Ruby Strings - ashish9342/FreeCodeCamp GitHub Wiki

Ruby Strings


  • Strings are a series of characters 'strung' together between quotes.

  • Single or double quotes can be used to create strings in Ruby.

  • Ruby does some extra evaluation on strings that are created with double quotes, such as:

    • Escaping characters: \n, \t, \s
    • Using variables and expressions inside: #{variable or expression}
  • Strings with single quotes are rendered as they are, without any special considerations.


"Hello World"
# is equivalent to:
'Hello World'
"This is line 1.\nAnd this is line 2."
# returns:
This is line 1.
And this is line 2.
name = "Batman"
"Hello, my name is #{name}!"
# returns:
Hello, my name is Batman!
# Note that for single quotes, ruby doesn't take special consideration for variables or backslashes:
'This is your name:\n#{name}'
# returns:
This is your name:\n#{name}


Table of Contents

  1. Ruby String Operators
  2. Ruby String Methods
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