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Deploying to Android

This tutorial will show you how in detail:

Before running on mobile device, make sure the project is optimized to consume minimal resources. It is recommended to create a Mobile render path in Properties - Render - Armory Render Path. Additionally, simplifying materials, textures and geometry may be needed. To run on the lower than the maximum available resolution, set Armory Render Path - Post Process - Resolution property.

HashLink (C)

Create a new preset in Properties - Render - Armory Exporter and select Android target. Hit Publish to generate android project files.

To proceed, install and run Android Studio. Select Open an existing Android Studio project. The project is located at blend_file_location/build_projectname/android-native-hl-build/projectname.

Once the project is loaded, Android Studio will install required dependencies. Make sure to allow installing NDK. Afterwards, connect your device and press Run.

Note: Armory will target gles3 by default. If you require gles2 support, enable Legacy Shaders option in Armory add-on preferences.

By default .apk file will contain all build variants. You can specify the desired ones using abiFilters in build.gradle. Default scene using mobile render path is expected at ~1.3MB for the .apk file targetting arm64-v8a.

android {
	buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "arm64-v8a"
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