Enzyme - arthur791004/notes GitHub Wiki
- 官方的 TestUtils 非常之難用,封裝了該套件
- 擁有類似 jQuery 的 selector API,方便撰寫測試
- 提供
函數來模擬事件的觸發 - 提供接口讓我們獲取和操作 component 的 state 和 props
可在生成 snapshot 時使用toJson
- 封裝官方的 shallow rendering
- 指渲染第一層,不渲染子元件
- 速度快
- 不管 child component 的行為,測試重點只是 component 本身
- Full rendering
- 真實的 DOM 節點
- 想要測試與 DOM 的互動與後續產生的變化 (如 click 後刪除一個 list 的項目)
- 想要測試完整的生命週期
- 類似 shallow,但使用 Cheerio 的 HTML Parser
- 不只渲染一層
- API 與 shallow 基本一致
- When
- useful to constrain yourself to testing a component as a unit
- ensure that your tests aren't indirectly asserting on behavior of child components
- Usage
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; describe('<MyComponent />', () => { it('should render three <Foo /> components', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />); expect(wrapper.find(Foo)).to.have.length(3); }); });
- find
- unmount
- text
- html: Returns a static HTML rendering of the current node
- state: Returns the state of the root component
- context: Returns the context of the root component
- props: Returns the props of the current node
- simulate: Simulates an event on the current node
- setState
- setProps
- setContext
- ...
- When
- you have components that may interact with DOM APIs
- may require the full lifecycle in order to fully test the component (i.e., componentDidMount etc.)
- Usage
import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import Foo from './Foo'; describe('<Foo />', () => { it('allows us to set props', () => { const wrapper = mount(<Foo bar="baz" />); expect(wrapper.props().bar).to.equal('baz'); wrapper.setProps({ bar: 'foo' }); expect(wrapper.props().bar).to.equal('foo'); }); });
- ...
- When
- render react components to static HTML and analyze the resulting HTML structure
- Usage
import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'enzyme'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; describe('<Foo />', () => { it('renders three `.foo-bar`s', () => { const wrapper = render(<Foo />); expect(wrapper.find('.foo-bar')).to.have.length(3); }); });
- ...
- Selectors
- class syntax (.foo, .foo-bar, etc.)
- tag syntax (input, div, span, etc.)
- id syntax (#foo, #foo-bar, etc.)
- prop syntax ([htmlFor="foo"], [bar], [baz=1], etc.);
- others
- .foo .bar
- .foo > .bar
- .foo + .bar
- .foo ~ .bar
- .foo input
- Example
const wrapper = mount(( <div> <span foo={3} bar={false} title="baz" /> </div> )); wrapper.find('[foo=3]'); wrapper.find('[bar=false]'); wrapper.find('[title="baz"]');