temp todo - apigee/ahr GitHub Wiki

All 'proper' issues should go to the issue page. This is a highly volatile TODO list pre-"GA".

Some items here will be dealt prompt and swiftly. Some will migrate to Issues.

HACKATHON: 20200811

Goals: make it immediately useful

  • for gcp/anthos CEs.

  • for us when troubleshooting real clusters

  • for us when doing demos

  • for TSC/Anthos?? to complement Terraform


  • () NEW Walkthrough: anthos on-prem 1.4; hybrid 1.3

  • () one-cli command install (cluster-config runtime.yaml + ahr-runtime-ctl install)

  • () upgrade to 1.3 [do not edit! clone and put original into 'archive'

    • multi-region
    • private cluster
  • () add private cluster private image repo

  • (WIP: YL) ahr-sa-ctl: key expiration; key rotation

  • () ahr-runtime-ctl: reverse-engineer environment variables file

  • sizing; capacity: runtime; calculate; report (cpu/ram)

  • upgrade/illustrate Ingress walkthrough


Coming Soon:

[x] mTLS

[x] Private Cloud sequel

[ ] Automated Perf Test full e2e CI/CD setup

[ ] Ops Manual bits and pieces: reaper, sec/audit...

THEME: Code and Doc Quality 2020w19

[x] ahr user guide: usability, autocomplete

[x] UG: concepts: templating for cluster and runtime

[x] UG: add doco: ahr user guide: Idiom: use code as doco directly and with bash -x

[x] UG: Variables

[ ] REFACTOR: ahr-verify-ctl: across use cases

THEME: Verify (static and/or dynamic)

[ ] spike: collect potential use cases (trawl through the tickets and rooms

THEME: sizing

[ ] ahr runtime: sizing requested; available;

[ ] CASSANDRA_STORAGE_CAPACITY=15Gi :: Verify if node storage cap fits

THEME: backlog

[x] refactor: ahr-runtime-ctl config --> ahr-runtime-ctl org-config

[x] ahr-verify --> ahr-verify-ctl

[x] refactor: ahr-runtime-ctl config --> ahr-runtime-ctl org-config

[x] refactor /default --> $NETWORK

[x] private cluster 1/4

[ ] add 1.2; swap 1.1.x <--> 1.2

[x] add create ORG

[x] ahr-verify qualifies to ahr-verify-ctl; break down on operations;

[ ] ahr-verify-ctl apis +enable if not flag

[ ] curl -k https://localhost:8843/v1/classification/tree

[x] ahr-runtime-ctl -> wait-for-ready; rm install;

[-] dual dc --> multi-region refactor

[x] dual dc --> multi-region refactor [wiki]
[-] dual dc --> multi-region refactor [code/config files]


[x] ahr

[x] ahr/wiki


[x] dc-all as common to dc#

[ ] ahr-runtime-ctl home --> ahr-runtime-ctl env

[ ] delete cassandra storage as part of delete operation

[ ] DOCO: the goal is not to substitute kubectl, apigeectl, or gcloud. the goal is to augment their functionality.

[ ] remove other roles when deleting SAs(?)

[ ] Mac instructions

[ ] add envsubst via brew getext(?)