JUnit Tests - archimatetool/archi GitHub Wiki

Settings for Running JUnit Tests in Eclipse

Create a new JUnit Plug-in Test Run Configuration and name it "All Tests"

Important settings for each tab (if a setting is not shown below, it is optional):


  • Run a single test
    • Project: com.archimatetool.tests
    • Test class: com.archimatetool.tests.AllTests
  • Test runner: JUnit 5
  • Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging: off
  • Run in UI thread: off


  • Clear: workspace
  • Run an application: [No Application] - Headless Mode


  • VM Arguments: Add -Xshare:off -XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading to suppress warnings when using Mockito
  • On Mac Use the -XstartOnFirstThread argument when launching has to be on


  • Launch with: features selected below
    • com.archimatetool.tests.feature
  • Use features from workspace if available: on (You must select this!!)
  • Validate Plug-ins automatically prior to launching: off


  • Use default location: on
  • Clear the configuration area before launching: on
  • Generate a config.ini file with default content: on