Supernova Yield References - arsenal-popsynth/arsenal_gear GitHub Wiki

a quantity referenced often for nucleosynthesis in the innermost ejecta is the electron fraction, $Y_e = \left< Z/A \right>$ in the layers undergoing explosive Si burning. This $Y_e$ is set by the weak interactions in the explosively burning layers, i.e., electron and positron captures, decays, and neutrino or anti-neutrino captures (e.g. Fröhlich et al. 2006)

Leitherer et al. 1992

  • stars above 8 $\mathrm{M_\odot}$ explode as supernovae (SNe) with total kinetic energy $10^{51}$ ergs (McKee 1990) independent of SN type or metallicity
  • mass loss given by the stellar mass at central carbon exhaustion in the evolutionary models minus the mass of the remnant (set to 1.4 $\text M_\odot$)
  • link: Leitherer et al. 1992

Woosley & Weaver 1995

  • yields for stable isotopes lighter than germanium ejected from stars of metallicities $0, 10^{-4}, 10^{-2}, 0.1, \text{and } 1$ times the solar value (about 0.019 from Anders & Grevesse (1989))
  • Each star is exploded using a piston to give a specified final kinetic energy at infinity, and the standard was taken to be $1.2 \times 10^{51}$ ergs
  • For each star the piston was located at the outer edge of the iron core, which marks the outer extent of the last stage of convective silicon shell burning
  • link: Woosley & Weaver 1995

Koichi et al. 1999

  • detailed yields for Chandrasekhar mass $(\mathrm{1.38 M_\odot})$ models (Type Ia SNe)
  • 7 different models with explosion energies between 1.3 and 1.5 $\times 10^{51}$ ergs
  • link: Koichi et al. 1999

Heger & Woosley 2002

  • Nucleosynthesis in Population III stars (metal free)
  • used implicit hydrodynamics code KEPLER for all calculations
  • grid of helium core masses from 65-130 $\text M_\odot$ in 5 $\text M_\odot$ interval for detailed nucleosyntehsis
  • this range of helium core masses corresponds to $\sim\text {140 - 260 M}_\odot$ stars
  • I couldn't find the raw data corresponding to explosion energies, but $\text E_\text{expl}$ (kinetic energy at infinity) is given in Figure 1:

Nomoto et al. 2006

  • present nucleosynthesis yields as functions of mass, metallicity, and explosion energy
  • take into account hypernovae (HNe), where the kinetic energy is $\gtrapprox 10 \times 10^{51}$ ergs, as well as faint, lowe energy SNe
  • stars more massive than $\sim 25 \text M_\odot$ form a black hole at the end of their evolution where non-rotating black holes are likely to have collapsed "quietly" ejecting a small amount of heavy elements, where stars with rotating black holes are likely to give rise to hypernovae
  • they suggest that the hypernova progenitors might form therapidly rotating cores by spiraling-in of a companion star in a binary system
  • yields for a mass grid of $\text{M = 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40 M}_\odot$, and a metallicity grid of $\text{Z = 0, 0.001, 0.004, 0.02}$
  • the large Zn and Co abundances and the small Mn and Cr abundances observed in very metal-poor stars can be better explained by introducing HNe
  • link: Nomoto et al. 2006

Heger & Woosley 2007

  • explosion energy of Type II SNe around $1.2 \text { B } \pm$ a factor of 2 (Bethe, named after Hans Bethe to represent $10^{51} \text {ergs}$)
  • largest difference for nucleosynthesis between $1.2 \text{ B}$ and $2.4 \text{ B}$ explosions were iron group yields
  • note that a major shortcoming of Woover & Weasley 1995 was the omission of mass loss for massive stars - mass loss included in this work
  • Masses included in the study were 12–33 solar masses in steps of 1 $\text M_\odot$, plus stars of 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 100, and 120 $\text M_\odot$—32 stars altogether
  • link: Heger & Woosley 2007

Woosley & Heger 2015

  • pre-supernova evolution of non-rotating stars of solar metallicity between masses of $6.5-13.5 \text{ M}_\odot$
  • $\text{X = 0.711, Y = 0.274, Z = 0.015}$ - Hydrogen mass fraction, helium mass fraction, and metal mass fraction taken to be solar abundance, respectively (from Lodders 2003)
  • stars below 7 solar masses end their lives as carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, and $7-9 \text{M}_\odot$ stars as oxygen-neon white dwarfs or electron capture SNe
  • link: Woosley & Heger 2015

Sukhbold et al. 2016

  • detailed yield tables, all at solar metallicity
  • includes nucleosynthesis, light curves, explosion energies, and remnant masses
  • grid of 200 pre-SN stars with masses from 9 to 120 $\text M_\odot$
  • calculated using KEPLER code, very similar models to Woosley & Heger (2007, 2015), and Sukhbold & Woosley (2014)
  • show "islands of explodability" where there is no mass of which below stars would explode as SNe and above collapse directly into BHs
  • link: Sukhbold et al. 2016