CharacterImage - applebiter/gnatwriter GitHub Wiki

The CharacterImage class represents the relationship between a character and an image.


The attributes associated with the characters_images table in the database:

  • user_id: int The ID of the user who created the entry in the database
  • character_id: int The Character ID
  • image_id: int The Image ID
  • position: int Defines the order of this image among all images associated with the same character
  • is_default: bool Determines whether the Image is to be considered the default image for the character
  • created: str This is actually a Python Datetime object except for input and output
  • modified: str This is also a Python Datetime object and is updated with every update of the relationship of the image to the character

The complex attributes supplied by the ORM:

  • user: User The User class is associated with the users table in the database.
  • character: Character The character that is associated with the image
  • image: Image The image that is associated with the character. This attribute is eager-loaded.


serialize ( ) -> dict Only the attributes mapped to the characters_images table will be present in the returned dictionary.