq"  ## Change this if your print queue is elsewhere
    ##print("path [" + path + "]")  ## debug
    ## Get all the files in the print queue in a list
    ## Handle filesystem error
        return "EE"

    ## And sort it in reverse order
    ## So the largest numbered file is first

    ## If there aren't any files then
    ## Set last file to 0
    ## else, set it to the last file with a valid number
    ## Defend script against non-numeric file names
    ## go down the reverse sorted list until a numeric one is found
    digits = 2  ## default to 2-digit file numbers
    files = len(dirlist)
    if files > 0:
        i = 0
        ##print("Found [" + str(files) + "] files")  ## debug

        while (i < files) and (fn == ""):
            name = dirlist[i]
            ##print("name [" + name + "]")  ## debug
            ## regex for case insensitive replace of the last occurrence
            ## of .pdf or .ps at the end of the string with nothing
            ## if the file name has more than one, it's not one of ours
            name = re.sub(r'\.(?i)(pdf|ps)?$', "", name)
            ## Use the length of the one we found to set the zero padding length
            if name.isdigit():
                fn = str(int(name) + 1)
                digits = len(name)

            i += 1

    ## If no numeric file names were found
    if fn == "":
        ##print("fn [" + fn + "]")

    ## left zero fill the file name to the same length as the one we found
    ##print("fn [" + fn + "] digits [" + str(digits) + "]")  ## debug
    fn = fn.zfill(digits)
    return fn

## This code is for standalone testing outside of AutoKey

##output = filenum()
##print("Next File Number is [" + output + "]")


## Open the File menu
## Only works if Main Menu bar is displayed
## If we're not using Ctrl+p for the hotkey any more,
## maybe we can use it instead of AlT+f,p
#### Select Print

winTitle = window.get_active_title()

while (winTitle == "Printing"):
    winTitle = window.get_active_title()

## error window processing - for when FF complains about
## not being able to print all elements of the page
winTitle = window.get_active_title()
winClass = window.get_active_class()
if winTitle == "Printer Error" and winClass == "Dialog.Firefox":

if winTitle == "Print Preview Error" and winClass == "Dialog.Firefox":

if winClass == "Dialog.Firefox":

## tab to the printer selection list, then to the top of the list
## which is the Print to File selection
## tab to the file name field and enter the print queue directory path

output = filenum()


keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+a") ## New 2019/04/23

path = os.getenv("PQ") ## Change this if your print queue is elsewhere
path = "/home/bigbird/pq/"
keyboard.send_keys(path) ## New 2019/04/23

## complete the file name field in the select file dialog

## Tab away from the File select button so the user can just press Enter
## But don't send an enter so the user can select
## other options before printing

Key Wrapper

Author: tpower21

Description: Wrap selected text with one or two keys/sets of keys, or output them if nothing's selected, and keep your current clipboard. Can call it using engine.run_script(description) then bind whatever's calling it to something.

Real World Use: Highlight a load of text and that you need wrapped in something. Possibly say quotes, brackets, braces, parens, pipes, asterisks etc ... That is why the script is in two parts so you can have multiple assignments to the same engine.

Alternate Use: Wrapping a load of text with words or phrases like you would use in html, xml, etc ... where wrap could be <div> and wrap_close could be </div>.

binder script:

wrap = "<shift>+9"
wrap_close = "<shift>+0"

script: wrap_selection

# wrap_selection
# get keys
except NameError:
    dialog.info_dialog("Need at least one key to wrap selection with.")
except NameError:
    wrap_close = wrap
# below needed to get working in some apps, otherwise
# clipboard.get_selection() quicker/better
# get clipboard/selection
    clip_board = clipboard.get_clipboard()
    clip_board = ""
    selection = clipboard.get_clipboard()
    selection = ""
# clipboard won't update if selection empty
if clip_board == selection:
    selection = "" # problem if clipboard and selection are the same
# and not empty, but not the end of the world
# wrap and clean up
#tpower21 added the following two lines on February 7 2012
for s in selection:
del clip_board, selection, wrap, wrap_close

WordPress Hebrew Concordance Linker

Author: Itscool - Al

Description: This AutoKey script takes a selected entry in your WordPress article that may or may not contain parens "()", extracts the number enclosed and converts that to a link to the concordance at The number is assumed to be a HEBREW lexicon indicator as pertains to the Strong's Concordance that is keyed to the New King James Bible. I have my hot-key combo set to "<alt>+<shift>+h". With no further ado I present the following Python script for AutoKey that does what I claim.

selection = clipboard.get_selection()
if selection[0] == "(":
    selection = selection[1:-1]

if selection[-1] == ")":
    selection = selection[0:-2]


keyboard.send_keys("" % selection)
keyboard.send_keys("Strong's Concordance HEBREW %s" % selection)

Function to Type Text Slowly

Author: Joseph Pollock - JPmicrosystems

Description: Normally, AutoKey will emit characters from a phrase or script as fast as the system will allow. This is quite a bit faster than typing and some applications may not be able to keep up.

The following script emits/types a string of characters one at a time with a delay between each one.

The first parameter is the string of characters to type. The second optional parameter is the number of seconds to delay between each keypress. It defaults to 0.1 seconds.

## Type a string character by character
##   from within AutoKey
##   with a small delay between characters
def type_slowly(string, delay=0.1):
    if delay <= 0:
        # No delay, directly relay the whole string to the API function.
        for c in string:

Here's a more extreme version contributed by @bjohas.

This one assumes the script is set to not remove the trigger abbreviation automatically and does it itself.

string1:   trigger abbreviation
string2:   replacement text
backdelay: delay between emitting backspaces when deleting the trigger abbreviation
delay:     delay between removing the typed abbreviation an starting to emit the replacement string
typedelay: delay between emitting characters of the replacement string
def type_slowly(string1, string2, backdelay=0.0, delay=0.3, typedelay=0.0):
  for c in string1:
  for c in string2:


Function to list passwords on Firefox

Author: Chris Dardis

Description:* This brings up your list of saved passwords at a keystroke e.g. "CTRL + ALT + p" while using Firefox. This comes in handy on a daily basis for me. There is a limit to how fast this will work, as it involves tabbing on an active browser. Thus, the values for time.sleep() below are perhaps a little conservative.

## menu - edit
## menu - preferences (opens new tab)
keyboard.send_keys("<tab> <tab> <tab>")
## x7 total

Cycle case of selected text

Author: Jack

Description: This script changes the case of selected text. Repeated runs to this script cycle through Uppercase, Title Case, Lowercase:

Hello World
hello world
# Change case of selected text. Repeated runs to this script cycle through Uppercase, Title Case, Lowercase:
#   HELLO WORLD, Hello World, hello world
# jack

# Get the current selection.

    if not store.has_key("textCycle"):


# get saved value of textCycle
state = store.get_value("textCycle")

#dialog.info_dialog(title='state', message=state)

# modify text and set next modfication style
if state == "title":
    newstate = "lower"

elif state == "lower":
    newstate = "upper"

elif state == "upper":
    newstate = "title"

    newstate = "lower"

# save for next run of script

# Send the result.

Open a working directory

Author: Kolibril13

Description: This script opens the working directory, which you define in "/home/username/Desktop/working_directory.txt" (Ubuntu 18.04)

import os
with open('/home/kolibril/Desktop/working_directory.txt') as f:
        data = f.readlines()
working_directory= data[0]
working_directory = working_directory[:-2]
command = "nautilus " + working_directory

Simple IP Manager

Author: Kreezxil

Description: I created this to manage going to ip addresses that for whatever reason aren't named.

from autokey.common import USING_QT

# Maybe you don't want to set up a name server or you got some sites
# you goto that are just ips, w/e the reason this works too.
ipaddresses = []
ipaddresses.append(["my system",  ""])
ipaddresses.append(["Mom's PC",  "", "default"])
ipaddresses.append(["John's Filth Can",  ""])
# clearly mom needs lots of remote work and nobody goes near john's filth can

menuBuilder = []
defEntry = ""
menuEntry = "{} {}"
for x in ipaddresses:
  if x.count("default") == 1:

# Gtk seems to easily support dimensions whereas QT not so much
    retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(menuBuilder, default=defEntry)
    retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(menuBuilder, height='800',width='350',default=defEntry)

if retCode == 0:

Password Manager

Author: Kreezxil

Description: Post-it notes suck, writing on your hand sucks, using various adware loaded programs suck. Why not write your own password manager?

from autokey.common import USING_QT

passMap1 = []

# you should only have one line where the 4th element has the world "default"
# the last line to have default in it will be the default in the list
# these are all local ips obviously and the passwords are stupid (3rd element)
# on purpose
# some entries look like they are being used for titles, they are, good eye!
passMap1.append( [  "category",  "title",  "" ])
passMap1.append( [  "       ",  "mom",  "makescookies", "default"])
passMap1.append( [  "       ",  "john", "mybrother"])

menuBuilder = []
defEntry = ""
menuEntry = "{} {} {}"
for x in passMap1:
  if x.count("default") == 1:

    retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(menuBuilder, default=defEntry)
    retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(menuBuilder, height='800',width='350',default=defEntry)

if retCode == 0:

SSH Manager

Author: Kreezxil

Description: Similar to the password manager. As long as you have sshpass installed and you are in the terminal this script will save your fingers some major typing time.

Edit: September 26, 2021 - After using my own script for a long long time, I made some small improvements to it, that allow you to tap the primary key character for a username and jump to it. The ip is now hidden on the dropdown, and the menu shows the username in the first collumn. We're also now using a try except block to capture errors and allow the dialog to exit gracefully. Further, we can now use blank entries in our drop down.

from autokey.common import USING_QT

#Required: sshpass
#        : and for you to be in the terminal already

# you should only have one line where the 4th element has the world "default"
# the last line to have default in it will be the default in the list
# these are all local ips obviously and the passwords are stupid (3rd element)
# on purpose
systems = []
systems.append( [ "","","" ])
systems.append( [ "","","GENERAL" ])
systems.append( [ "","","" ])
systems.append( [ "",  "root",  "reallyhardpasswordnot",  "default"])
systems.append( [ "",  "mom",  "makescookies"])
systems.append( [ "",  "john",  "mybrother"])

menuBuilder = []
defEntry = ""
menuEntry = "{} {} {}"
hdrEntry = "====== {} ======"
for x in systems:
    if x[1] == "" and x[2] != "":
        entry = hdrEntry.format(x[2])
    elif x[1] == "" and x[2] == "":
        entry = ""
        entry = menuEntry.format(x[1], x[2], x[0])
        if x.count("default") == 1:
            defEntry = entry

# We use the boolean check to see which toolkit we're using
# the different toolkits receive extra parameters differently
    if USING_QT:
        retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(menuBuilder, default=defEntry)
        retCode, choice = dialog.list_menu(
            menuBuilder, height="800", width="350", default=defEntry

    if retCode == 0:
        command = 'sshpass -p "{}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {}@{}'
                .replace("$", "\$")
                .replace("!", "\!"),

Url Wrangler

Author: Kreezxil

Description: If you follow me you know that I have 100 projects at and that I am frequent updater of my modpacks. In order to build my changelogs after I copy the download link I use a hot key to trigger this device to help me paste a changelog.

import time

data = clipboard.get_clipboard()

if data=="":
    dialog.info_dialog("Empty","The Clipboard is empty!")
    rawName = data[9:]
    parts = rawName.split("/")
    theLink = "https://{}/{}/{}/{}".format(parts[0],parts[1],parts[2],parts[3])
    changeLog = "{}/files/{}".format(theLink,parts[5])

Googling query from anywhere

Author: Slothworks

Description: Being able to search any selected text by activating a python script (below) every time I pressed a set of keyboard buttons.

import webbrowser

#Remove trailing or leading white space and find if there are multiple
if phrase.find(' ')<0:

#Generate search URL.
if singleWord:
if (not singleWord):


Search your phrases and scripts

Author: Caspx

Description: This script will help you to quickly find those old sneaky phrases you can't seem to find.

import os

from os import walk
from os.path import join

# very simple logger
def log(line):
    system.exec_command('echo "{}" >> /tmp/autokey.log'.format(line))

# Location to Autokey data dir - You can set it manually
USER = os.getenv('USER')
AUTOKEY_DATA_DIR = '/home/{}/.config/autokey/data'.format(USER)

# List all phrases and scripts located in the data dir
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(AUTOKEY_DATA_DIR):
    files = [join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith(('.txt', '.py'))]

while True:
    ret_code, query = dialog.input_dialog(title="Search",
                                          message='Enter a query')
    if ret_code != 0:

    # Currently check query against file path and name only
    candidates = {}
    query = query.lower()
    for f in DATA_FILES:
        if query in f.lower():
            path = f
            name = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0]
            # known issue - May run over a phrase with the same name
            candidates[name] = path

    # show a dialog list with what we have found
    choices = candidates.keys()
    ret_code, choice = dialog.list_menu(choices,

    # Printing the selected phrase
    if ret_code == 0:
        path = candidates[choice]
            with open(path) as f:
                phrase =
        except Exception as e:


Dynamically assign hotkey actions

Author: tomrule007

Description: Sample script that uses global value to toggle hotkey actions.

Enable script - sets enabled True and passes hotkey through.

store.set_global_value("enabled", True)

Disable script - sets enabled False and passes hotkey through.

store.set_global_value("enabled", False)
keyboard.send_keys(" ")

Action script - checks global value to determine action and also handles unset global with a default setting.

    enabled = store.get_global_value("enabled")
except TypeError:
    enabled = True #default setting

if enabled:
    # Do this if enabled.
    # Do this if disabled.

Push to Talk

Author: Sid Coelho

Description: This script was made to allow a push-to-talk feature in applications that don't offer it natively such as Zoom.

# This AutoKey script was made to allow a push-to-talk feature in applications that don't offer it natively such as Zoom.
# Do not forget to define your custom parameters, including the expected mute/unmute action, and to match the hotkey variable with the trigger hotkey defined for this script on AutoKey itself.
# P.S. I kept my debugging code commented out just for reference.

# Enter script code
import os

import evdev
# Defining some custom parameters
lockfile = '.p2t.lockfile'          # => You may choose whatever filename you like here. More details below.
device_path = '/dev/input/event6'   # => Be sure to check what input device corresponds to your keyboard with `python -m evdev.evtest`.
hotkey = 'KEY_F1'                   # => This hotkey should be the same one that triggers your script.
hold_action = 2
expected_action = '<alt>+A'         # => This is the expected key combination to trigger mute/unmute on the target app.

# Also, you can setup AutoKey to only trigger this script when your target app is open, based on the window title. In my case, I set it up with regex /*Reunião Zoom/.
#P.S. all lines that are entirely commented out were used for debugging and can be removed if you like.

  open(lockfile)                                 # => If the lockfile exists, script does nothing. This is important because keeping a key pressed in fact sends several hits like you were typing it very quickly.
except FileNotFoundError:
  with open(lockfile, 'w'):                      # => Else, the script creates the lockfile and starts its magic.
    #print('Starting operation')
    #counter = 0
    device = evdev.InputDevice(device_path)      # => EvDev is used to access our keyboard.
    keyboard.send_keys(expected_action)          # => Here we send our "unmute" command to the target app.
    for event in device.read_loop():             # => And here we start monitoring the keyboard for keypress events.
      if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY:      # => EvDev sends different types of events and this part ensures we'll check only for keypress events.
        category = evdev.categorize(event)       # => This is used to view the necessary event details.
        #print(category.keycode, type(category.keycode), category.keystate)
        if category.keycode != hotkey or category.keystate != hold_action: # => `keycode` is the pressed key itself and keystate represents one of the three possible actions: down, up or hold.
          break                                  # => If we detect that we are no longer holding the hotkey, break the loop.
        #counter += 1
        #print('Loop ', counter)
        #print(category.keycode, type(category.keycode), category.keystate)
  keyboard.send_keys(expected_action)            # => Here we issue the "mute" command to the target app.
  os.remove(lockfile)                            # => And remove the lockfile so as we can use the Push2Talk script again.
  #print('Ending operation')

Run an AutoKey phrase from an AutoKey script

Author: Elliria

Description: AutoKey scripts can run AutoKey phrases with the keyboard.fake_keypress API call or the keyboard.press_key and keyboard.release_key API calls. The examples below enable certain abbreviation settings for the phrase. If you use different settings, you may need to adjust the script. For instance, if your phrase requires a trigger character, you'll either need to press it manually after running the script or add a press of the space bar to your script so that AutoKey takes care of it for you. Both examples below will run the specified phrase and cause AutoKey to print the specified message into the active window.

Example with a script that uses an abbreviation with a single character:

  1. Create a phrase.
  2. Make these its contents: foo
  3. Make this its abbreviation: x
  4. Enable these abbreviation settings:
    • Remove typed abbreviation
    • Trigger when typed as part of a word
    • Trigger immediately (don't require a trigger character)
  5. Save the phrase.
  6. Create a script.
  7. Use one of these as its contents:
  8. Save the script.
  9. Open a text file.
  10. Run the script.

Example with a script that uses an abbreviation with multiple duplicate characters:

  1. Create a phrase.
  2. Make these its contents: foo
  3. Make this its abbreviation: xxx
  4. Enable these abbreviation settings:
    • Remove typed abbreviation
    • Trigger when typed as part of a word
    • Trigger immediately (don't require a trigger character)
  5. Save the phrase.
  6. Create a script.
  7. Use one of these as its contents:
    keyboard.fake_keypress("x", repeat=3)
  8. Save the script.
  9. Open a text file.
  10. Run the script.

Run an AutoKey script from another AutoKey script

Author: Elliria

Description: AutoKey scripts can run other AutoKey scripts with the engine.run_script(...) API call.

  1. Create an AutoKey script (the example uses the MyInternalScript script) with your contents in it (the example creates and runs a function):
# Create a function:
def myFunction():
	# Display a dialog:
	dialog.info_dialog(message="This dialog was created by a function inside of another internal AutoKey script.")
# Run the above function:
  1. Then create another AutoKey script and put these contents into it to call the first script:

When you run the second AutoKey script, the function in the first AutoKey script is run and you get its output in the form of a dialog.

Recipe Builder for Minecraft and Extended Crafting if using The Kabbalah Block Mod

  • Author: Kreezxil
  • Description: Allows to create a recipe automatically for use with The Kabbalah Block Mod where Extended Crafting mod is also available.
  • License: MIT

See the script here.

Dynamically create a toggled HTML details block

Author: Elliria

Description: This script gets the current selection and prompts you for the information needed to create an HTML details block like this one that can be clicked to toggle the display of its contents:

# This script works in AutoKey 0.95.10.
# This script gets the current selection (which can contain HTML and/or Markdown).
# It then prompts the user for open/closed status and chooses the correct opening details tag based on the answer.
# If no status is provided, the script displays a dialog and exits.
# If a status is provided, the status will be used.
# It then prompts the user for a summary.
# If no summary is provided, none will be used.
# If a summary is provided, the summary will be used.
# It then replaces the selection with a new string wrapped in the tags needed to create an HTML details block using the status and/or summary.
# To use this script, select some text in any window, click on any window to make it active, and click this script in the AutoKey context menu or press its hotkey.

More information:
* This script wraps an HTML details element (toggled block of text) around
  the currently-selected text and prints it to the currently-active window.
* It does so by presenting the user with two dialogs:
    * The first dialog asks for an open or closed status to determine
      whether the contents of the details element will be shown or hidden
      by default.
    * The second dialog asks for a summary. This is the title of the details
      element and is the clickable text that will toggle the display of its
    * Various points of failure have been built in to account for a press of
      the Cancel button, a press of the Escape key, or presses of the OK
      button without content being typed in.
* See an example of these detail elements in action here:
* See GitHub's official page on these detail elements:
* The selected text can accept HTML or Markdown.
* The selected text can be used in your Markdown.
* These details elements don't work on Gitter.
* They do, however, work on GitHub, so you can use them in discussions, issue reports, wiki pages, etc.

# This example uses closed status and no summary:
    <details>HELLO WORLD</details>

# This example uses closed status and a summary:
    <details><summary>CLICK ME</summary>HELLO WORLD</details>

# This example uses open status and no summary:
    <details open>HELLO WORLD</details>

# This example uses open status and a summary:
    <details open><summary>CLICK ME</summary>HELLO WORLD</details>

# Try this code:
    # Store the selected text in a local variable:
    selection = clipboard.get_selection()
    # Pause for a moment:
    # Make the status variable globally available:
    global status
    # Prompt the user for the status:
    ret1, status = dialog.input_dialog(title="Status", message="Open or closed details element?:")
    # If a status was provided:
    if ret1 == 0:

        # Prompt the user for a summary:
        ret2, summary = dialog.input_dialog(title="Summary", message="Title of details element?:")

        # If the user provided a summary:
        if ret2 == 0:

            # If the answer was open:
            if status == "open":
                # Use the open tag:
                details = "details open"
            # If the answer was closed:
                # Use the closed tag:
                details = "details"
            # If the user pressed OK without providing a status:
            if len(status) == 0:
                # Display a "No status" dialog:
                dialog.info_dialog(title='No status', message="No status was provided.", width='200')
                # Exit out of this script:

            # If the user provided a status and pressed OK without providing a summary:
            if len(status) > 0 and len(summary) == 0:
               # Print the wrapped selection with no summary to the active window:
               keyboard.send_keys("<%s>%s</details>" % (details, selection))

            # If the user provided a status and provided a summary:
            if len(status) > 0 and len(summary) > 0:
                # Print the wrapped selection with a summary to the active window:
                keyboard.send_keys("<%s><summary>%s</summary>%s</details>" % (details, summary, selection))

        # If the cancel button was pressed during the summary question:
        elif ret2 == 1:
            # Display a "Summary cancelled" dialog:
            dialog.info_dialog(title='Summary cancelled', message="You cancelled the summary.", width='200')

            # Display a "Summary unknown error" dialog:
            dialog.info_dialog(title='Summary unknown error', message="Summary unknown error.", width='200')
    # If the cancel button was pressed during the status question:
    elif ret1 == 1:
        # Display a "Status cancelled" dialog:
        dialog.info_dialog(title='Status cancelled', message="You cancelled the status.", width='200')
    # If something else went wrong with the status:
        # Display a "Status unknown error" dialog:
        dialog.info_dialog(title='Status unknown error', message="Status unknown error.", width='200')
        # Exit the script:

# If anything else happens:

    # Display a "Script unknown error" dialog:
    dialog.info_dialog(title='Script unknown error', message="Script unknown error.", width='200')
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️