Examples | Exporting and Importing Notations from the Database - arizvisa/ida-minsc GitHub Wiki

Save all the notations in some dictionaries

This is the same as the tools.tags.export() function.

savegame = {}
for ea, content in db.select():           # db.select queries the index which contains only "your" notations
    savegame[ea] = content

savegame2 = {}
for funcea in db.functions():             # use db.selectcontents(), if you only want functions you've touched
    f = {}
    for ea, content in func.select(ea):   # use func.iterate() if you just want __everything__
        f[ea] = content
    fr = {}
    for m, content in func.frame(ea).select():    # for just __all__ the members, just use func.frame(ea) w/o the .select()
        fr[m.offset] = content
    savegame2[funcea] = f, fr

# send them all to another process
import pickle
mysavegame = pickle.dumps((savegame, savegame2))

Apply the saved notations to another database

This is the same as tools.tags.apply() function.

If you're working with a fresh database, make sure to copy your function boundaries as well so the addresses line up. (hint: use function.chunks to grab them, and function.chunk.top or function.chunk.bottom to modify them. New functions can be created with function.new)

for f, content in savegame2.items():
    for ea, tags in content.items():
        for k, v in tags.items():
            db.tag(ea, k, v)

for ea, tags in savegame.items():
    if function.within(ea):
        [func.tag(ea, k, v) for k, v in tags.items()]
        [database.tag(ea, k, v) for k, v in tags.items()]