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What Pilot Is

Pilot is a tool that helps you run benchmarks to get accurate and meaningful results. Why do you need Pilot? Read what Pilot can do for you.


See the [Requirements and Installation Instructions](Requirements and Installation Instructions) for details.


  • [Measuring the duration of running C++ functions](Measuring the duration of running CPP functions).
  • [Using Pilot to run a command-line benchmark job](Using Pilot to run a command-line benchmark job), such as using dd to measure the I/O throughput.
  • [Using Pilot to analyze existing data](Using Pilot to analyze existing data)
  • Using libpilot to do quick and easy [measurement of device or file system's sustainable sequential write throughput](Performance measurement of a sequential write workload)
  • Using [pilot with filebench](Pilot with filebench) to run various workloads (under construction).
  • Those who needs more flexibility can use the libpilot library directly.

Other benchmark tools

You can develop interface modules to make Pilot work with other benchmark tools. The modules can be developed using Python for convenience / fast prototype, or C++ for lower overhead and faster load time. You will need to implement the hook functions.

Have fun!