vivaTracker Folder Structure - asolis/vivaTracker GitHub Wiki


The vivaTracker project contains the following files and structure:

/                   - vivaTracker root folder
 CMakeList.txt      - Cmake rules to create the vivaTracker project
 macro.txt          - Cmake macros to download and extract tracking datasets       - Cmake configuration file to defining tracking macros 
 sequences.txt      - File containing the full path to the **sequences** folder
 main.cpp           - Program staring point          - Readme file            - Python 2.7 script to compare vivaTracker output to sequence ground truth
 license/           - Folder containing license agreements for each tracker/component
     skcf.license   - license for **skcf**
 sequences/         - Folder containing datasets
     vot2013/       - Vot2013 dataset ...
 trackerlib/        - Folder with the classes and interfaces of the vivaTracker library
 vivalib/           - Folder with the [vivalib] library, used to processing video sequences
 trackers/          - Folder containing the tracking implementations
     opentld/       - Folder containing OpentTLD tracking method files 
     kcf/           - Folder containing KCF tracking method files
     struck/        - Folder containing Struck tracking method files