FeaturesDependentOnAdvanceBundles - asastats/channel GitHub Wiki

The following user feature requests depend on the development and deployment of the advanced bundles functionality (Roadmap section 13.), but can also affect the free users.

Edit bundle's addresses


I keep a bookmark of a hash key that shows multiple wallets at once. I want to add a new wallet to my view but there's no easy way. It would be helpful to be able to edit the list of wallets.

Wallets chart in bundle


"now that we have multi-wallet support can we get a pie chart by wallet address when viewing multi-wallet? Ideally have it show up first/top in mobile?"


I guess then we'd have 4x1, 2x2, and 1x4 rows of charts based on screen size.

Chose/switch between multiple wallets


I more or less was asking to have a visual block of wallet currently being used separated with wallet info in block. And blocks with no wallet info if none added. So on mobile I can easily see which wallets are in already and remove or add more easily. Maybe a update button once you add a new wallet

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