Question‐1 - ashwin-3/73772127106-Devops-Assignment-1 GitHub Wiki

Use the screenshots from your example to demonstrate the following GIT actions utilizing local and remote (Github) repositories.

git clone - The command 'git clone' can be used to make a local copy of a Git repository. Its syntax is 'git clone

git clone

git push - Local changes can be uploaded to a remote Git repository using 'git push', pushing modifications from the local "main" branch to the remote repository's "main" branch under the name "origin".

git push

git pull - Use 'git pull' to fetch and incorporate changes from the remote repository "origin"'s "main" branch into the current branch.

git pull

git reset: Use the 'git reset' command to undo changes made to the working directory or to reset the current branch to a particular commit.

git reset

git commit - To save changes to the local repository, use the 'git commit' command.

git commit

git stash - you can temporarily store changes, enabling you to swap branches or complete tasks without committing them,git status - The 'git status' command is used to display the current state of your working directory in reference to the Git repository

git status

Pull Request

pull request

Commands for Branching and Merging

git branch

Rules for Branch Protection & Merge Conflicts

branching and merging