Creating Header Entity from Line Entity - arp6333/xplusplus GitHub Wiki

Allows avoiding use of composite entities (ex. want to import data into composite entity without using XML)

  1. Create extension and code extension of the Line entity, and extension of the Line Staging table


  1. I chose to overwrite the validateField method in this example as to create the Header when the JournalBatchNumber is validated, but the following code can be put in a variety of methods based on use case (see Data Entity Method Call Sequence for other usable methods)
/// <summary>
/// Overwrite the validateField method to create the CustomerPaymentJournalHeaderEntity record.
/// This method is called for all fields on the Entity to make sure they are valid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "fieldId">Field to validate.</param>
/// <returns>True if successful; false if not.</returns>
public boolean validateField(int fieldId)
    // Switch on the field to validate
    switch (fieldId)
        // If the field is JournalBatchNum:
        case fieldNum(CustomerPaymentJournalLineEntity, JournalBatchNumber):
            CustomerPaymentJournalHeaderEntity header;

            // Check if the Header record exists already
            // We are using the Header primary keys to check this
            select firstonly header
                where header.dataAreaId         == this.dataAreaId &&
                      header.JournalBatchNumber == this.JournalBatchNumber;

            if (!header.RecId)
                // Create the Header record
                // Entity records can be created and inserted just like regular tables
                header.JournalName        = this.JournalName;
                header.Description        = this.JournalDescription;
                header.JournalBatchNumber = this.JournalBatchNumber;
                // Double check the line is valid to write to the table
                if (header.validateWrite())

    // Continue chain of command call
    return next validateField(fieldId);;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️