Java Basic Operators - ashish9342/FreeCodeCamp GitHub Wiki

Java Basic Operations

Java supports the following operations on variables:

  • Arithmetic : Addition(+), Subtraction(-), Multiplication(*), Division(/), Modulus(%),Increment(++), Decrement(--).
  • String concatenation: + can be used for String concatenation but subtraction - on a String is not a valid operation.
  • Relational: Equal to(==), Not Equal to (!=), Greater than(>), Less than(<), Greater than or equal to(>=), Less than or equal to(<=),
  • Bitwise: Bitwise And(&), Bitwise Or(|), Bitwise XOR(^), Bitwise Compliment(~), Left shift(<<), Right Shift (>>), Zero fill right shift (>>>)
  • Logical: Logical And (&&), Logical Or(||), Logical Not (!)
  • Assignment: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=
  • Others: Conditional/Ternary(?:), instanceof

While most of the operations are self explanatory, the Conditional (Ternary) Operator works as follows:

expression that results in boolean output ? return this value if true : return this value if false

For e.g:

int x = 10;
int y = (x == 10) ? 5 : 9; <-- y will equal 5 since the expression x == 10 evaluates to true


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️