List of Assetto Mods - archibaldmilton/Girellu GitHub Wiki

A simple list compiling the good and bad of the Assetto Corsa mod community.

I do not encourage harassment or belittling against the content creators listed here, this is more akin to a compiled peer-review of their work based on large amounts of feedback from the community and my own experiences.

So, why does this exist?

Not all modders put in the same care as others when making content for our beloved sim racing game, and some just disregard all the possible guidelines and common knowledge that allow a mod to be “good”. This here is a simple compiled list of authors, websites, or groups that produce either good or bad mods at an objective level. There is no personal hatred towards anyone listed here nor is there ill-intent, this is all done, so newcomers know where to look and what to avoid.

Why am I on here? What did I do wrong?

You likely didn't read Kunos' modding pipeline to ensure your car wouldn't break itself upon loading, have performance issues or simply not look like it's made out of clay. It's not the end of the world if you're listed here, you just have to read the pipeline (found at assettocorsa\sdk\dev\car_pipeline_2.0rev) and make sure your mod is at least following those bare-bones guidelines for 3D content. It couldn't hurt to learn about UV Mapping and the general workflow of producing a fully shaded 3D model using baked Ambient Occlusion.

Can you please take my name off this list?

I'll remove any personally identifiable information upon request, but I will refuse or concede to take your online alias, group, or website off this list at my own discretion (within GitHub's TOS) as it is in everyone's best interest that an up-to-date list of what to download and what not to download is as inclusive as possible.