How to set up a new end effector tool - augmentedfabricationlab/fabtory_fabrication_control GitHub Wiki

How to create the same end effector tool in RobotStudio and Grasshopper

How to create a tool in grasshopper

  • Create a new tool in your fabtory_control.ghx file within your rhino/grasshopper environment. Open the cluster in Tool -> Tools and copy one of the tool component groups.

  • Set your tool as geometry in this new group and add the right ee_frame (end-effector frame). Internalize the data of your tool geometry as permanent source. image

  • the data panel returns the values of the set ee_frame of your tool and its quaternions. Copy the content to set up your tool in Robot Studio image

How to create the same ee_tool frame in RobotStudio

  • switch to RAPID Module Tools in RobotStudio. Expand T_ROB1 in the program modules of your virtual controller and create a new tooldata for your tool in E002_DataTask. Copy the values of your ee_frame you copied from the data panel in the grasshopper tool cluster.

How do I vizualize an end effector tool in RobotStudio?

  • Start RobotStudio
  • Import geometry Home -> Import Geometry -> Browse for Geometry and select a solid model
  • In the layout window rename your tool: t_xx
  • Position your model in world0 with right click on the tool in your layout window Position -> Place -> OnePoint, if you need to rotate your geometry use Rotate till the geometry is oriented the same as in your grasshopper environment

How to set the tcf

  • Create your tcf with Home -> Frame -> Create Frame and activate your snap
  • Set your frame with right click on the frame in the layout window normal to the tcf surface -> Set normal to surface and select the surface

How to create your tool

  • Create your tool in Modeling -> Create Tool. A new window will guide you through.
  • Rename your tool: t_xx
  • Activate use existing and select your tcf as your target frame

How to safe your tool to the library

  • Click right on your created tool -> save as library
  • Safe your current tool to the fabtory_fabrication_control workspace in data -> robot_description -> abb_end_effectors

How to update the robot with the new tool

  • Drag your tool on your robot and update the robot position to snap
  • In the Path&Target window you find the ToolData with your new tool
  • To test your tool, select your robot geometry and select Jogging, your tool will now move while jogging

Be careful with vizualizing your tool: This can be misleading especially when you switch your end effectors within one process