View Data Entity Data Quickly From Front End - arp6333/xplusplus GitHub Wiki
You can use '/data' or '/data/' in the URL to view the data in the entity quickly from the front-end. The entity name IS case sensitive! It may take a few moments to load for the first time.
After the Data Entity name in the URL, you can use a '?' to add parameters for data filtering.
The Dyanmics user you are logged in as must have a company assigned to them or else it will default to 'DAT' data (which most likely will show as empty); or you can use the flag 'cross-company=true'.
Example: (don't worry about spacing and non-URL characters as they will be fixed once you hit enter)$filter=InvoiceId eq 'INV000000001'
Some query options:
- $filter
- $count
- $orderby
- $skip
- $top
- $select
Filter specific options:
- eq (Equals)
- ne (Not equals)
- gt (Greater than)
- ge (Greater than or equal)
- lt (Less than)
- le (Less than or equal)
- and
- or
- not