BibliographyController - applebiter/gnatwriter GitHub Wiki

Bibliography controller encapsulates bibliography management functionality.


    story_id: int, title: str, pages: str = None,
    publication_date: str = None, other_text: str = None
) -> Bibliography

Takes the story id, title, and optionally the pages from which the referenced work was excerpted, the publication date, and "other_text" which could be present in a reference. Returns a Bibliography object.


    bibliography_id: int, story_id: int, title: str,
    pages: str = None, publication_date: str = None, other_text: str = None
) -> Type[Bibliography]

Takes in the same arguments as the create_bibliography method above, with the addition of the Bibliography id. Returns the updated Bibliography object.


delete_bibliography(bibliography_id: int) -> bool

Takes a Bibliography id and returns True when the matching Bibliography object is deleted.


get_bibliography_by_id(bibliography_id: int) -> Type[Bibliography] | None

Takes a Bibliography id and returns its matching Bibliography if found, None otherwise.


get_bibliography_by_title(title: str) -> Type[Bibliography] | None

Takes the title of a work referenced and returns its matching Bibliography if dound, None otherwise.


get_bibliography_count() -> int

Returns the total number of references in the database attached to all of the user's stories.


get_all_bibliographies() -> List[Bibliography]

Returns all references in the database attached to all of the user's stories.


get_bibliographies_page(page: int, per_page: int) -> List[Bibliography]

Takes a page number and the number of Bibliographies that constitute a page. Returns a page of results from a large result set. Uses a generator internally to yield a specified page's worth of results at a time.


get_bibliographies_by_story_id(story_id: int) -> List[Bibliography]

Returns all references belonging to a specified Story.


get_bibliographies_page_by_story_id(story_id: int, page: int, per_page: int) -> List[Bibliography]

Get a page's worth of references belonging to a specified Story.


search_bibliographies(search: str) -> List[Bibliography]

Takes a search term and returns a list of Bibliography objects that match, if any.


search_bibliographies_by_story_id(story_id: int, search: str) -> List[Bibliography]

Takes a search terms and returns a list of Bibliography objects belonging to the specified Story and matching the search term, if any.


add_author(bibliography_id: int, name: str, initials: str) -> BibliographyAuthor

Takes the id of a Bibliography, an author name and their initials. Returns a new BibliographyAuthor object.


remove_author(author_id: int) -> bool

Takes an id and matches it against BibliographyAuthor ids in the database, returns True if the record is deleted, False otherwise.