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Logic Nodes Reference

This document was generated automatically. Please do not edit this page directly, instead change the docstrings of the nodes in their Python files or the generator script and open a pull request. Thank you for contributing to this reference!

This reference was built for Armory 2020.11.

Node Categories


Logic nodes are used to control execution flow using branching, loops, gates etc.

Alternate Output

Activates the outputs "0" and "1" alternating every time it is active.

Alternate Output node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates its true or false output, according to the state of the plugged-in boolean.

Branch node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Call Function

Calls the given function that was created by the Function node.

Call Function node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Creates a reusable function that can be called by the Call Function node.

Function node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Function Output

Sets the return value for the given function.

See also:

Function Output node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Logic nodes way to do "if" statements. When activated, it compares if its two inputs are being Equal, Greater Equal, Less Equal, or Not Equal, regardless of variable type, and passes through its active input to the output that matches the result of the comparison. "And" and "Or" are being used for booleans only, and pass through the input when both booleans are true (And) or at least one (Or).

Gate node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Invert Boolean

Inverts the plugged-in boolean. If its input is true it outputs false.

Invert Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Invert Output

Activates the output if the input is not active.

Invert Output node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Is False

Passes through its activation only if the plugged-in boolean equals false.

See also:

Is False node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Is Not Null

Passes through its activation only if the plugged-in value is not null.

See also:

Is Not Null node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Is Null

Passes through its activation only if the plugged-in value is null (no value).

See also:

Is Null node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Is True

Passes through its activation only if the plugged-in boolean equals true.

See also:

Is True node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Resembles a for-loop (for (i in that is executed at once when this node is activated.

See also:

Loop node


  • From: The value to start the loop from (inclusive)
  • To: The value to end the loop at (exclusive)


  • Loop: Active at every iteration of the loop
  • Index: The index for the current iteration
  • Done: Activated once when the looping is done

Sources: Python | Haxe

Loop Break

Terminates the currently executing loop (only one loop is executed at once).

See also:

Loop Break node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates the output when any connected input is activated.

Merge node


  • New: Add a new input socket.
  • X Button: Remove the lowermost input socket.

Sources: Python | Haxe


A null value that can be used in comparisons and conditions.

Null node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates the outputs one by one sequentially and repeatedly.

Sequence node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Switch Output

Activates the outputs depending of the value. If the "value" is equal to "case 1", the output "case 1" will be activated.

Switch Output node


  • Default: Activated if the input value does not match any case.

Sources: Python | Haxe

To Boolean

Converts a signal to a boolean value. If the input signal is active, the boolean is true; if not, the boolean is false.

To Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Loops while the condition is true.

See also:

While node


  • Condition: boolean that resembles the result of the condition


  • Loop: Activated on every iteration step
  • Done: Activated when the loop is done executing

Sources: Python | Haxe


On Application State

Listens to different application state changes.

On Application State node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Event

Activates the output when the given event is received.

See also:

On Event node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Init

Activates the output on the first frame of execution of the logic tree.

On Init node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Timer

Activates the output when a given time elapsed (optionally repeating the timer).

On Timer node


  • Duration: the time in seconds after which to activate the output
  • Repeat: whether to repeat the timer

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Update

Activates the output on every frame.

On Update node


  • Update: (default) activates the output every frame.
  • Late Update: activates the output after all non-late updates are calculated.
  • Physics Pre-Update: activates the output before calculating the physics. Only available when using a physics engine.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Send Event To Object

Sends the given event to the given object.

See also:

Send Event To Object node


  • Event: the identifier of the event
  • Object: the receiving object

Sources: Python | Haxe

Send Global Event

Sends the given event to all objects in the scene.

See also:

Send Global Event node


  • Event: the identifier of the event

Sources: Python | Haxe



Activates the output when there is a gamepad event.

See also:

Gamepad node


  • Gamepad: the ID of the gamepad.


  • State: the state of the gamepad button to listen to.
  • Button: the gamepad button that should activate the output.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Gamepad Coords

Returns the coordinates of the given gamepad.

See also:

Gamepad Coords node


  • Gamepad: the ID of the gamepad.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Cursor Location

Returns the mouse cursor location in screen coordinates (pixels).

Get Cursor Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Cursor State

Returns the state of the mouse cursor.

See also:

Get Cursor State node


  • Is Hidden Locked: true if the mouse cursor is both hidden and locked.
  • Is Hidden: true if the mouse cursor is hidden.
  • Is Locked: true if the mouse cursor is locked.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Mouse Lock (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Get Cursor State.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Get Cursor State' node instead.

Get Mouse Lock (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Mouse Movement

Returns the movement coordinates of the mouse.

Get Mouse Movement node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Mouse Visible (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Get Cursor State.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Get Cursor State' node instead.

Get Mouse Visible (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Touch Location

Returns the location of the last touch event in screen coordinates (pixels).

Get Touch Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Touch Movement

Returns the movement values of the current touch event.

Get Touch Movement node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates the output when the given keyboard action is done.

Keyboard node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates the output when the given mouse action is done.

Mouse node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Mouse Coords (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Get Cursor Location.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use 'Get Cursor Location' node and the 'Get Mouse Movement' node instead.

Mouse Coords (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Gamepad (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Gamepad.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Gamepad' node instead.

On Gamepad (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Keyboard (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Keyboard.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Keyboard' node instead.

On Keyboard (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Mouse (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Mouse.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Mouse' node instead.

On Mouse (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Surface (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Surface.

Deprecated. Is recommended to use the 'Surface' node instead.

On Surface (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Swipe

Activates the output when the given swipe action is done.

On Swipe node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Tap Screen

Activates the output when the given tap action is done.

On Tap Screen node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Virtual Button (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Virtual Button.

Deprecated. Is recommended to use 'Virtual Button' node instead.

On Virtual Button (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Sensor Coords


Sensor Coords node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Cursor State

Sets the state of the mouse cursor.

See also:

Set Cursor State node


  • Hide Locked: hide and lock or unhide and unlock the mouse cursor.


  • Hide: hide/unhide the mouse cursor.
  • Lock: lock/unlock the mouse cursor.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Mouse Lock (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Cursor State.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Set Cursor State' node instead.

Set Mouse Lock (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Mouse Visible (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Cursor State.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Set Cursor State' node instead.

Set Mouse Visible (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Activates the output when the given action over the screen is done.

Surface node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Surface Coords (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Get Touch Movement, Get Touch Location.

Deprecated. Is recommended to use 'Get Touch Location' and 'Get Touch Movement' node instead.

Surface Coords (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Virtual Button

Activates the output when the given action over the virtual button is done.

Virtual Button node

Sources: Python | Haxe


The Native category contains nodes which interact with the system (Input/Output functionality, etc.) or Haxe.

Call Haxe Static

Calls the given static Haxe function.

Call Haxe Static node


  • Function: the full module path to the function.


  • Result: the result of the function.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Detect Mobile Browser

Determines the mobile browser or not (works only for web browsers).

Detect Mobile Browser node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Evaluates a Haxe expression and returns its output.

Expression node


  • Result: the result of the expression.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Haxe Property

Returns a property of an Haxe object (via the Reflection API).

See also:

Get Haxe Property node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get System Language

Returns the language of the current system.

Get System Language node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get System Name

Returns the name of the current system.

Get System Name node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Load URL

Load the given URL in a new tab (works only for web browsers).

Load URL node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Print the given value to the console.

Print node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Read File

Returns the content of the given file.

See also:

Read File node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Returns the content of the given JSON file.

See also:

Read JSON node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Read Storage

Reads a stored content.

See also:

Read Storage node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Executes the given script.

Script node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Haxe Property

Sets a property of an Haxe object (via the Reflection API).

See also:

Set Haxe Property node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Vibrate

Pulses the vibration hardware on the device for time in milliseconds, if such hardware exists.

Set Vibrate node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Closes the application.

Shutdown node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Write File

Writes the given content in the given file.

See also:

Write File node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Write JSON

Writes the given content in the given JSON file.

See also:

Write JSON node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Write Storage

Writes the given content in the given key.

See also:

Write Storage node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Get Camera Active

Returns the active camera.

See also:

Get Camera Active node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Camera FOV

Returns the field of view (FOV) of the given camera.

See also:

Get Camera FOV node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Camera Active

Sets the active camera.

See also:

Set Camera Active node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Camera FOV

Sets the field of view (FOV) of the given camera.

See also:

Set Camera FOV node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Get Object Material

Returns the material of the given object.

Get Object Material node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given material as a variable.

Material node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Material Image Param


Set Material Image Param node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Material RGB Param


Set Material RGB Param node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Material Value Param


Set Material Value Param node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Material (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Object Material Slot.

Sets the material of the given object.

Set Object Material (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Material Slot


Set Object Material Slot node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Set Light Color

Sets the color of the given light.

Set Light Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Light Strength

Sets the strenght of the given light.

Set Light Strength node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Get Distance

Returns the euclidian distance between the two given objects.

See also:

  • For distance between two locations, use the Distance operator in the Vector Math node.

Get Distance node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object By Name

Searches for a object that uses the given name and returns it.

Get Object By Name node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Child

Returns the child of the given object by the child object's name.

Get Object Child node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Children

Returns the children of the given object.

Get Object Children node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Mesh

Returns the mesh of the given object.

Get Object Mesh node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Name

Returns the name of the given object.

Get Object Name node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Offscreen

Returns if the given object is offscreen. Don't works if culling is disabled.

Get Object Offscreen node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Parent

Returns the direct parent (nearest in the hierarchy) of the given object.

See also:

Get Object Parent node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Property

Returns the value of the given object property.

See also:

Get Object Property node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Visible

Returns whether the given object or its visual components are visible.

See also:

Get Object Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given mesh as a variable.

Mesh node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given object as a variable.

Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove Object

Removes the given object from the scene.

Remove Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove Object Parent

Removes the parent of the given object.

Remove Object Parent node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Self Object

Returns the object that owns the trait.

Self Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Mesh

Sets the mesh of the given object.

Set Object Mesh node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Name

Sets the name of the given object.

Set Object Name node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Parent

Sets the direct parent (nearest in the hierarchy) of the given object.

See also:

Set Object Parent node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Property

Sets the value of the given object property. This node can be used to share variables between different traits. If the trait(s) you want to access the variable with are on different objects, use the Global Object node to store the data. Every trait can access this one.

See also:

Set Object Property node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Visible

Sets whether the given object is visible.

See also:

Set Object Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Spawn Object

Spawns the given object. The spawned object has the same name of its instance, but they are threated as different objects.

Spawn Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Returns the objects of the given collection as an array.

See also:

Collection node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Create Collection

Creates a collection.

Create Collection node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Collection

Searches for a collection of objects with the given name and outputs the collection's objects as an array, if found.

See also:

Get Collection node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Scene Active

Returns the active scene.

Get Scene Active node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Scene Root

Returns the root object of the current scene.

Get Scene Root node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Global Object

Gives access to a global object which can be used to share information between different traits.

Global Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove Collection

Removes the given collection from the scene.

Remove Collection node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove Scene Active

Removes the active scene.

Remove Scene Active node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given scene as a variable.

Scene node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Scene Active

Sets the active scene.

Set Scene Active node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Spawn Collection

Spawns a new instance of the selected collection. Each spawned instance has an empty owner object to control the instance as a whole (like Blender uses it for collection instances).

Spawn Collection node


  • In: activates the node.
  • Transform: the transformation of the instance that should be spawned. Please note that the collection's instance offset is also taken into account.


  • Out: activated when a collection instance was spawned. It is not activated when no collection is selected.
  • Top-Level Objects: all objects in the last spawned collection that are direct children of the owner object of the collection's instance.
  • All Objects: all objects in the last spawned collection.
  • Owner Object: The owning object of the last spawned collection's instance.

Sources: Python | Haxe

Spawn Scene

Spawns the given scene.

Spawn Scene node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Add Trait To Object

Adds trait to the given object.

Add Trait To Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Trait

Searches for a trait with the specified name which is applied to the given object and returns that trait.

Get Object Trait node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Traits

Returns all traits from the given object.

Get Object Traits node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Trait Name

Returns the name and the class type of the given trait.

Get Trait Name node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pause Trait (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Trait Paused.

Pauses the given trait.

Pause Trait (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove Trait

Removes the given trait.

Remove Trait node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Resume Trait (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Trait Paused.

Resumes the given trait.

Resume Trait (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Self Trait

Returns the trait that owns this node.

Self Trait node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Trait Paused

Sets the paused state of the given trait.

Set Trait Paused node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given trait as a variable. If the trait was not found or was not exported, an error is thrown (more information).

Trait node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Stores the given action as a variable.

Action node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Blend Action

Interpolates between the two given actions.

Blend Action node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Bone FK

Applies forward kinematics in the given object bone.

Bone FK node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Bone IK

Applies inverse kinematics in the given object bone.

Bone IK node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Action State

Returns the information about the current action of the given object.

Get Action State node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Tilesheet State

Returns the information about the current tilesheet of the given object.

Get Tilesheet State node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Action Marker

Activates the output when the object action reaches the action marker.

On Action Marker node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pause Action (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Action Paused.

Pauses the given action.

Pause Action (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pause Tilesheet (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Tilesheet Paused.

Pauses the given tilesheet action.

Pause Tilesheet (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Play Action (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Play Action From.

Plays the given action.

Play Action (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Play Action From

Plays action starting from the given frame.

Play Action From node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Play Tilesheet

Plays the given tilesheet action.

Play Tilesheet node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Resume Action (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Action Paused.

Resumes the given action.

Resume Action (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Resume Tilesheet (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Tilesheet Paused.

Resumes the given tilesheet action.

Resume Tilesheet (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Action Paused

Sets the action paused state of the given object.

Set Action Paused node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Action Speed

Sets the current action playback speed of the given object.

Set Action Speed node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Parent Bone

Sets the given object parent to the given bone.

Set Parent Bone node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Particle Speed

Sets the speed of the given particle source.

Set Particle Speed node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Tilesheet Paused

Sets the tilesheet paused state of the given object.

Set Tilesheet Paused node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Go To Location

Makes a NavMesh agent go to location.

Go To Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Navigable Location


Navigable Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pick NavMesh Location

Pick a location coordinates in the given NavMesh.

Pick NavMesh Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Stop Agent

Stops the given NavMesh agent.

Stop Agent node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Append Transform

Appends transform to the given object.

Append Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Location

Returns the current location of the given object in world coordinates.

Get Object Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Rotation

Returns the current rotation of the given object.

Get Object Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Scale

Returns the scale of the given object.

Get Object Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Object Transform

Returns the transformation of the given object. An object's transform consists of vectors describing its global location, rotation and scale.

Get Object Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get World Orientation

Returns the world orientation of the given object.

Get World Orientation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Look At


Look At node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Quaternion node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rotate Object

Rotates the given object.

Rotate Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rotate Object Around Axis (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Rotate Object.

Deprecated. It is recommended to use the 'Rotate Object' node instead.

Rotate Object Around Axis (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Scale Object (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Set Object Scale.

Deprecated. 'Use Set Object Scale' instead.

Scale Object (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate Quaternion


Separate Quaternion node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate Transform

Separates the transform of the given object.

Separate Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Location

Sets the location of the given object.

Set Object Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Rotation

Sets the rotation of the given object.

Set Object Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Scale

Sets the scale of the given object.

Set Object Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Object Transform

Sets the transform of the given object.

Set Object Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the location, rotation and scale values as a transform.

Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Transform Math

Operates the two given transform values.

Transform Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Translate Object

Translates (moves) the given object using the given vector in world coordinates.

Translate Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Translate On Local Axis

Translates (moves) the given object using the given vector in the local coordinates.

Translate On Local Axis node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector From Transform

Returns vector from the given transform.

Vector From Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector To Object Orientation

Converts a world oriented vector to a given object oriented vector. Works similarly to 'On Local Axis' checkboxes.

See also:

Vector To Object Orientation node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Apply Force

Applies force in the given rigid body.

See also:

Apply Force node


  • Force: the force vector
  • On Local Axis: if true, interpret the force vector as in object space

Sources: Python | Haxe

Apply Force At Location

Applies force in the given rigid body at the given position.

See also:

Apply Force At Location node


  • Force: the force vector
  • Force On Local Axis: if true, interpret the force vector as in object space
  • Location: the location where to apply the force
  • Location On Local Axis: if true, use the location relative to the objects location, otherwise use world coordinates

Sources: Python | Haxe

Apply Impulse

Applies impulse in the given rigid body.

See also:

Apply Impulse node


  • Impulse: the impulse vector
  • On Local Axis: if true, interpret the impulse vector as in object space

Sources: Python | Haxe

Apply Impulse At Location

Applies impulse in the given rigid body at the given position.

See also:

Apply Impulse At Location node


  • Impulse: the impulse vector
  • Impulse On Local Axis: if true, interpret the impulse vector as in object space
  • Location: the location where to apply the impulse
  • Location On Local Axis: if true, use the location relative to the objects location, otherwise use world coordinates

Sources: Python | Haxe

Apply Torque

Applies torque to the given rigid body.

Apply Torque node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Apply Torque Impulse

Applies torque impulse in the given rigid body.

Apply Torque Impulse node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get RB Contacts

Returns an array with all objects that are colliding with the given object.

See also:

Get RB Contacts node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get RB Data

Returns the data of the given rigid body.

Get RB Data node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get RB First Contact

Returns the first object that is colliding with the given object.

See also:

Get RB First Contact node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get RB Velocity

Returns the world velocity of the given rigid body.

Get RB Velocity node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get World Gravity

Returns the world gravity.

See also:

Get World Gravity node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Has Contact

Returns whether the given rigid body has contact with another given rigid body.

Has Contact node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Has Contact Array

Returns whether the given rigid body has contact with other given rigid bodies.

Has Contact Array node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Contact

Activates the output when the rigid body make contact with another rigid body.

On Contact node


  • Begin: the output is activated on the first frame when the two objects have contact
  • End: the output is activated on the frame after the last frame when the two objects had contact
  • Overlap: the output is activated on each frame the object have contact

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Contact Array

Activates the output when the given rigid body make contact with other given rigid bodies.

On Contact Array node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Volume Trigger

Activates the output when the given rigid body enter, overlap or leave the given trigger.

On Volume Trigger node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Pick RB

Pickes the rigid body in the given location using the screen coordinates (2D).

Pick RB node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Ray Cast

Casts a physics ray and returns the first object that is hit by this ray.

See also:

Ray Cast node


  • From: the location from where to start the ray, in world coordinates
  • To: the target location of the ray, in world coordinates
  • Collision Group Mask: A bit mask value to specify which objects are considered


  • Rigid Body: the object that was hit
  • Hit: the hit position in world coordinates
  • Normal: the surface normal of the hit position relative to the world

Sources: Python | Haxe

Remove RB

Removes the rigid body from the given object.

Remove RB node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set RB Activation State

Sets the activation state of the given rigid body.

Set RB Activation State node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set RB Friction

Sets the friction of the given rigid body.

Set RB Friction node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set RB Gravity Enabled

Sets whether the gravity is enabled for the given rigid body.

Set RB Gravity Enabled node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set RB Velocity

Sets the velocity of the given rigid body.

Set RB Velocity node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set World Gravity

Sets the world gravity.

See also:

Set World Gravity node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Volume Trigger

Returns true if the given rigid body enters, overlaps or leaves the given volume trigger.

Volume Trigger node


  • Object: this object is taken as the entering object
  • Volume: this object is used as the volume

Sources: Python | Haxe


Array Add

Adds the given value to the given array.

Array Add node


  • Array: the array to manipulate.
  • Modify Original: if false, the input array is copied before adding the value.
  • Unique Values: if true, values may occur only once in that array (only primitive data types are supported).

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Boolean

Stores an array of boolean elements as a variable.

Array Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Color

Stores an array of color elements as a variable.

Array Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Contains

Returns whether the given array contains the given value.

Array Contains node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Dynamic

Stores the given array as a variable.

Array Dynamic node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Float

Stores an array of float elements as a variable.

Array Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Get

Returns the value of the given array at the given index.

Array Get node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Integer

Stores an array of integer elements as a variable.

Array Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Length

Returns the length of the given array.

Array Length node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Loop

Loops through each item of the given array.

Array Loop node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Object

Stores an array of object elements as a variable.

Array Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Pop

Removes the last element of the given array.

See also:

Array Pop node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Remove By Index

Removes the element from the given array by its index.

See also:

Array Remove By Index node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Remove By Value

Removes the element from the given array by its value.

See also:

Array Remove By Value node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Set

Sets the value of the given array at the given index.

Array Set node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Shift

Removes the first element of the given array.

See also:

Array Shift node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Slice

Creates a shallow copy of the given array in the specified range.

See also:

Array Slice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Splice

Removes the given amount of elements from the given array.

See also:

Array Splice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array String

Stores an array of string elements as a variable.

Array String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Vector

Stores an array of vector elements as a variable.

Array Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Compares values.

Compare node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Deg to Rad

Converts degrees to radians.

Deg to Rad node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Operates values. Some operations uses only the first input.

Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Matrix Math

Multiplies matrices.

Matrix Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Interpolates between the two given values.

Mix node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Mix Vector

Interpolates between the two given vectors.

Mix Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rad to Deg

Converts radians to degrees.

Rad to Deg node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Screen To World Space

Transforms the given screen coordinates into world coordinates.

Screen To World Space node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate RGB

Splits the given color into RGB values.

Separate RGB node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate XYZ

Splits the given vector into XYZ values.

Separate XYZ node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector Clamp To Size

Keeps the vector value inside the given range.

Vector Clamp To Size node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector Math

Operates vectors. Some operations uses only the first input.

Vector Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

World To Screen Space

Transforms the given world coordinates into screen coordinates.

World To Screen Space node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Random Boolean

Generates a random boolean.

Random Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Choice

Choose a random value from a given array.

Random Choice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Color

Generates a random color.

Random Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Float

Generates a random float.

Random Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Integer

Generates a random integer.

Random Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Output

Activate a random output when the input is activated.

Random Output node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Vector

Generates a random vector.

Random Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Concatenate String

Concatenates the given string.

Concatenate String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Parse Float

Returns the floats that are in the given string.

Parse Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Split String

Splits the given string.

Split String node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given string as a variable.

String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Case

Changes the given string case.

String Case node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Contains

Returns whether the given string contains a given part.

String Contains node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Length

Returns the length of the given string.

String Length node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Sub String

Returns a part of the given string.

Sub String node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Stores the given boolean as a variable. A boolean value has just two states: True and False.

Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given color as a variable.

Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given dynamic value (a value with an arbitrary type) as a variable.

Dynamic node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given float as a variable. If the set float value has more than 3 decimal places, the displayed value in the node will be rounded, but when you click on it you can still edit the exact value which will be used in the game as well.

Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given integer (a whole number) as a variable.

Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Mask node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Variable

Sets the value of the given variable.

Set Variable node


  • Variable: this socket must be connected to a variable node (recognized by the little dot inside the socket). The value that is stored inside the connected node is changed upon activation.
  • Value: the value that should be written into the variable.

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given 3D vector as a variable.

Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Note: To get the canvas, be sure that the node(s) and the canvas (UI) is attached to the same object.

Get Canvas Checkbox

Returns whether the given UI checkbox is checked.

Get Canvas Checkbox node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Input Text

Returns the input text of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Input Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Location

Returns the location of the given UI element (pixels).

Get Canvas Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Position


Get Canvas Position node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Progress Bar

Returns the value of the given UI progress bar.

Get Canvas Progress Bar node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Rotation

Returns the rotation of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Scale

Returns the scale of the given UI element.

Get Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Slider

Returns the value of the given UI slider.

Get Canvas Slider node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Canvas Visible

Returns whether the given UI element is visible.

Get Canvas Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe

On Canvas Element

Activates the output whether an action over the given UI element is done.

On Canvas Element node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Asset

Sets the asset of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Asset node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Checkbox

Sets the state of the given UI checkbox.

Set Canvas Checkbox node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Location

Sets the location of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Location node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Progress Bar

Sets the value of the given UI progress bar.

Set Canvas Progress Bar node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Rotation

Sets the rotation of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Scale

Sets the scale of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Slider

Sets the value of the given UI slider.

Set Canvas Slider node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Text

Sets the text of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Text node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Text Color

Sets the color of the given UI element.

Set Canvas Text Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Canvas Visible

Sets whether the given UI element is visibile.

Set Canvas Visible node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Colorgrading Get Global


Colorgrading Get Global node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Highlight


Colorgrading Get Highlight node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Midtone


Colorgrading Get Midtone node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Get Shadow


Colorgrading Get Shadow node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Global


Colorgrading Set Global node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Highlight


Colorgrading Set Highlight node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Midtone


Colorgrading Set Midtone node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Colorgrading Set Shadow


Colorgrading Set Shadow node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Bloom Settings

Returns the bloom post-processing settings.

Get Bloom Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get CA Settings

Returns the chromatic aberration post-processing settings.

Get CA Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Camera Post Process

Returns the post-processing effects of a camera.

Get Camera Post Process node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Lenstexture Settings

Returns the lens texture settings.

Get Lenstexture Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get SSAO Settings

Returns the SSAO post-processing settings.

Get SSAO Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get SSR Settings

Returns the SSR post-processing settings.

Get SSR Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Bloom Settings

Set the bloom post-processing settings.

Set Bloom Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set CA Settings

Set the chromatic aberration post-processing settings.

Set CA Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Camera Post Process

Set the post-processing effects of a camera.

Set Camera Post Process node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Lenstexture

Set the lens texture settings.

Set Lenstexture node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSAO Settings

Set the SSAO post-processing settings.

Set SSAO Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSR Settings

Set the SSR post-processing settings.

Set SSR Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Set MSAA Quality

Sets the MSAA quality.

Set MSAA Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Post Process Quality

Sets the post process quality.

Set Post Process Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set SSAA Quality

Sets the supersampling quality.

Set SSAA Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Shadows Quality

Sets the shadows quality.

Set Shadows Quality node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Pause Speaker

Pauses playback of the given speaker object. The playback will be resumed at the paused position.

See also:

Pause Speaker node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Play Sound

Plays the given sound.

Play Sound node


  • Play: Plays the sound, or if paused, resumes the playback. The exact behaviour depends on the Retrigger option (see below).
  • Pause: Pauses the playing sound. If no sound is playing, nothing happens.
  • Stop: Stops the playing sound. If the playback is paused, this will reset the playback position to the start of the sound.


  • Out: activated once when Play is activated.
  • Running: activated while the playback is active.
  • Done: activated when the playback has finished or was stopped manually.


  • Sound: The sound that will be played.
  • Loop: Whether to loop the playback.
  • Retrigger: If true, the playback position will be reset to the beginning on each activation of Play. If false, the playback will continue at the current position.
  • Sample Rate: Manually override the sample rate of the sound (this controls the pitch and the playback speed).

Sources: Python | Haxe

Play Speaker

Starts the playback of the given speaker object. If the playback was paused, it is resumed from the paused position.

See also:

Play Speaker node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Stop Speaker

Stops playback of the given speaker object. The playback position will be reset to the start.

See also:

Stop Speaker node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Call Node Group

Calls the given group of nodes.

Call Node Group node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Default If Null

Returns the value in Value In if it is not null, otherwise the value in Default will be returned.

Default If Null node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Application Time

Returns the application execution time and the delta time.

Get Application Time node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Debug Console Settings

Get Debug Console Settings

Get Debug Console Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Display Resolution

Returns the current display resolution.

See also:

Get Display Resolution node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Frames Per Second

Get the frames per second count.

Get Frames Per Second node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Window Resolution

Returns the current window resolution.

See also:

Get Window Resolution node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Group Nodes

Sets the connected chain of nodes as a group of nodes.

Group Nodes node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Debug Console Settings

Set Debug Console Settings

Set Debug Console Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Time Scale

Sets the global time scale.

Set Time Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Waits a specified amount of seconds until passing through the incoming signal.

Sleep node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Creates a timer.

Timer node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector From Boolean

Returns a vector depending on the respective boolean state.

Vector From Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe


