BibliographyAuthor - applebiter/gnatwriter GitHub Wiki

The BibliographyAuthor class represents an author of a referenced work that is associated with a Story.


The attributes associated with the authors_bibliographies table in the database:

  • id: int The BibliographyAuthor ID
  • user_id: int The ID of the User who created this BibliographyAuthor in the database
  • bibliography_id: int The ID of the Bibliography reference with which this author is associated in the database
  • name: str The author's name
  • initials: str The author's initials
  • created: str The creation datetime of the database entry, stored in 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f' format

The following, complex attributes are returned by the ORM:

  • user: User The user who created this database entry. The User is associated with the users table in the database.
  • reference: Bibliography The reference attribute is lazy-loaded, and so is only accessible within the scope of the database Session where it is fetched.


serialize ( ) -> dict Only the attributes mapped to the authors_bibliographies table will be present in the returned dictionary.