Roadmap - asanetargoss/Changeling GitHub Wiki

This roadmap is meant to give an idea of the current scope of Changeling. This list is not a guarantee that any particular bug or feature will be worked on in any given period of time. Use it as a guideline for what to expect from the mod.


  • Monitoring bugs and feature requests on the issue tracker, and other places if it's practical
  • Monitoring pull requests and other offers from players and developers to contribute to the mod
  • Keeping in-sync with Metamorph's code

High Priority

  • Fix crashes
  • Fix bugs causing the player to take damage
  • Fix bugs that prevent the player from using functionality from the mod


  • Online documentation
    • Commands
    • API for other modders to create add-ons which could add new skills, abilities, modded mob support, survival/balance features, etc


  • More skills and abilities for vanilla mobs
  • Fix non-high-priority bugs caused by select cross-mod compatibility issues
  • Other select bugfixes

Under consideration

  • New API/configuration features
  • Improved features for developing with the mod