Performance - arthur791004/notes GitHub Wiki
HTTP Cache
HTTP Status
- 200: Cache 期間內不會發出 request,且 response 為 200
- 304: Cache 已過期,但 ETag 並沒有更新,所以可以繼續使用
- Cache Only
- Cache First
- Network Only
- Network First
- Fastest
- sw-toolbox
- sw-precache
- Workbox (sw-toolbox + sw-precache)
- 可以透過 cli 或是整合 webpack 等自動生成
- workboxPlugin
First Render
- Blocked Rednering
- Render Priority
- Highest: 如 HTML、CSS
- High: 如 JS*
- Medium: 如 Favicon
- Low: 如圖片
- Lowest: 如 prefetch 的資源
- 如何降低 Redner Priority
- css
// 一般: media="print" <link media="print" href="print.css" rel="stylesheet"> // IE 相關: media="(-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none)" <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie.css" media="(-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none)">
- js
- async, defer: render priority 都會降至 Low,但現實中其實不常用...
- async: 載完後就會馬上執行
- defer: 等 DOM parse 完才會執行
- async, defer: render priority 都會降至 Low,但現實中其實不常用...
- css
- Code Splitting
import('fatLibrary').then(fatLibrary => { console.log(fatLibrary) });
- Precache
// 通常透過 tool 自動生成 importScripts('workbox-sw.js'); const workboxSW = new WorkboxSW(); workboxSW.precache([{ url: '/dist/2.js', revision: '4301192...d3c2cb' }]);
- preload
- prefetch
- IndexedDB
- HTTP/2
- Server Push
- React Stack 開發體驗與優化策略
- Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale
- Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 2 — Page Load Performance
- Progressive loading for modern web applications via code splitting
- The cost of small modules
- Automatic Code Splitting for React Router w/ ES6 Imports
- 前端性能優化與 SEO
- Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome
- [译]Preload,Prefetch 和它们在 Chrome 之中的优先级
- Two Quick Ways To Reduce React App’s Size In Production
- React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice
- Webpack 3 + React — Production build tips