How to start a simulation - augmentedfabricationlab/fabtory_fabrication_control GitHub Wiki

  • for the simulations we use Docker containers to run ROS. For further explanation please read COMAS FAB
  • open your fabtory_fabrication_control folder in Visual Studio Code.
  • docker -> ros-systems already stores predefined docker containers which prevents you to build an own docker image.

How to start my virtual simulation in RobotStudio

  • To make your virtual simulation run select the moveit_simulation_and_virtual_controller and compose the docker-comopose-yml with a right-click up.
  • With the running containers you can then access the graphic user interface.
  • Make sure that your robot model is loaded in your grasshopper file. If you are correctly connected to ROS your ros_client would be set as True
  • in RobotStudio load your FlexPendant and start the simulation:


Run the Test Text File in RobotStudio

  • in Visual Studio Code you find the via fabtory_fabrication_control > tests >
  • Run the Code. Your Virtual Controller is sending

T_ROB1 -> RRC Main

T_CTRL -> RRC Main

T_RX -> RRC Main

T_TX -> RRC Main

T_CTRL -> RRC Connected

T_ROB1 -> Welcome TUM to RRC ;)

  • Message Output in RobotStudio looks as following:

How to start my real simulation with the robot

  • to connect to the real controller of the ABB robot compose the moveit_simulation_and_real_controller -> docker-comopose-yml with a right-click up.
  • plug in the ethernet cable to access the real controller
  • in RobotStudio connect with the real controller via Controller -> Add Controller -> One Click Connect. Now you will have another station being added to your Controller Tab, your real controller (6700-127534) and the virtual controller (v6700-127534)
  • Make sure you update your end effector tool in the real controller with the same one you have in your virtual controller
  • for further information also see section How do I set up a new end effector tool

How to stop docker

  • open your fabtory_fabrication_control folder in Visual Studio Code.
  • select the moveit_simulation_and_virtual_controller or the moveit_simulation_and_real_controller and compose the docker-comopose-yml with a right-click down.

How to troubleshoot failing connectivity to the virtual / real controller

  • You can send the same text file to test if your connection to the real controller works. Please check the section above. Run the text test file

  • If your physical teach pendant doesn't give you any feedback on the sent code attach a shell to the correct docker container in VSC to show your communication with ROS-Bridge

root@833ac27874c7:~/catkin_ws/src# cd ..

root@833ac27874c7:~/catkin_ws# source devel/setup.bash

root@833ac27874c7:~/catkin_ws# rostopic list

  • example: check if you are connected to the ROS Client, select rostopic echo /connected clients from the rostopic list. This should give you the same IP back which you use for your ROS Client in your grasshopper file: