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Logic Nodes Reference: Graphics nodes

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This reference was built for Armory 2023.11.

Node Categories


Draw Arc

Draws an arc (part of a circle).

See also:

Draw Arc node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the arc on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the arc.
  • Filled: Whether the arc is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the arc is not filled.
  • Segments: How many line segments should be used to draw the arc. 0 (default) = automatic.
  • Center X/Y: The position of the arc's center, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • Radius: The radius of the arc in pixels.
  • Start Angle/End Angle: The angles in radians where the arc starts/ends, starting right of the arc's center.
  • Exterior Angle: Whether the angles describe an exterior angle.


  • Out: Activated after the arc has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Camera

Renders the scene from the view of specified cameras and draws the render targets to the screen.

Draw Camera node


  • Start: Evaluate the inputs and start drawing the camera render targets.
  • Stop: Stops the rendering and drawing of the camera render targets.
  • Camera: The camera from which to render.
  • X/Y: Position where the camera's render target is drawn, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • Width/Height: Size of the camera's render target in pixels.


  • On Start: Activated after the Start input has been activated.
  • On Stop: Activated after the Stop input has been activated.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Camera to Texture

Renders the scene from the view of a specified camera and draws its render target to the diffuse texture of the given material.

Draw Camera to Texture node


  • Start: Evaluate the inputs and start drawing the camera render target.
  • Stop: Stops the rendering and drawing of the camera render target.
  • Camera: The camera from which to render.
  • Object: Object of which to choose the material in the Material Slot input.
  • Material Slot: Index of the material slot of which the diffuse texture is replaced with the camera's render target.


  • On Start: Activated after the Start input has been activated.
  • On Stop: Activated after the Stop input has been activated.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Circle

Draws a circle.

See also:

Draw Circle node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the circle on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the circle.
  • Filled: Whether the circle is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the circle is not filled.
  • Segments: How many line segments should be used to draw the circle. 0 (default) = automatic.
  • Center X/Y: The position of the circle's center, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • Radius: The radius of the circle in pixels.


  • Out: Activated after the circle has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Curve

Draws a cubic bezier curve with two control points.

See also:

Draw Curve node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the curve on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the curve.
  • Strength: The line strength.
  • Segments: How many line segments should be used to draw the curve.
  • Start Point X/Y: The position of starting point of the curve, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • Control Point 1/2 X/Y: The position of control points of the curve, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • End Point X/Y: The position of end point of the curve, in pixels from the top left corner.


  • Out: Activated after the curve has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Ellipse

Draws an ellipse.

See also:

Draw Ellipse node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the ellipse on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the ellipse.
  • Filled: Whether the ellipse is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the ellipse is not filled.
  • Segments: How many line segments should be used to draw the ellipse. 0 (default) = automatic.
  • Center X/Y: The position of the ellipse's center in pixels.
  • Width: Width of the ellipse in pixels.
  • Height: Height of the ellipse in pixels.
  • Angle: Rotation angle in radians. Rotation is clockwise.


  • Out: Activated after the circle has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Image

Draws an image.

See also:

Draw Image node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the image on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Image: The filename of the image.
  • Color: The color that the image's pixels are multiplied with.
  • Left/Center/Right: Horizontal anchor point of the image. 0 = Left, 1 = Center, 2 = Right
  • Top/Middle/Bottom: Vertical anchor point of the image. 0 = Top, 1 = Middle, 2 = Bottom
  • X/Y: Position of the anchor point in pixels.
  • Width/Height: Size of the image in pixels.
  • Angle: Rotation angle in radians. Image will be rotated cloclwiswe at the anchor point.


  • Out: Activated after the image has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Image Sequence

Draws a sequence of image (images changing over time). The file names of images used in a sequence need to follow a certain pattern: <prefix><frame-index>.<extension>, <prefix> is an arbitrary filename that must be constant for the entire sequence, <frame-index> corresponds to the frame number of the image in the sequence. <extension> is the file extension (without a period ".").

Image file names for a valid 2-frame sequence would for example look like this:

myImage1.png myImage2.png

Draw Image Sequence node


  • Start: Evaluate the image filenames and start the sequence. If the sequence is currently running, nothing happens. If the sequence has finished and Loop is false, this input restarts the sequence.
  • Stop: Stops the sequence and its drawing.
  • Image File Prefix: See <prefix> above.
  • Image File Extension: See <extension> above.
  • Color: The color that the pixels of the images are multiplied with.
  • X/Y: Position of the images, in pixels from the top left corner.
  • Width/Height: Size of the images in pixels. The images grow towards the bottom right corner.
  • Start Index: The first <frame-index> of the sequence (inclusive).
  • End Index: The last <frame-index> of the sequence (inclusive).
  • Frame Duration: Duration of a frame in seconds.
  • Loop: Whether the sequence starts again from the first frame after the last frame.
  • Wait For Load: If true, start the sequence only after all image files have been loaded. If false, the sequence starts immediately, but images that are not yet loaded are not rendered.


  • On Start: Activated after the sequence has started. This output is influenced by the Wait For Load input.
  • On Stop: Activated if the sequence ends or the Stop input is activated. This is not activated when the sequence restarts due to looping.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Line

Draws a line.

See also:

Draw Line node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the line on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the line.
  • Strength: The line strength.
  • X1/Y1/X2/Y2: The position of line's two end points, in pixels from the top left corner.


  • Out: Activated after the line has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Polygon

Draws a polygon.

See also:

Draw Polygon node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the polygon on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the polygon.
  • Filled: Whether the polygon is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the polygon is not filled.
  • Origin X/Origin Y: The origin position of the polygon, in pixels from the top left corner. This position is added to all other points, so they are defined relative to this position.
  • Xn/Yn: The position of polygon's points, in pixels from Origin X/Origin Y.


  • Out: Activated after the polygon has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Rect

Draws a rectangle.

See also:

Draw Rect node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the rectangle on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the rectangle.
  • Filled: Whether the rectangle is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the rectangle is not filled.
  • Left/Center/Right: Horizontal anchor point of the rectangel. 0 = Left, 1 = Center, 2 = Right
  • Top/Middle/Bottom: Vertical anchor point of the rectangel. 0 = Top, 1 = Middle, 2 = Bottom
  • X/Y: Position of the anchor point in pixels.
  • Width/Height: Size of the rectangle in pixels.
  • Angle: Rotation angle in radians. Rectangle will be rotated cloclwiswe at the anchor point.


  • Out: Activated after the rectangle has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw String

Draws a string.

See also:

Draw String node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the string on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • String: The string to draw.
  • Font File: The filename of the font (including the extension). If empty and Zui is enabled, the default font is used. If empty and Zui is disabled, nothing is rendered.
  • Font Size: The size of the font in pixels.
  • Color: The color of the string.
  • X/Y: Position of the string, in pixels from the top left corner.


  • Out: Activated after the string has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Text Area String

Draws a string.

See also:

Draw Text Area String node


  • Length: length of the text area string can be determined by the amount of lines desired or the amount of characters in a line.
  • Draw: Activate to draw the string on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • String: The string to draw as a text area.
  • Font File: The filename of the font (including the extension). If empty and Zui is enabled, the default font is used. If empty and Zui is disabled, nothing is rendered.
  • Font Size: The size of the font in pixels.
  • Color Font: The color of the string, supports alpha.
  • Color Background: The color background of the text area, supports alpha, if no color is wanted used alpha 0.
  • X/Y: Position of the string, in pixels from the top left corner.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw To Material Image

Sets the image render target to draw to. The render target must be created using the Create Render Target Node first.

See also:

Draw To Material Image node


  • In: Executes a 2D draw sequence connected to this node
  • Object: Object whose material image should be drawn to. Use Get Scene Root node to draw globally (all objects that share this image, and not per-object).
  • Material: Material whose image to be drawn to.
  • Node: Name of the parameter.
  • Clear Image: Clear the image before drawing to it


  • Out: Action output to be connected to other Draw Nodes
  • Width: Width of the image
  • Height: Height of the image

Sources: Python | Haxe

Draw Triangle

Draws a triangle.

See also:

Draw Triangle node


  • Draw: Activate to draw the triangle on this frame. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Color: The color of the triangle.
  • Filled: Whether the triangle is filled or only the outline is drawn.
  • Strength: The line strength if the triangle is not filled.
  • X/Y: Positions of the vertices of the triangle, in pixels from the top left corner.


  • Out: Activated after the triangle has been drawn.

Sources: Python | Haxe


Note: To get the canvas, be sure that the node(s) and the canvas (UI) is attached to the same object.

Get Canvas Checkbox

Returns whether the given UI checkbox is checked.

Get Canvas Checkbox node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Input Text

Returns the input text of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Input Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Location

Returns the location of the given UI element (pixels).

Get Canvas Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Position


Get Canvas Position node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Progress Bar

Returns the value of the given UI progress bar.

Get Canvas Progress Bar node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Rotation

Returns the rotation of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Scale

Returns the scale of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Slider

Returns the value of the given UI slider.

Get Canvas Slider node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Text

Sets the text of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Visible

Returns whether the given UI element is visible.

Get Canvas Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Global Canvas Font Size

Returns the font size of the entire UI Canvas.

Get Global Canvas Font Size node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Global Canvas Scale

Returns the scale of the entire UI Canvas.

Get Global Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Canvas Element

Activates the output whether an action over the given UI element is done.

On Canvas Element node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Asset

Sets the asset of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Asset node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Checkbox

Sets the state of the given UI checkbox.

Set Canvas Checkbox node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Color

Sets the selected color attribute of the given UI element.

This node does not override theme colors, only colors of individual elements are affected.

Set Canvas Color node


  • Element: The name of the canvas element whose color to set.
  • Color: The color to set.


  • Attribute: The color attribute to set by this node. Not all attributes work for all canvas element types. If in doubt, see CanvasScript.hx for details.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Input Text

Sets the input text of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Input Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Input Text Focus

Sets the input text focus of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Input Text Focus node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Location

Sets the location of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Progress Bar

Sets the value of the given UI progress bar.

Set Canvas Progress Bar node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Progress Bar Color (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Canvas Color.

Sets the color of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Progress Bar Color (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Rotation

Sets the rotation of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Scale

Sets the scale of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Slider

Sets the value of the given UI slider.

Set Canvas Slider node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Text

Sets the text of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Text Color (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Canvas Color.

Sets the text color of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Text Color (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Visible

Sets whether the given UI element is visible.

Set Canvas Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Global Canvas Font Size

Sets the font size of the entire UI Canvas.

Set Global Canvas Font Size node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Global Canvas Scale

Sets the scale of the entire UI Canvas.

Set Global Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Global Canvas Visibility

Set whether the active canvas is visible.

Note that elements of invisible canvases are not rendered and computed, so it is not possible to interact with those elements on the screen

Set Global Canvas Visibility node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Colorgrading Get Global


Colorgrading Get Global node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Highlight


Colorgrading Get Highlight node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Midtone


Colorgrading Get Midtone node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Shadow


Colorgrading Get Shadow node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Global


Colorgrading Set Global node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Highlight


Colorgrading Set Highlight node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Midtone


Colorgrading Set Midtone node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Shadow


Colorgrading Set Shadow node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Bloom Settings

Return the current bloom post-processing settings. This node requires Armory Render Path > Renderer > Realtime postprocess to be enabled in order to work.

Get Bloom Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get CA Settings

Returns the chromatic aberration post-processing settings.

Get CA Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Camera Post Process

Returns the post-processing effects of a camera.

Get Camera Post Process node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Lenstexture Settings

Returns the lens texture settings.

Get Lenstexture Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Letterbox Settings

Returns the letterbox post-processing settings.

Get Letterbox Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get SSAO Settings

Returns the SSAO post-processing settings.

Get SSAO Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get SSR Settings

Returns the SSR post-processing settings.

Get SSR Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Bloom Settings

Set the bloom post-processing settings. This node requires Armory Render Path > Renderer > Realtime postprocess to be enabled in order to work.

Set Bloom Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set CA Settings

Set the chromatic aberration post-processing settings.

Set CA Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Camera Post Process

Set the post-processing effects of a camera.

Set Camera Post Process node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Lenstexture

Set the lens texture settings.

Set Lenstexture node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Letterbox Settings

Set the letterbox post-processing settings.

Set Letterbox Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSAO Settings

Set the SSAO post-processing settings.

Set SSAO Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSR Settings

Set the SSR post-processing settings.

Set SSR Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Create Render Target

Create a render target and set it as parameter to the specified object material. This image can be then drawn to using Draw To Material Image Node. In most cases, the render target needs to be created just once.

See also:

Create Render Target node


  • Object: Object whose material parameter should change. Use Get Scene Root node to set parameter globally.
  • Per Object: - Enabled: Set material parameter specific to this object. Global parameter will be ignored.
    • Disabled: Set parameter globally, including this object.
  • Material: Material whose parameter to be set.
  • Node: Name of the parameter.
  • Width: Width of the render target image created.
  • Height: Height of the render target image created.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pause Active Camera Render

Pause only the rendering of active camera. The logic behaviour remains active.

Pause Active Camera Render node


  • In: Activate to set property.
  • Pause: Pause the rendering when enabled.


  • Out: Activated after property is set.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rotate Render Target

Rotates the render target.

See also:

Rotate Render Target node


  • In: Activate to rotate render target. The input must be (indirectly) called from an On Render2D node.
  • Angle: Angle in radians to rotate.
  • Center X: X coordinate to rotate around.
  • Center Y: Y coordinate to rotate around.
  • Revert After: Revert rotation after all the draw calls are activated from this node.


  • Out: Activated after the render target is rotated.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set MSAA Quality

Sets the MSAA quality.

Set MSAA Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Post Process Quality

Sets the post process quality.

Set Post Process Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSAA Quality

Sets the supersampling quality.

Set SSAA Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Shader Uniform

Set a global shader uniform value.

Set Shader Uniform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Shadows Quality

Sets the shadows quality.

Set Shadows Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️