ChapterController - applebiter/gnatwriter GitHub Wiki

Chapter controller encapsulates chapter management functionality.


create_chapter(story_id: int, title: str, description: str = None) -> Chapter

Takes a Story id and a title at minimum, also accepts an optional description of the Story. Returns the new Story.


update_chapter(chapter_id: int, title: str, description: str = None) -> Type[Chapter]

Takes the Chapter id, title and an optional description of the Story. Returns the updated Story.


delete_chapter(chapter_id: int) -> bool

Takes a Chapter id and returns True if the corresponding Chapter is deleted. Deleting a Chapter automatically any Scene objects attached to it, and any Link or Note objects attached to the Chapter and its Scenes.


change_chapter_position(chapter_id: int, position: int) -> Type[Chapter]

When Chapters are added to a Story, they are assigned to the next available position within a Story, but the Chapter position can be changed arbitrarily using this method. The sibling Chapter positions are also updated to accommodate the new position. Returns the updated Chapter.


get_chapter_by_id(chapter_id: int) -> Type[Chapter] | None

Takes a Chapter id and returns the matching Chapter if found, None otherwise.


get_all_chapters() -> List[Chapter]

Returns a list of all Chapters from all Stories belonging to the user.


get_all_chapters_page(page: int, per_page: int) -> List[Chapter]

Takes a page number and the number of items to consider a page of data, and returns a page worth of results.


get_chapters_by_story_id(story_id: int) -> List[Chapter]

Takes a Story id and returns all of its Chapters.


get_chapters_page_by_story_id(story_id: int, page: int, per_page: int -> List[Chapter]

Takes a Story id, a page number, and the number of return items that should constitute a page's worth, and return's a page's worth of Chapters belonging to the specified Story.


count_chapters_by_story_id(story_id: int) -> int

Takes a Story id and returns the number of Chapters it contains.


search_chapters(search: str) -> List[Chapter]

Takes a search terms and searches for matches in all Chapters of all Stories belonging to the user.


search_chapters_by_story_id(story_id: int, search: str) -> List[Chapter]

Takes a Story id and a search terms, and returns a list of all Chapters matching the search term in the specified Story.


has_scenes(chapter_id: int) -> bool

Takes a Chapter id and returns True if the specified Chapter contains Scenes.


get_scene_by_position(chapter_id: int, position: int) -> Type[Scene] | None

Takes a Chapter id and a position number and returns the matching Scene, if it exists, None otherwise.


get_all_scenes_by_chapter_id(chapter_id: int) -> List[Type[Scene]]

Takes a Chapter id and returns a list containing all of its Scenes.


append_links_to_chapter(chapter_id: int, link_ids: list) -> Type[Chapter]

Takes a Chapter id and a list of Link ids and returns the updated Chapter containing the appended Links.


get_links_by_chapter_id(chapter_id: int) -> List[Type[Link]]

Takes a Chapter id and returns a list containing its Links, if there are any.


append_notes_to_chapter(chapter_id: int, note_ids: list) -> Type[Chapter]

Takes a Chapter id and a list of Note ids and returns the updated Chapter containing the appended Notes.


get_notes_by_chapter_id(chapter_id: int) -> List[Type[Note]]

Takes a Chapter id and returns a list containing its Notes, if there are any.